
  • 网络Children world;Children's World;A Childs World;Kids World
  1. 在人世间,存在着有意无形的两个世界&成人的世界和儿童世界。

    The world exists two worlds : Adults world and children world .

  2. 运用人物性格构成的二重组合原理,分析霍尔顿如何处理自己与成人世界、儿童世界的关系。

    It applies the Double Association Perspective of Personality Construction to analyse how Holden deals with the relationship between himself and the adult world and the children world .

  3. 儿童世界的冲突及冲突中的儿童

    The Conflict among the Children and the Children In conflict

  4. 子恺散文真实地描写儿童世界的本真面貌并将顽童的世界刻画得惟妙惟肖;

    His prose truely depicts the real face of children in the world ;

  5. 20世纪80年代中国小说的儿童世界

    Children 's World in Chinese Novel during 1980s

  6. 鲁迅笔下的儿童世界

    Children 's world described by Lu Xun

  7. 译文:成人与儿童世界的划分是多方面的。//划分成人与儿童世界有很多方式。

    The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways .

  8. 中国现代童年回忆小说以对儿童世界的生动展示和对自我童年的深情回忆成为具有独特韵致的审美文本。

    Chinese modern novels of childhood recollections are characterized by their vivid unfolding and emotional recollections of childhood .

  9. 儿童世界是一个美丽的王国,童心是人世间最透明的场所。

    The world of children is a beautiful , childlike innocence is the most transparent places in the human world .

  10. 分析他对成人世界进行叛逆的两种方法和顺从成人世界的尝试,从而阐明霍尔顿既不能退回儿童世界,又不能完全进入成人世界的处境。

    It analyses his two methods of rebellion against the adult world and the attempts of obedience to the world .

  11. 文章力争从叙述方法、作品的幽默风格及其双向的教育导引功能对之进行探讨,从而肯定了作品所展示的儿童世界的独特合理性。

    He used distinctive method of description to display the child ren 's innocence and delight in his stories with humorous style .

  12. 儿童世界的本质具有人的本质属性,通过人的诸关系表现出来。

    The essence of children 's world has the fundamental attributes of human beings , and it will be displayed through inter-human relations .

  13. 童心与理想&沈从文与泰戈尔笔下的儿童世界之比较

    Child ′ s Heart and Ideal & A Comparison Between Shen Congwen ′ s Children ′ s World and That of Tiggor ′ s

  14. “大胆改革,加强沟通;大力扶持,整合推广”&富力儿童世界渐露曙光十六字箴言。

    Reforming audaciously , strengthening communication ; supporting greatly , promoting organizationally . the proverb for constant deveplopment of R F Children 's World .

  15. 信息传播的嬗变与儿童世界的危机&儿童成人化问题的信息学探讨

    The Evolution of Information Transmission and the Crisis of Children 's World & Analysing the Problems of Children 's Earliness from the Views of Informatics

  16. 从叙事形态上看,成人视角制导下的儿童世界成人世界、儿童话语成人话语形成了儿童视角的复调诗学。

    Regarded from the narrative form , the children-adults world and the children-adults discourse under the control of the adult perspective have formed a polyphonic poesy in children 's perspective .

  17. 在人与自身的关系中,儿童世界是一个万能的世界,教育的使命在于张扬儿童的创造激情。

    Among human relations to their ego , children 's world is an omnipotent world , and the mission of education lies in giving a full play to children 's creative enthusiasms .

  18. 他说:恐怖片可以追溯至格林(Grimm)童话,它讲述的是儿童对世界的恐惧。

    ' It goes back to Grimm 's fairy tales , about children 's fears of the world , ' Mr. Roth says .

  19. 该地区的五岁以下儿童死亡率世界范围内最高。

    The area has the highest under-five mortality rate in the world .

  20. 非洲患癌症的儿童占世界的20%,死亡数量占儿童癌症死亡人数的25%。

    Africa has20 % of childhood cancer cases and25 % of the deaths .

  21. 正是这款丰胸细腰、双腿修长的芭比娃娃将性带入了儿童的世界。

    Big-breasted , narrow-waisted and long-legged , she has helped sex intrude into childhood .

  22. 儿童是世界的未来,让热爱和平的思想在儿童的心中生根发芽显得尤为重要。

    Children are the future of the world .

  23. 妇女和儿童在世界上的难民中占大多数。

    Women and children make up a large majority of the world 's refugees .

  24. 欢迎来到儿童冰球世界。

    Welcome to the world of kids hockey .

  25. 儿童的世界鲜活而且美丽,充满神奇和激动。

    A child 's world is fresh and beautiful , full of wonder and excitement .

  26. 游戏是儿童认识世界、发展自身的重要途径。

    Play is an important way which helps the children know the world and grow .

  27. 现代作家废名对儿童的世界有着特殊的兴趣、热爱和关注。

    Modern writer Feiming had particular interest on and paid special attention to the children .

  28. 幼儿教师是儿童感知世界、获取知识的主要对象。

    Infant teachers are the instructors for infants to know the world and acquire knowledge .

  29. 第二部分对童谣、儿童生活世界、德育价值进行了概念界定。

    Part 2 , definitions on Nursery rhymes , living world of children , moral values .

  30. 成人的世界如此,儿童的世界受其影响,童年开始消失。

    As a result of children world affected by adult world , their childhood may disappear .