
  • 网络literary genre;literary style;literary form
  1. 第一章:成长小说,一种特殊的文学体裁。

    Chapter One : Initiation Story , a Specific Literary Genre .

  2. 园记是中国古代文学体裁中的重要一支。

    Gardening literature is an important literary genre of classical Chinese literature .

  3. 散文诗是一种特殊的文学体裁。

    Poem prose is a special literature style in the world .

  4. 小说会话是小说文学体裁中的重要组成部分。

    Fictional conversation is a dispensable element in the forms of literature .

  5. 说明小说这一文学体裁在逐渐走向成熟。

    Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties gradually became perfect .

  6. 数字化体裁扩大了文学体裁或者修辞体裁的范围,为体裁研究增添了新的课题。

    It has become a new topic for literature and rhetoric studies .

  7. 在耶利内克手中,文学体裁的樊篱消失了。

    Literary genres pale to disappearance under Jelinek 's hand .

  8. 小说是文学体裁四分法中的一大样式。

    Novel is one of the four types of literature .

  9. 不要以文学体裁写信。

    Don 't try to write in a literary style .

  10. 第一部分,巴赫金文学体裁基本理论。

    The first part is a survey of Bakhtin 's basic style theory .

  11. 诗歌是极富艺术性的文学体裁,是语言艺术的最高形式。

    Poetry is a kind of literary style possessing the strongest artistic character .

  12. 戏剧既是一种文学体裁,也是一种高雅艺术。

    It is a literary genre as well as an art of elegance .

  13. 在当代,小说早是一个重要的文学体裁。

    The novel is an important and popular literary genre throughout the world .

  14. 它不仅是一门表演艺术,同时也是一种重要的文学体裁。

    It is not only a performing arts , but also an important literature .

  15. 魏晋时期是一个文学体裁多样化的时期,而此时出现的山水诗备受学人关注,它的出现是与当时的社会文化背景分不开的。

    There were varied types of literature in the times of Wei and Jin .

  16. 寓言作为一种独特的文学体裁,是历史、智慧的沉淀。

    Fables that is a type of literature is abstract from history and wisdom .

  17. 文学体裁变奏曲&现当代法国文学的一个新视角

    Evolution of Literary Style & A New View Angle of French Modern and Contemporary Literature

  18. 小说是一种文学体裁。

    Fiction is one type of literature .

  19. 伴随着小说这一文学体裁历经着兴起、发展与高潮,中国古代海洋小说的创作也慢慢显示出它的特色。

    Chinese ancient maritime novels gradually revealed its characteristics with the development of the novels .

  20. 实验主义话语实现了对现实主义创作观念的提升,洛奇也在这一实践中丰富、发展了校园小说这一文学体裁。

    With this practice , Lodge updates both realistic fiction and campus novel as a genre .

  21. 戏剧作为独特的文学体裁深受人们的喜爱。

    Drama as a unique literary genre is greatly favored by people all over the world .

  22. 女性哥特:一种颠覆性的文学体裁

    Female Gothic : A Subversive Genre

  23. 诗歌是一种特殊的文学体裁,比散文更注重形式。

    Poetry is a special literary genre , whose form is more important than that of prose .

  24. 小说是通过塑造典型人物形象来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。

    Fiction is a literary genre that aims to reflect real life through describing typical literary images .

  25. 诗歌作为一种特殊的文学体裁,有其独特的诗学和翻译原则。

    Poetry is a special literary genre , which has its own poetic theory and translation theory .

  26. 它是通过塑造人物、叙述故事、描写环境来反映生活表达思想的一种文学体裁。

    It reflects the life and expresses the thoughts by creating characters , narrating plots and describing atmosphere .

  27. 散文作为一种文学体裁,可分成议论散文、记叙散文、抒情散文和兼类散文四种亚型。

    As a literary genre , prose falls into four categories : argumentative , narrative , lyric and encompassing .

  28. 诗歌是一种具有独特形式和内涵的文学体裁,是文学中最优美的艺术。

    Poetry , regarded as the most beautiful art in literature , has its own unique form and content .

  29. 从剧诗到单折戏&论明杂剧对文学体裁的两个贡献

    From Dramatic Poems to One-act Dramas & On the Two Contributions of Za Ju to Literary Genre in Ming Dynasty

  30. 散文,从狭义上讲,是与小说、诗歌、戏剧并列的一种文学体裁。

    In a narrow sense , prose is a literary genre which is together with novel , poetry , drama .