
  • 网络Digital Marketing
  1. 数字营销公司ZetaInteractive通过研究折扣零售网站流量和博客发贴量,发现此类网站的业务在明显升温。

    The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings surrounding discount retail sites .

  2. 汽车数字营销包括网络广告、营销网站、搜索引擎营销、Email营销、无线营销、博客、社会性网络等形式。

    The application of Digital Marketing in auto industry includes Internet advertising , marketing websites , search engine marketing , Email marketing , wireless marketing , blog , social networking and other forms .

  3. 曼纳•伊奥尼斯古经营着芝加哥一家数字营销公司LightspanDigital。

    Mana Ionescu runs lightspan digital , a Chicago-based digital marketing company .

  4. Adobe的高管们表示,公司将把更多精力放在发展数字营销业务上。

    Adobe ( ADBE ) , executives said , would focus more on growing its Digital-marketing business .

  5. 据数字营销咨询公司eMarketer统计,2012年服装及相关配件在线销售额总计达到409亿美元。

    Online apparel and accessory sales totaled $ 40.9 billion in 2012 , according to emarketer .

  6. 本文作者迈克尔·施恩是迈克尔o施恩通信公司创始人兼负责人。这家数字营销公司已经为包括eBay、LinkedIn和Avectra等公司创造了许多营销内容。

    Michael Schein is the founder and principal of Michael Schein Communications , a digital marketing firm that has created or facilitated content creation for companies including eBay , LinkedIn , Avectra .

  7. 我们请数字营销公司ZetaInteractive进行了一项研究,来确定2009年网上声誉最佳的奢侈时装品牌。今年可是时装行业数十年来最艰难的年份之一。

    We asked Zeta Interactive , a digital marketing agency , to conduct a study determining which luxury fashion brands earned the best online reputation in 2009 , one of the toughest years for the fashion business in decades .

  8. 电子商务公司唯品会(vipshop.com)和数字营销公司acquity的股价已回升至其ipo价格之上,但自今年4月以来鲜有上涨。

    Vipshop , the ecommerce business , and acquity , a digital marketing company , rose above their IPO prices but little has followed since April .

  9. 24岁的马哈纳在Twitter上说,在办公室里,她觉得自己像是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)里冰冷的“白鬼”(WhiteWalker)。还说在她所在的数字营销机构里,一名女性同事也穿上了毛衣。

    Ms. Mahannah , 24 , who wrote on Twitter that at work she felt like an icy White Walker from " Game of Thrones , " said a female co-worker at her digital marketing agency cloaked herself in sweaters , too .

  10. 比如说,HubSpot(一家数字营销公司)调查显示,Instagram上最受欢迎表情是“红心”,使用次数比其他任何表情高出79%。

    For example , the most commonly used character on Instagram is the ' red heart ' , which is shared 79 percent more than any other emoji , reported HubSpot .

  11. 周日,广州市市场咨询艾媒网首席执行官张毅表示,Papi酱拥有700万微博粉丝,投资资金将主要用于数字营销。

    The investment may mainly focus on digital marketing , as Papi Jiang has 7 million fans on China 's popular micro-blogging site Weibo , Zhang Yi , CEO of Guangzhou-based market consultancy iiMedia Research , told the Global Times on Sunday .

  12. 如今,数字营销对于整体营销策略来说显得越发重要。

    Nowadays digital marketing is becoming ever more important to marketing strategy .

  13. 据悉,该公司招聘的是数字营销一职。

    The job would be working in digital marketing .

  14. 数字营销主要是由数据驱动的,而且其大部分活动都有很强的可追踪性。

    Digital marketing is very data-driven and most of the activity is highly traceable .

  15. 数字营销管理系统是实现数字营销的决策工具和系统支撑。

    Digital marketing management system is a digital marketing decision-making tool to support the Digital Marketing strategies .

