
  1. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)终于迈出了进军数字教育领域的第一步。这所著名的商学院上周五宣布,准备面向文科专业本科生和应届毕业生推出一个收费1500美元、包含3门基础商业课程的在线项目。

    Harvard Business School on Friday made its first move into the digital educational realm with a $ 1500 online program of three fundamental business courses for undergraduates and recent graduates of liberal arts programs .

  2. 基于数字教育公共服务平台的学习模式研究

    Research on Learning Mode Based on Public Service Platform for Lifelong Education

  3. 上海数字教育公共服务平台在这样的背景下应运而生。

    Under such background Shanghai public service platform for lifelong education came into being .

  4. 未来管理者的职责之一是确保员工有机会获得这种基础数字教育。

    One responsibility of future managers is to ensure that this ground-level digital education is made available .

  5. 但大约15个月前,一小群教师和管理人员开始不事张扬地讨论哈佛商学院应该如何应对这波数字教育浪潮。

    But a small group of faculty and administrators quietly began informal discussions on what HBS should do with digital education some 15 months ago .

  6. 政府还在一个国家经营的数字教育平台上,发布了5000则教学视频,内容涉及中国历史、生物等。

    The government also unveiled a database of 5000 lecture videos , covering topics like Chinese history and biology , on a state-run digital education platform .

  7. 目前,清华同方在计算机产品、重大行业信息化、数字教育资源、数字电视等领域已具有国内领先的技术实力和市场份额。

    Today , Tsinghua Tongfang has advanced domestic technical capacity and a leading domestic market share in the areas such as computer product , informationization in important industries , educational resources , and digital television .

  8. 然而,我国开展数字教育所面临的问题却日益突出,其中最主要的是数字资源建设问题,其表现为资源的孤立凌乱单一、共享程度比较低以及推送服务没有开展起来。

    However , the problems of conducting digital education is increasingly prominent , foremost of which is building digital resources , such as single resource in isolated messy , shared at relatively low level , and not started push service .

  9. 数字时代教育媒体的教育传播互补机制研究

    Research On Complementary Communicational Mechanism For Educational Media In Digital Era

  10. 构建数字时代教育技术培训环境

    To Construct Educational Technology Training Environment in the Digital Age

  11. 数字校园教育信息资源配置研究

    Research on the Digital Educational Information Resource Distribution of Campus

  12. 现在,中国是世界最大的数字英语教育产品市场。

    China is now the worlds largest market for digital English language learning products .

  13. 因此网络教学资源的建设成为许多高校数字校园教育资源建设中的一项重要的基础工作。

    Therefore , the development of the web-based educational resources becomes the most important and fundamental task to apply information and communication technologies in HE institutes .

  14. 个人数字图书馆教育在网络信息环境下成为信息用户培训的一项重要内容是必要的,也是可行的。

    It is necessary and feasible that the education of the individual digital library becomes one of the important contents of the training of the information clients under the network environment .

  15. 来自UCAS的TonyHiggins说,这些统计数字对高等教育中的每个人都是好消息。

    Tony Higgins from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyone in higher education .

  16. CSCW在数字图书馆用户教育中的应用初探

    Application of CSCW to the Users Education in Digital Library

  17. DV数字技术与教育电视数字平台构建

    Digital Platform Construction of DV Digital Technology and Educational TV

  18. 谈医学图书馆数字资源利用教育课程的设计

    Design of the course of medical library digital resources utilization education

  19. 数字校园;教育信息流;教育信息生态系统。

    Digital campus ; Education information flow ; Education information ecosystem .

  20. 传统艺术设计教育如何向数字艺术设计教育转型的分析

    Analysis about how Traditional Art Design Education transform to Digital Art Design Education

  21. 数字广播远程教育系统的客户端软件设计方案

    The Project for a New Client Software about Remote Teaching Based on Data Broadcast

  22. 数字时代的教育出版

    Educational Publishing in the Digital Era

  23. 数字技术对教育的挑战

    The arithmetic figure technique challenge educationally

  24. 而无论是过去的传统纸本还是未来的数字媒介,教育出版将始终是支撑我国书业的利润支柱。

    However , for traditional paper media or future digital media , textbook is always a major source of profit for publishing industry .

  25. 然而,技术的系统性并不意味着教育体系的系统性,数字印刷专业教育体系的建立任重而道远。

    But there are long way to go to establish the education system of digital printing because systematism in technology does not mean systematism in education programs .

  26. 数字技术给教育带来的深刻变革,使教育思想、观念、模式、方法、手段等发生了质的飞跃。

    The profound reform brought to education by the digital technology has made the educational ideas , concepts , models , methods and means a qualitative leap forward .

  27. 因此,传统艺术设计教育如何向数字艺术设计教育转型是当前设计教学改革的一个核心问题。

    By considering the characters of this new field , the transformation and evolution of art design teaching method seems to be the core project which worth to be discussed .

  28. 当然,欧洲各国政府和欧盟(eu)可以动用其采购力以及在设定标准方面的影响力,确保在卫生保健、数字科技、公共教育和能源网络方面,用户驱动的创新基础能够与专有厂商抗衡。

    Certainly , national governments and the European Union could use their procurement power and standards-setting influence to ensure that in healthcare , digital technologies , public education and energy networks , user-driven innovation infrastructures are granted parity with proprietary vendors .

  29. 浅析数字电视技术在教育中的应用

    The Application of the Digital TV Technology in the Education

  30. 数字图书馆:远程教育服务新模式

    Digital Library : The New Model of Distance Education Service