
  • 网络Literary Magazine
  1. 面向美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)头等舱以及商务舱乘客的文学杂志《Rhapsody》,提供了一个机制,帮助将高净值人群财富转化为给严肃作家的报酬。

    Rhapsody , the literary magazine for United Airlines " first-class and business passengers , is a mechanism for converting HNWI wealth into fees for serious writers .

  2. 李后来上了当地女子循道公会学校亨廷登学院(HuntingdonCollege),她偶尔给学校报纸投稿,还在学校的文学杂志上发表过两篇虚构短文。

    Lee attended Huntingdon College , a local Methodist school for women , where she contributed occasional articles to the campus newspaper and two fictional vignettes to the college 's literary magazine .

  3. 这本书在文学杂志上得到好评。

    The book was favourably noticed in literary magazines .

  4. 跟我面谈的是某家著名文学杂志的一位编辑。

    It was with an editor at a famous literary magazine .

  5. 它是该地区的惟一的一正文学杂志。

    It is the only literary magazine in the area .

  6. 这位教授经常向一家文学杂志投稿。

    The professor often contributes articles to a literary journal .

  7. 在学校的文学杂志上刊登了五次

    Published five times in the school 's literary magazine --

  8. 也为校文学杂志写短篇故事和诗歌。

    And I write short stories and poetry for our school literary magazine .

  9. 他甚至开始为文学杂志工作。

    He even started working for the literary magazine .

  10. 遗憾的是文学杂志减少了。

    It is a regret that the number of literature magazines has declined .

  11. 创办文学杂志登载小说;

    It founded literary magazines which carried fiction .

  12. 《礼拜六》是创办于民国初期的一份通俗文学杂志。

    " Saturday " is a popular literature magazine of Republic of China initial period .

  13. 除了你在写诗歌和短故事的时候,在新学派文学杂志里。

    Except when you are writing poems and short stories in the New School literary magazine .

  14. 文学杂志的传播与文学生产同源同质。

    The spread of literature magazine and the literature production have the same origin and essence .

  15. 文学杂志《格兰塔》公布了十年一次评选出的英国最具潜力作家20人的名单,入围作家要求40岁以下。

    The literary magazine has revealed its once-a-decade list of the 20 most promising British writers under 40 .

  16. 首先,简述了纯文学杂志&《创造》季刊创办的契机。

    First of all , this paper describesthe " pure " magazine , Create quarterly founded the opportunity .

  17. 作为民初重要的文学杂志,改革前的《小说月报》在中国文学由传统向现代的转型中起了十分重要的作用。

    The Short Story Magazine before being reformed played an important role in the transformation of Chinese literature from traditional to modern .

  18. 《小王子》在中国有70多个译本,1979年首次刊登于世界文学杂志。

    China has more than 70 translated versions of the novella , with the first published in World Literature magazine in 1979 .

  19. 以《最小说》为代表的青春文学杂志在进入市场之后,带来了文学市场的繁荣。

    After Most Novel as the sign of Youth literary , enters into the market , which brings the prosperity into the literary market .

  20. 本人的采访及写作经验包括担任校报编辑,负责一本文学杂志的编校工作以及曾在武汉晚报实习。

    My writing and reporting experience includes being senior editor of the campus newspaper , editing a literary magazine and internship with Wuhan Evening .

  21. 同时他担任《学衡》文学杂志的主编,宣传白璧德和莫尔的新人文主义思想。

    In the meantime he was editor of a literary journal Shue Heng ( The Criterion ) in which he propagated Babbitt 's and Morels ideas of New Humanism .

  22. 他的散文,诗歌和短篇小说已经在美国的很多文学杂志上发表,而且他已经在加州教授具有创造能力的写作班级和工作室。

    His prose , poetry and short fiction have appeared in numerous literary journals in the United States and he has taught creative writing classes and workshops in California .

  23. 韩的最新计划是文学杂志,剩下无名后由韩政府拒绝拟议的标题,文艺复兴时期的艺术和文学。

    Han 's latest project is a literary magazine that remains nameless following a rejection by the government of Han 's proposed title , Renaissance of Art and Literature .

  24. 不仅文学杂志(特别是专业小说杂志)刊载小说,日报和其他类型的报纸也发表小说。

    At that time , not only the literature magazines , especially the professional novel magazine , but also the daily newspapers and other kinds of newspapers published novels .

  25. 90年代对于中国的文学杂志来说,从计划经济的温室中走向市场经济体系,在文学市场中的重新定位是它们面临的共同问题,许多的文学杂志就已经消失在这条自我寻找的道路上。

    To relocate in literature market is the common problem that they are facing . Many literature magazines have disappeared in the way to find their own location in this age .

  26. 28岁的职业拉力赛车手,最热销的作家,歌手,文学杂志创办人,中国(或许世界上)最受欢迎的博客写作者。

    The28-year-old Chinese professional rally driver , bestselling author , singer , creator of a literary magazine and China 's most popular blogger – indeed , possibly the most popular blogger in the world .

  27. 浪漫性是台湾现代派小说中被人忽视的一个精神向度,它体现在《文学杂志》和《现代文学》的文学观念中,更体现在王尚义、七等生等人的小说创作中。

    Secondly , we hold that romanticism is a spiritual realm in the novels of Taiwan modernist school often ignored , which do embody in the literary ideas of Literature Magazine and Modern Literature .

  28. 他们更有可能在兼营网络业务,或在外国做过志愿者工作,或在业余时间创办了文学杂志。

    They are more likely to have a web business on the side , or to have done volunteer work in a foreign country , or to have started a literary magazine in their spare time .

  29. 他选择了《文学杂志》作为后期京派文艺阵地的实践途径,同时又以《诗论》作为中西合璧的实践途径。

    He has chosen literature magazine as the practice field of the literature and art position , and regard theory of the poem as the practice way that the chinese-foreign matches well again at the same time .

  30. 四十年代以《文学杂志》、《希望》(及《泥土》、《呼吸》)、《华北文艺》和《文艺先锋》等为代表的各种文学力量构成多元共存的文学空间。

    In the 1940s , various literary journals , such as " literary magazine " " hope " ( and " earth ", " breathing "), " North Art " and " cultural pioneers " constituted the coexistence of literary space .