
  • 网络mathematics
  1. 作战指数与火力分配统一处理的方法和意义&兼论数理战术学

    The Methods and its Significance in Treating Fire Indexes and Fire Assignments in a United Way

  2. 美式期权的定价问题是当今数理金融学的重要研究课题之一。

    The pricing problem of the American option is currently regarded as one of the hot spot in Finance .

  3. 行为金融学是十九世纪五十年代以来发展的一门新兴学科,是一门心理学和决策科学与古典经济学、金融学相结和的交叉学科,行为金融学的基本观点与传统的数理金融学相反。

    Behavioral finance is a new interdisciplinary subject developed in 1950 ', which combines the studies in psychology , science of decision-making , classic economics and finance .

  4. 基于市场价值的信用风险度量模型应用现代数理金融学理论,依托强大的数据库能够比较准确,科学的评价企业信用风险。

    The credit risks models based on market value use the complicated mathematics method and the database , so it can measure enterprise 's credit risks accurately and scientific .

  5. 资产定价第一基本定理是数理金融学中的两大基本定理之一,它主要是描述市场的两大性质之一:市场公平性。

    The first fundamental theorem of asset pricing is the one of two most fundamental theorems in mathematical finance . It mainly describes the fairness of a market which is one of the two most important properties of the market .

  6. 传统的数理金融学认为投资者是理性的,市场是有效的。而行为金融学认为投资者并不是完全理性的,市场并非是有效的。

    The basic ideas of behavioral finance is on the opposite of that of mathematical finance : traditional mathematical finance held the viewpoint that investors were rational and market was effective ; however , behavioral finance takes the idea that investors are irrational and market is ineffective .

  7. 要学政治、学军事、学技术,还要学点数理化,学点工农业知识,学点外语。在军事上他的渊博知识和工作能力大家是承认的。

    In addition to studying politics , technical skills and military affairs , they should receive some instruction in mathematics , physics , chemistry , industry , agriculture and foreign languages . In military matters his thorough knowledge and competence were recognized .

  8. 指出中医研究的三个重要趋势,即从线性的简单系统走向开放的复杂巨系统,将非线性复杂科学、信息科学和前沿的数理科学与中医学交叉、渗透、融合;

    Three important trends in TCM investigation is pointed out .

  9. 它是一个新的交叉领域,涵盖了数学、数理经济学、运筹学和管理科学。

    It is a new cross-subject that covers mathematics , operational research economics as well as management science .

  10. 梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析“古学复兴”与梁启超的清代学术史研究

    A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty ; Classical Literature Renaissance and Liang Qichao 's Academic History

  11. 有限几何的理论与方法在数理统计、运筹学、信息论和计算机科学中都有着重要的地位。

    The theories and methods of finite geometries play an important role in mathematical statistics , operations research , information theory and computer science .

  12. 可靠性数学是可靠性的基础理论之一,已发展成为应用概率、应用数理统计和运筹学的一个边缘分支学科。

    The reliability mathematics is one of the fundamental reliability theory , and has turned into the boundary embranchment science of applied probability , of applied mathematical statistics and of operational research .

  13. 第五章研究分析了设备工程目标的特性及设计评价原则、流程,提出了设备工程目标控制的原理及基于数理统计、运筹学的一般数学模型。

    The fifth chapter has researched and analyzed the plant engineering goal characteristic and the design appraisal principle , the flow , proposed the general mathematical model of the plant engineering goal control principle based on the mathematical statistic and the operations research .

  14. 投资组合理论的产生使得数理化方法真正进入到投资领域,使得数理金融学作为金融学的一个独立的分支迅速发展起来。

    The emergence of portfolio theory really makes mathematical methods enter the investment field . Thus , mathematical finance as an independent branch of the finance theory develops quickly .