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wén gào
  • proclamation;message;statement;proclamation written message
文告 [wén gào]
  • [statement;proclamation written message] 布告;通告

  • 不久将发表新的文告

文告[wén gào]
  1. 沙米利批准文告,并签署命令,应派遣到全国各地。

    Shamil approved the proclamation , signed it and decreed that it should be dispatched to all parts .

  2. 然后在1966年总统约翰逊签署了一项总统文告,宣布第三周日的6月,作为父亲节。

    Then in1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the3rd Sunday of June as Father 's Day .

  3. 总统签署了退位的文告。

    The president signed the instrument of abdication .

  4. 越多的电子图书、产品说明、公司文告、网络资料、电子邮件开始使用PDF格式文件。

    The more e-books , product descriptions , the company statement , the network information , e-mail to start using PDF format .

  5. SPS措施,包括与检验有关的SPS措施,已在外经贸部《文告》等出版物上公布。

    SPS measures , including those relating to inspection , had been published in publications such as the MOFTEC Gazette .

  6. 朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马。榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。

    After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou , three heroes surfaced .

  7. 请点击这里查看所有文告通知!

    Click here to view all notice !

  8. 第一种范畴包括各类法律文告。

    The first category consists of adjudications .

  9. 第一步是在《联邦记录簿》中发布文告,阐述提出的规则。

    The first step is the publication of a notice in the Federal Register describing the proposed rule .

  10. 要有礼;要按外交辞令写;即使在宣战文告里,依然是要遵循礼节的。

    Be polite ; write diplomatically ; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness .

  11. 在该案中,法院认为,对于非文告性行政决议的复审准则是“武断而多变”检验。

    In that case , the court held that the standard of review for non-adjudicative administrative decisions was the " arbitrary and capricious " test .

  12. 我走进去,发现少校坐在一张桌子上,房间孓然无物,墙上挂着地图和打字机打出来的文告。

    I went in and found the major sitting at a table in the bare room with maps and typed sheets of paper on the wall .

  13. 高校人才招聘启事是现代应用文告示类中一种新颖的文种,是高校引进人才的最常用的最好形式。

    Writing the notice of institution faulty recruitment is a new form of applied text , which is the best type used most often in institution recruitment .

  14. 作为一种独立的文体,政论文大体可以分为两类:官方文告和政论作品。

    As an independent style , the political writings can be put into two categories : one is official document , the other type is called political essay .

  15. 结合当时的社会背景解读相关文告,旨在揭示当时英国政治、经济和社会发展的某些特点。

    This paper attempts to reveal the features of British political , economic and social development , in light with illustrations of the relevant proclamations and the then social background .

  16. 至于拒绝先行停战,这是服从蒋总统元旦文告而采取的正确的态度。

    As for " refusing to cease hostilities as a first step ", this is a correct attitude adopted in obedience to President Chiang 's New Year 's Day message .

  17. 为了向他们表明他的决定是不可改变的,他叫了一位秘书来,当着他们的面,口授了一份文告,要电台马上广播出去。

    And to show them that it was irrevocable , he called for a secretary and in their presence dictated an announcement that was to be read immediately over the radio .

  18. 国家发展部在1月14日发出文告,表示乌敏岛长期不填土,仄爪哇湾将保留现状后,作者写了这封信,向国家发展部长马宝山致谢。

    After the National Development Ministry announced that reclamation would be put off to preserve Chek Jawa , he wrote a letter to thank National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan for the decision .

  19. 327.中国代表指出,关于进出口管理的信息将在《国际商报》和《外经贸部文告》上公布。

    327 . The representative of China noted that information concerning the administration of imports and exports would be published in the " International Business " newspaper and the " MOFTEC Gazette " .

  20. 第五部分是本论文的核心部分,利用理论工具对商务信函、商务广告和商务官方文告这三种英语商务文本的语言功能和翻译策略进行细致分析和深入研究。

    Chapter five is the main part of present study , which launches a thorough analysis and discussion of language functions and translation strategies of business correspondences , advertisements and authoritative statements specifically .

  21. 前项第一款所称公文,包括公务员于职务上草拟之文告、讲稿、新闻稿及其它文书。

    The term " official documents " in the first subparagraph of the preceding paragraph includes proclamations , text of speeches , news releases , and other documents prepared by civil servants in the course of carrying out their duties .

  22. 与其他文本相比,商务文本有自己的鲜明特征:体裁繁多,包括商务信函、广告、报告、说明书、协议或合同、官方文告、单据与表格等;每种体裁又有不同文体风格。

    Compared with other texts , features of business text are distinct . It embraces various text types including business correspondences , advertisements , reports , instructions , agreements or contracts , authoritative statements , bills and forms , etc. In addition , different text type has different styles .