
  • 网络Bachelor Degree;Bachelor’s degree;BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE;Certificate of Bachelor's Degree;Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree
  1. 我下个月一拿到毕业证书和学士学位证书就会来这儿上班。

    I 'll come here as soon as I receive my diplomabachelor 's degree certificate next month .

  2. 请问到瑞典读硕士是不是一定要拿到学士学位证书才能申请?

    Read a master to must take baccalaureate certificate ability to apply for to Sweden excuse me ?

  3. 对求职者来说,理想情况是在人力资源学或劳资关系学等领域持有学士学位证书,并且,如果参加过社会科学,贸易学以及行为科学等培训,也可以为求职加分。

    A degree in personnel , human resources , or labor relations is ideal , with courses in the social sciences , business , and behavioral sciences an added plus .

  4. 堪萨斯州一名16岁男孩很快就会拿到他的高中毕业证书,而几天后,他将前往哈佛大学领取学士学位证书。

    A 16-year-old Kansas boy will soon earn his high school diploma -- and a few days later , he 'll travel to Harvard to collect his bachelor 's degree .

  5. 根据美国劳动统计局的材料,如果你有会计学士学位证书的话,年收入可达$63180。

    Armed with a bachelor 's degree in accounting , you could make an average annual salary of $ 63,180 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS ) .

  6. 虽然有的职位可能要求四年的学士学位证书或以上的教育,但是也有很多职位只要求两年或更少时间的职业培训。

    While some positions might require a four-year bachelor 's degree or a level of education even higher than that , there are just as many options that require two years of career training or less .

  7. 我可以在入学的时候再补交学士学位和大学毕业证书吗?

    Second , can I submit my master 's and undergraduate certificate when I register ?

  8. 对符合学位授予条件的毕业生,由广东外语外贸大学南国商学院授予学士学位并颁发学位证书。

    Those who meet the requirements of the Bachelor Degree Program will receive Bachelor 's Degree issued by South China Business College , Guangdong University of Foreign Studies .