
  • 网络international relations
  1. 我是哈佛大学国际关系专业毕业的。

    I graduated from Harvard University majoring in International Relations .

  2. 这些都使我深深的确信自己一定要继续学习国际关系专业获得研究生学位。

    The desire to incorporate all of my academic interests has convinced me to pursue a graduate degree in international relations .

  3. 最终,她选择与德里克o斯塔恩合作。斯塔恩获得了斯坦福大学国际关系专业文学学士学位,并拥有手机操作系统开发的专业知识,以及为风投工作的经验。

    Ultimately , she joined forces with Derrick Staten , who received a BA in International Relations from Stanford , but has expertise in mobile operating systems and experience in venture capital .

  4. 但实际上,这位曼彻斯特大学国际关系专业硕士在做了三年的低薪培训生后,才于今年5月在游说团体——欧洲国际行动组织谋得一份长期工作。

    But it took another three years of low-paid traineeships until the master 's degree graduate in international relations from Manchester University was offered a permanent job at the European Movement International , a lobby group , in May .

  5. 本所自成立以来,即致力于拉丁美洲区域之研究与教学工作,成为台湾地区培育拉丁美洲经贸、国际关系等专业人才的主要学术机构。

    The Institute is devoted to the training of well-prepared people for the country and plays an important role in promoting Taiwan 's research on Latin American affairs .