
  • Data Statistics;STATS
  1. 对于分数B样条小波分解后的图像,从数据统计特性和分布的角度,分析了取不同α值时系数的变化规律。

    We analyze the statistics characteristics and distributions of fractional B-spline wavelet coefficients of images , for different values of a .

  2. 管理模块软件设计采用嵌入式Linux操作系统,完成数据统计、分析、存储、通讯、显示、触摸屏的操作等多种功能。

    The embedded Linux operating system is also applied to complete statistics , analysis , storage , communications , display , touching screen operation .

  3. 通过数据统计我们发现,三项指标的统计学计算结果中P值均0,05,说明三者治疗前后均没有统计学意义。

    Through statistics we found , three indexes in the statistical results are P 0,05 , are not statistically significant after treatment .

  4. 研究通过EXCEL数据统计软件对回收的904份有效数据进行分析。

    Research by EXCEL statistical software recovery the 904 valid data for analysis .

  5. SAS软件在临床检验实验数据统计分析上应用技巧的研究

    Application of the SAS in the statistical analysis of clinical laboratory data

  6. 本文采用发展过程纵向对比法与GIS技术相结合的分析方法,既能在数据统计上反映土地利用现状的变化情况,也可以在空间上反映土地利用变化的空间位置变化。

    In this paper , process longitudinal comparison method , in conjunction with GIS technology , was used to explain the temporal and spatial variation of land-use .

  7. 由于GPS技术具有实时、准确的定位功能,已在各行业得到了广泛的运用;GIS技术具有较强的空间数据统计、分析功能,已受到各个不同领域的青睐。

    As the GPS technology with real-time accurate positioning functions it has been widely used in all sectors ; GIS technology has strong statistical and analysis functions for spatial data , it has been popular in various fields .

  8. 作为其中的重要一环,本文介绍了农作物区域试验数据统计分析的网络实现,特别是ASP组件的开发和应用UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)进行组件设计。

    Because statistical analysis for the trial data is an important component of the system , this paper is mainly focused on the development of the statistical functions with ASP components and component design with UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) .

  9. 本研究的不足之处在于RA患者病例数较少,数据统计分析可能会有偏差,不足之处有待于在下一步研究中进一步完善。

    The inadequacies of this study is that a small number of cases of patients with RA , the statistical analysis of data may be biased inadequacies need to be further research to further improve .

  10. 通过对108位中国学生进行语法判断测试,并借助SPSS软件进行数据统计和分析,本文在生成语法框架下考察和分析了他们英语句法中零主语和零宾语的分布情况。

    Within the framework of generative grammar , this paper examines and analyzes the distribution of null subjects and null objects by conducting a grammaticality judgement test to 108 Chinese learners of English and making statistical analysis based on SPSS software .

  11. 通过实验前后的实验室数据统计分析,和阳汤能降低患者空腹、餐后2h血糖(PBG)和糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)。

    Through the experimental around laboratory data statistical analysis , can reduce the patient empty stomach after the positive soup , meal the 2h blood sugar ( PBG ) and the saccharification hemoglobin ( HbAlc ) .

  12. 用均数±标准差表示计量资料,数据统计分析用SPSS17.0软件进行,组与组之间比较采用重复测量的方差分析及单变量的方差分析,两两比较采用SNK方法。

    Measuring material expressed with mean differences ± standard deviation , use SPSS 17 . O software to statistics and analysis for data . Compares between Group and group use repetitive measure the variance analysis and single variable variance analysis . Compares of the one and one use SNK method .

  13. 高压电压互感器的可靠性数据统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Reliability Data of High Voltage Potential Transformers

  14. 第17届韩、日世界杯进攻数据统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Goal Dates At 17th World Football Cup

  15. 基于分组方法的软件可靠性极值数据统计分析

    Statistics of the Extremes of Software Reliability based on Grouped Data

  16. 中国大陆科学钻探工程钻井数据统计查询系统

    Drilling Data Statistic and Inquiry System of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Engineering

  17. 三同时验收监测的数据统计处理

    Statistical Treatment of " Three Simultaneousness " Check and Monitoring

  18. 数据统计跟用户调研是相辅相成的,缺一不可。

    Data statistics and customers'survey are complementary and indespensable .

  19. 电池单体质量测量数据统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Mass Measuring Data of Dry Cells

  20. 单片机控制系统在加工数据统计分析中的应用

    Application of PC control system to the statistical analysis of date in machining

  21. 第五章对杭州市社会福利中心的调查结果进行数据统计分析。

    Chapter 5 statistics analyzed the inquisition outcome to Hangzhou social welfare central .

  22. 评价结果数据统计计算比较简单,易操作。

    The statistical calculation for results is relatively simple and easy to operate .

  23. 江西省区域岩矿石物性数据统计特征

    Statistical characteristics of regional physical data of rocks and minerals from Jiangxi Province

  24. 课堂教学质量抽样数据统计及分析

    The Statistical Analysis on Samples of Classroom Teaching Quality

  25. 分析了测量数据统计特征及数据处理的理论基础;

    The statistical characteristic of data and the foundation of data processing are analyzed .

  26. 计算器在试验数据统计分析中的应用

    Application of Calculator to Data Statistics and Analysis

  27. 通过实验数据统计给出实验仪器新的精度表达式。

    Presentation of new precision ex-pression for the experimental instruments by experimental data statistics .

  28. 首先对回收的调查问卷进行数据统计,并清晰说明。

    Based on questionnaires and statistical data , it can give a clear explanation .

  29. 环境监督监测的数据统计处理

    Statistical Processing on Environmental Inspection Monitoring Data

  30. 针对学员特点,改进《动态数据统计处理》课程教学

    Improve the Teaching of Dynamic Data Statistic Processing in Light of the Students ' Characteristics