
  • 网络Statecraft
  1. 历史中有一切治国之道。

    In history lies all the secrets of statecraft .

  2. 这个礼仪规范包括信念、伦理、礼貌、举止、社会行为、礼仪和治国之道。

    The Li code embraced beliefs , ethics , manners , deportment , social behaviour , ceremony and statecraft .

  3. 这是治国之道吗?

    Is this any way to run a country ?

  4. 无论谁赢得了2008年的总统大选,新任总统将发现这些治国之道陈旧衰弱而又盘根错节。

    Whoever wins the presidential election of2008 will find those levers rusted , weakened or twisted .

  5. 法治与德治的正确结合,是科学的治国之道。

    The correct combination ruling by law with ruling by virtue is the scientific way to running a country .

  6. 老子思想理论体系中蕴含着深厚的人文管理思想,一直被世人誉为经世治国之道。

    The profound humanistic management thoughts in Lao-tzu philosophy thought has been emphasized by the world as the way of governing .

  7. 宗教掌管所有那些无法计量的其它事物:道德、圣礼、诗歌、精神失常、死亡以及政治和治国之道的某些残留形式。

    Religion was for everything else , the immeasurable : morals , sacraments , poetry , insanity , death and some residual forms of politics and statesmanship .

  8. 唐太宗把治国之道、用人之道和铜镜的功能联系在一起,使铜镜具有了特殊的象征意义。

    Emperor Taizong associated ways of running a state and choosing the right person with the functions of bronze mirrors thus endowing mirrors with special symbolic meanings .

  9. 他依然执行唐太宗的“治国之道”,故唐永徽年间仍有贞观遗风。

    Gaozong kept on carrying out Taizong 's " methods of managing state affairs " , so in Yonghui period , there still retained the reliquary of Zhenguan period .

  10. 这个时代的知识型社会以流动的智者为特征,这些智者被不同国家的君主任用为顾问,针对治国之道、治军之道和外交手段提出建议。

    The intellectual society of this era was characterized by itinerant intellectuals , who were usually employed by various state rulers as advisers on the methods of government , war , and diplomacy .

  11. 建国至今,我们一直摸着石子过河,探索寻求一条切实可行的治国之道。

    Since the foundation of our country , to explore and seek a practical statecraft , we have to " wade across the stream by feeling the way ", as we say in Chinese .

  12. 电网动态无功、三相不平衡和谐波综合治理的优化方案的研究如此饮食平衡之道,岂不也是治国之道。

    The Research on the Optimization Programme of Integrated Management Scheme for Electric Network Dynamic Reactive Power , Three-phase Unbalance and Harmonic Isn 't such a rule of diet balance similar to that in managing state affairs ?

  13. 他注重加强地方治理,认为治国之道应以“霸道”“王道”杂治,反对专任儒术。

    He paid great attention to improving the local administration , maintaining that the method of running country should be combined with hegemony1 s and the king * s way , and objecting to the monopoly of Confucianism .

  14. 中国和整个东亚地区的“和谐”概念与儒家学说中的治国之道和孝道是相通的,同时构成了日本和韩国等许多国家官方语言的一部分。

    The notion of " harmony " in China and across East Asia is resonant with Confucian values of good governance and filial piety and forms part of the official rhetoric in many countries , including Japan and South Korea .

  15. 叔向固守周礼,将礼作为臧否人物以及立身处世的准则,同样也被当做治国的根本之道。

    Shu Xiang clinged to the rites of Zhou Li , as comment different characters and rules of the fundamental way to get on in the world , also known as the country .