
  1. 高校纸质学生学籍档案有存在的必要

    The Necessity of Paper Archives for College Students ' Status Files

  2. 谈高校学籍档案管理现代化

    On Modernization of Students ' Files Management in High Institutions

  3. 学籍档案与学生就业

    Files of Statue as a Student and Students ' Employment

  4. 高校学籍档案信息管理系统的开发

    The Development of College Student Status File Informations Management System

  5. 邮件合并在学籍档案管理中的应用

    The Application of Mail Merger in the Archive Management of Students ' Status

  6. 在教学管理活动中,应充分学籍档案管理的各项功能,利用好学籍档案的信息,为教学服务。

    Various function of the administration should be utilized to serve the teaching .

  7. 进行以人为本科学有序的现代化高校学籍档案管理

    Being People-oriented to Make Scientific and Orderly Management of University Student Status Archive

  8. 对远程教育学籍档案网络化管理的探索

    Probe into the Networking Management of Students ' Records Files in Distance Education

  9. 简论高校成教学籍档案管理

    On the School Roll Files Management of Adult Education in Colleges and Universities

  10. 高校学籍档案的作用及管理方法

    The Function and Management Method of the Archive of School Roll in Colleges and Universities

  11. 从学籍档案形成特点看学籍档案科学管理

    On the Scientific Management of Students ' Archives From the Perspective of its Formative Features

  12. 加强新时期高校学籍档案管理的思考新升本科院校学籍管理改革实践及思考

    Strengthen the School Roll Management in New Period On the Reformation of School Roll Administration in Newly Upgraded Colleges

  13. 本文结合目前高职院校学籍档案管理的现状,探讨了基于网络技术和信息技术的学籍管理网络建设及改进方向。

    According to the present situation , the thesis probes into the network constrction of the register management and its direction .

  14. 高校学籍档案是学生学习过程的历史记录,是高校档案的重要组成部分。

    The archives of students in universities are the records of students ' study process and an important component of archives in universities .

  15. 分析学籍档案的功能和作用,学籍档案开发利用的必要性、存在的问题和和解决办法。

    The paper analyses the function of the students ' documents , the problem , solution and the necessity for utilization of the documents .

  16. 从四个方面阐述了学籍档案管理现代化,即管理思想现代化、管理手段现代化、管理方法的现代化和管理人员的现代化。

    The modernization of the students ' files management includes four aspects : they are the modernization of the management ideas , management means , methods and management stuff .

  17. 高校学籍档案是大学生上学期间形成的对学校、社会和个人具有保存价值的历史记录。

    College students archives are the worthwhile historical records of what the students have done to the school , the society and the individual during their studies at colleges or universities .

  18. 要科学管好用好高校学籍档案就必须正确把握高校学籍档案形成的规律和特点,在增强档案识、创新管理体制、建设各类数据库,加大开发应用力度,提升档案管理人员综合素质上下功夫。

    Efforts must be made to strengthen the awareness of archives management , innovate management system , construct database of various kinds , increase the strength of development and application , and upgrade the qualities of the personnel .

  19. 学籍档案是高校教学档案的重要组成部分,它能为毕业生资格审查、学位评审等提供翔实的档案材料。

    The school roll archives , which are the important components of the instructional archives of colleges and universities , can provide full and accurate archives materials for the graduates ' qualification examination , and academic degree evaluation , etc.

  20. 摘要随着我国市场经济体制和高校教育体制改革的深入,成人高校办学模式发生了显著的变化,对成人高校的学籍档案的收集、保管和利用等,也提出了更新更高的要求。

    The running mode of Adult Institutes of higher learning has changed markedly with the reforms of market economy and higher education system , which calls for high and new demands of collection , management and utilization of school rolls .

  21. 主要完成学生学籍、档案、退学的管理。

    The management system is mainly to complete the management of school roll 、 file 、 drop-out .

  22. 学生学籍与档案管理是实现学校办公室自动化不可缺少的手段。

    The management of student status and student file is an indispensable part for the office automation of a school .

  23. 本文详细介绍了沈阳航空工业学院学生学籍管理、教师档案管理和电子注册系统的功能和实现。

    This article describes how to develop a management information system of students information 、 teachers archives and electron registration for Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering .

  24. 做好学籍管理应当做到掌握学籍管理制度,建立完整的学籍档案,采用现代化的学籍管理手段,努力提高学籍管理人员的素质。

    Excellent registration management is achieved by mastering the registration policy , establishing well documented students ' files , modernizing registration management skills and improving the quality of management staff .