
wén huà xué
  • culturology
  1. 文化学视野中的七十年代后小说

    " Post - Seventies " Fiction from the Perspective of Culturology

  2. 他从史学与文化学两个角度对中国传统政治非专制的观点进行了阐发与解释。

    He illustrated his viewpoint from the perspective of historiography and culturology .

  3. 生态文化学与30年代小说主题研究

    A Theme-study of 1930s ' Novels under the Ology of Eco-Culture

  4. 一些学者在对瘴气的研究中使用了文化学和心理学的方法。

    Cultural and psychological methods have introduced into the research of miasma .

  5. 中国公文的汉字文化学意蕴

    On Connotation of Cultural Science of Chinese Character in Chinese Official Document

  6. 文化学视野中的校报传媒品质

    The Quality of University Newspapers as Media from the Perspective of Cultural Studies

  7. 新课程改革中的文化学研究

    Research on the Culturology of the New Curriculum Reform

  8. 古典性特征与文化学方法&关于中国古典文学研究方法的思考

    The characteristics of the classics and the approach to the science of culture

  9. 现代中国舞龙运动的社会文化学研究

    Social Cultural Research on Modern Chinese Dragon Dance Sport

  10. 中国传统文化学的学术创新传统中国的意义

    The Academic Innovation of Chinese Traditional Culturology " Traditional China Studies " Discussions

  11. 试论民族语言的文化学意义

    A Preliminary research on the culture studies ' meaning of the national language

  12. 汉语性是内在于汉语文学批评的文化学概念。

    The nature of Chinese language is a cultural concept in Chinese literary criticism .

  13. 从文化学视角对武术理论体系的再认识

    Analysis and Recognition of the Theoretical System of Martial Art from the Cultural View

  14. 文化学的文化批评模式探讨

    On Cultural Criticism Mode of Science of Culture

  15. 运用体育学、文化学的理论综合研究先进体育文化。

    This paper studies the sport culture with the science of sports and culture .

  16. 因此,本研究结果对于文化学和人类学的研究具有一定的启发意义。

    The findings of the present research have some implications to culturology and ethnography .

  17. 论语言的力&语言的哲学、文化学与语用学本质

    On the Power of Language in a View of Language Philosophy , Cultural Studies

  18. 中国知识分子语源学与文化学考察

    Research on Chinese Intellectual of Etymology and Culturology

  19. 地域文化学的若干问题研究

    The Study on Some Problems of Regional Culturology

  20. 开展信息文化学研究

    Developing the Research on Information Cultural Science

  21. 谈武术与原始格斗技能的分野&兼论东西方格斗项目的文化学差异

    On Division of Wushu and Primitive wrestling

  22. 从文化学视点看颜色词的辅助附加转义

    On the Cultural Connotation of Color Words

  23. 传统武术礼仪教育的文化学思考

    Cultural Thoughts about Traditional Wushu Etiquette Education

  24. 研究中国文章的方法应该是人文主义原则和文化学的方法。

    The measure to study the Chinese writings should be the humanism and the culture-ology .

  25. 汉字文化学是汉字学的一个分支。

    The Chinese character culture is a branch of the study of the Chinese character .

  26. 快感的诞生&对“戏说经典”现象的文化学分析

    The birth of delight & cultural analysis of the " teasingly speaking classical works "

  27. 遥聆八股声如雷&八股文的文化学背景与文体学内涵

    Hearing the Eight-Part Essay Thundering Afar & Cultural Background and Stylistic Connotation of the Eight-Part Essay

  28. 文化学的可能形态

    The Possible Configuration of Cultural Studies

  29. 民族共有精神家园建设问题的文化学探析

    How to Build a Common Spiritual Homeland for All Nationalities : a Perspective of Culture Study

  30. 试论医学文化学的研究范畴

    The Research Category of Medical Culture