  16. 数字营销者的队伍越来越庞大,网络销售也越来越红火(见图表)。

    The number of digital marketers is increasing and online sales are booming ( see chart ) .

  17. 然而,作为数字营销从业人员,我们仍然需要对某些领域进行开拓发展,以便提高总体效率。

    However there are still areas we as a digital marketer need to develop to improve the overall effectiveness .

  18. 现在他为之工作的一家数字营销公司就是在社交媒体上看到他的广告牌之后联系他的。

    Now he works at a digital marketing company that contacted him after seeing his billboard via social media .

  19. 汽车行业的激烈竞争促使汽车企业由传统营销方式转向数字营销。

    The intense competition of auto industry is forcing auto companies turn from the traditional methods of marketing to digital marketing .

  20. 汽车行业应用数字营销尽管取得了很多成效,但还存在方方面面的问题。

    In spite of a lot of results in the application of Digital Marketing in auto industry , there are still aspects of the problem .

  21. 这种增长表明,“广告客户正从数字营销中获得强劲的业绩回报,”互动广告局首席执行官兰德尔·罗森伯格在一份声明中说。

    Such growth points to " the strong results that marketers are receiving from digital marketing , " IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg said in a statement .

  22. 相关投资帮助该集团去年的数字营销收入达到4570万英镑,增长率达到16%,但这还是不足以抵消营业亏损。

    The investments helped to fuel a 16pc increase in digital revenues to £ 45.7m last year , but this was not enough to balance GNM 's operating losses .

  23. 英国的博柏利正聚焦于数字营销并转向门店以外,将香港零售员工的数量减少25%。

    The UK 's Burberry is focusing on digital marketing and shifting away from stores , cutting the number of retail staff in Hong Kong by 25 per cent .

  24. 这种情况经常发生——真的,任何时候,只要她迈入一家丝芙兰店几英尺,这一幕就会出现。而作为这家美容用品商场的数字营销副总裁,她当然是这里的常客。

    This happens a lot - anytime she passes within a few feet of a Sephora store , really , which in her role as the beauty emporium 's vice president of digital marketing is often .

  25. 专业数字营销机构数位清晰本周二公布了一份对1300名25岁以下英国移动互联网用户的调查,结果发现,大多数用户在观看节目期间使用移动设备与好友进行交流。

    Specialist digital marketing agency Digital Clarity on Tuesday published a survey of 1,300 British mobile internet users below the age of 25 which showed that most use a mobile device to talk to friends about the show they are watching .

  26. 数字营销是以互联网、手机和其他互动渠道为基础,利用数字化的信息和数字媒体的交互性来辅助营销目标实现的一种新型的市场营销方式的统称。

    Digital Marketing is a general designation of the new way of marketing methods that based on the Internet , mobile phones and other interactive channels , utilizing the digital information and the interactive ability of digital media to achieve the marketing goals .

  27. 因此必须系统制定数字营销策略,指导汽车行业数字营销的开展,本文讨论了销售引导策略、客户关系管理策略、品牌建设策略、营销过程及绩效指标量化策略及持续改进策略。

    It is necessary to systematically develop digital marketing strategies to guide the auto industry to carry out digital marketing . This paper discusses sales lead strategy , customer relationship management strategy , brand building strategy , performance indicators strategy and continuous improvement strategy to quantify strategies .

  28. Digital-influencemarketing(数字影响力营销)的重要性将大幅上升。

    The importance of digital-influencer marketing will increase significantly .

  29. 数字市场营销咨询公司iCrossing的DougBryan解释称,时下大多数“个性化价格”软件可以使用自身收集的数据对网络卖家从其他在线数据汇总企业的数据进行校验。

    Doug Bryan of iCrossing , a digital-marketing consultancy , explains that the most up-to-date " price customisation " software can collate such clues with profiles of individual shoppers that internet sellers buy from online-data-aggregation firms .

  30. 中国厂商数字文化营销策略分析

    The Analysis of the Figure Culture of the Chinese Producers