
  • 网络literature and revolution
  1. 第2章:文学与革命:造就别样的复调言说。

    Chapter 2 : Literature and revolution : Bringing up a different Polyphony .

  2. 文学与革命互相缠绕是二十世纪中国一个重要的文化现象。

    One of the important Cultural Phenomenones in 20 Century of China is the mingle of literature and revolution .

  3. 20世纪30年代,上海文艺界就如何建立文艺界的抗日统一战线而出现了国防文学与民族革命战争的大众文学两个口号的论争。

    In the thirties of the twenty century , on how to set up united front , a controversy about two slogan , namely " national defence literature " and " national mass literature of revolutionary war ", broke out in the literature and art circles in Shanghai .

  4. 文章主张把中野重治放到相应的历史语境中去解读,尝试从文学写作与社会革命活动的联系、诗歌表现与马克思主义的关系等方面,分析中野重治的创作给日本文学带来的重要变化。

    This paper puts forward it is necessary to analyze his books in the historical context , discusses his roles in Japan literature from the perspectives of the relationship between literature and social revolutionary activity as well as the connection between poems and Marxism .

  5. 文学研究会与初期革命文学的倡导

    The Literary Research Society and the Early Advocating of Revolutionary Literature

  6. 20世纪的中国文学多受政治与革命的制约,21世纪的文学则多与经济相纠缠。

    The 20th century Chinese literature was , to a large extent , restricted by " politics " and " revolution " , whereas in this century it will inevitably be tied together with " e-conomy " .