
  1. 此外在不同教龄、学历、学校类型三个方面的得分上也存在着显著的差异。

    It also shows the clear differences on scores in three aspects : years of teaching , academic level and types of school .

  2. 调查的初步结果显示:甘肃“特岗教师”的职业认同总体水平较高,特岗教师的职业认同存在性别、学历、学校类型等差异。

    The results reveal that the overall level of Gan Su Ad Hoc post teachers'professional identity is positive , there are significant differences in genders , education , and school type .

  3. 4大学教师职业价值观受到性别、年龄、学历、学校类型、学科、职务、专长、职称及教龄等个体特征变量的影响。

    The demographic variables had significant influences on university teachers ' work values , such as gender , age , education and school type , discipline , duties and expertise , etc.5 .

  4. 通过分析发现了医务人员在性别、身份方面,总体工作满意度得分无显著性差异;在年龄、职称、工作年限、学历,工作类型方面总体满意度得分有显著性差异。

    The research found that there were no remarkable differences on gender and identity for the total satisfaction score ; notable differences existed on age , title , diplomat , working area . 3 .

  5. 笔者分别从性别、年龄、学历、工作类型四个角度出发,采用独立样本的t检验方法,对不同样本总体均值进行横向比较,得到的结果也有很大区别。

    The author give the view from three points : gender , age , education , use the independent samples t-test method and give the horizontal comparison of the sample , the results are very different .

  6. 与此同时,幼儿教师的这三个基本教育观念并没有因教师学历、所在幼儿园类型和级别的不同呈现显著性差异。

    Moreover , in the areas of the perspective of children , the perspective of teaching and the perspective of teachers , difference between kindergarteners with different education levels , from different type and rank of kindergartens is also not found significant .

  7. 性别、学历、出生环境、获得最高学历所在城市类型与离职倾向无显著性差异。

    Gender , education , birth environment , the city where the highest degree types and turnover intention was no significant difference .