
  • 网络Pisa;Programme for International Student Assessment
  1. 越南的学生在国际学生评估项目的数学、科学和阅读领域表现都不俗。他们在数学领域排名17,在科学领域排名第8,比英国(这两项分别排名26和20)和美国(分别排名36和28)都出色。

    Vietnam does very well in the international PISA tables that compare 15-year-olds ' performance in maths , science and reading . Vietnam ranks 17 in maths and 8 in science , which outperforms many Western countries like the UK ( 26 and 20 ) and US ( 36 and 28 ) .

  2. 自国际学生评估项目十余年前创立以来,大多数国家学生的数学平均成绩并没有提高。

    But the math performance of most countries has not improved since the PISA tests were launched more than a decade ago .

  3. 经合组织设立了国际学生评估项目(ProgramforInternationalStudentAssessment,orPISA)。

    The OECD has the Program for International Student Assessment , or PISA .

  4. 国际学生评估项目(ProgramforInternationalStudentAssessment)对各个国家的教育水平做出的最新对比显示,这两个国家在数学、科学及阅读能力上的排名都比美国高。

    In the most recent comparison of national educational levels , the Program for International Student Assessment , both countries ranked significantly higher than the United States on math , science and reading .

  5. 你可以看一看教育方面的表现,国际学生评估项目(PISA)是国际教育成果排行榜,

    You see the education performance , PISA , which is the international ranking of educational performance

  6. 2015年,50多万青少年——代表72个国家的2800万学生——参加了这一名为国际学生评估项目(ProgrammeforInternationalStudentAssessment,简称Pisa)的测试。

    In 2015 , more than half a million teenagers - representing 28m students in 72 countries - took the test , known as the Programme for International Student Assessment , or Pisa .

  7. 作为经合组织(OECD)的一名职员,他负责掌管国际学生评估项目(简称PISA),这是一个每三年举办一次的测试项目,考察65个国家和地区学生的能力表现。

    An employee of the OECD , he is the man in charge of Pisa , a triennial assessment that measures the performance of children across 65 countries and regions .

  8. 国际学生评估项目(Pisa)此次调查显示出,在上次国际测试结果公布之后的三年间,英国的排名几乎没有变化。

    The Pisa survey shows there has been little change in the UK 's ranking during the three years since the last international test results were published ,

  9. 新西兰学校受韩国人欢迎的现象似乎颇为令人惊讶,因为在经合组织(OECD)著名的青少年能力排名&国际学生评估项目(Pisa)中,韩国是得分最高的国家之一。

    The popularity of New Zealand schools among South Koreans seems surprising , since South Korea is one of the highest scoring countries in the prestigious Pisa rankings of teenager ability from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .

  10. 学生终身学习能力的评价与比较&OECD国际学生评估项目简介

    Comparison and Assessment of Student Lifelong Learning Literacy & an introduction to the OECD Program of International Student Assessment

  11. 去年,超过50万年龄在15-16岁之间的学生参与了一项两小时的测验,测验结果成为国际学生评估项目测评的依据。

    More than half a million students , aged 15 and 16 , sat a two-hour exam last year as part of the study .

  12. 共有来自72个国家和经济体的54万名15岁学生参加了2015年国际学生评估项目测试,测试内容包括科学、数学和协同问题解决等。

    The 2015 PISA was taken by about 540000 students aged 15 in 72 countries and economies on science , math and collaborative problem-solving .

  13. 施莱克尔表示,参与国际学生评估项目的伦敦学校无法代表广大的伦敦地区,所以这样的比较是无效的。

    Mr Schleicher says the London schools taking the Programme for International Student Assessment ( Pisa ) tests were not intended to be representative of the greater London area and such comparisons were invalid .

  14. 在2015年国际学生评估项目中,中国学生的排名有所下降,但是有专家指出人们不应对此反应过度,他们应该关注这一测试结果所反应出的中国教育系统中存在的问题。

    People should not overreact to the fall in ranking of Chinese students in the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment ; they should focus on what the test results indicate about the education system in China , experts said .

  15. 据经合组织公布的一份结果评估来看,和2012年相比,尽管中国学生的科学和数学成绩仍然能够排在前十,中国学生2015年国际学生评估项目中科学、阅读、以及数学的分数全线下跌。

    Chinese students ' scores fell across the board in science , reading and mathematics in the 2015 PISA compared with 2012 , although they were able to retain their top-10 ranking in science and math , according to an assessment of results released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  16. 这场较量无关乎中国和英国的教育,而是我们能否从经济合作与发展组织的国际学生评估项目中学到些什么,以及尝试将一种学校教育模式的特征移植入另外一种完全不同的内容。

    This is not between Chinese and British education , but what can and can 't be learned from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development 's ( OECD ) Programme of International Student Assessments ( Pisa ) and the wisdom of trying to plant features of one model of schooling into a completely different context .

  17. 在最近的国际调查中,国际学生评估项目(PISA)将美国学生在数学上的表现排在27名。

    In its most recent international survey , the Program for International Student Assessment ( PISA . ) ranked the United States in 27th place for student performance in math .