
  • 网络children education;Childhood Education;Early Childhood Education;The Education of the Child
  1. 该计划是以苏珊·格雷在范德堡大学皮博迪教育学院提出的概念为基础的。苏珊·格雷是早期儿童教育研究领域的传奇式先锋人物。

    It was based on concepts developed at Vanderbilt University 's Peabody College by Susan Gray , the legendary pioneer in early childhood education research .

  2. 这首歌每年亦为非营利组织“国际儿童教育协会”(AssociationforChildhoodEducationInternational)带来数十万美元的收入。

    The song also generates hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for a nonprofit group , the Association for Childhood Education International .

  3. 主席的报告是关于儿童教育。

    The chairman 's report is concerning the education of children .

  4. 政府建立了一个儿童教育机构。

    The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children .

  5. 在上周的新闻中,最重要的莫过于纳什维尔市关于儿童教育需求越来越激烈的讨论。

    The most important thing in the news last week was the rising discussion in Nashville about the educational needs of children .

  6. 希尔姐妹一生致力于儿童教育,她们无法想象这首简单的歌每年还能赚200万美元左右。

    The Hill sisters , who devoted their lives to educating children , could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $ 2 million every year .

  7. 结合多媒体、虚拟现实技术的三维地图在儿童教育中的应用

    3D Maps for Children 's Education : Multimedia and Virtual Reality

  8. 第三部分:我国弱势儿童教育现状分析。

    Part ⅲ: The Status of the education of disadvantaged children .

  9. 鲁迅儿童教育思想探讨

    A Probe into Lu Xun 's Thoughts for Children 's Education

  10. 电视文化与儿童教育方式的转变

    Television Culture and the Change of Edcation Ways for Children

  11. 论儒家儿童教育思想及其现实意义

    On Confucian thought of children education and its practical significance

  12. 国外儿童教育理论演进探略

    On the evolution of the theory of children education abroad

  13. 回味与反思&重温鲁迅的儿童教育思想,反思当前儿童教育

    Lu Xun 's Thought on Children Education and the Current Children Education

  14. 苏珊,你还在写有关儿童教育的文章吗?

    Susan , are you still writing articles on children 's education ?

  15. 论儿童教育产业的发展及对策

    On the Development and Countermeasures of Child Education Industry

  16. 流浪儿童教育之行动研究

    Research on the Action of Street Children 's Education

  17. 本次调研主要围绕宿州市灵璧县留守儿童教育情况为中心。

    The research mainly around Suzhou Lingbi children left education in the center .

  18. 城市流浪儿童教育权益发展性保障探析

    A Discussion About Developmental Security for the Education Rights of Waifs in Cities

  19. 流动儿童教育面临的财政问题与对策

    On the Financial Problem Facing the Education of the Floating Children and Some Countermeasures

  20. 人类学对儿童教育研究的意义

    Significance of Studying Children Education from Anthropological Perspective

  21. 在整个学前教育或者整个儿童教育中,儿童观是学前教育的脊柱。

    In the whole preschool education , the view on children is the backbone .

  22. 美国盲多重残疾儿童教育的现状

    Education Situation for Blind Multiple Disabilities in USA

  23. 完善农村社区教育体系缓解留守儿童教育危机

    Improving the Education System in Rural Communities to Alleviate Educational Crisis of Left-behind Children

  24. 他的儿童教育思想是丰富的、系统的,在当时可谓空谷足音。

    His thoughts on children 's education were systematic and advanced in his time .

  25. 这种全纳的教育理念为残疾儿童教育公正的实现提供了崭新的视角。

    It provided a new perspective to realize educational fairness for the disabled children .

  26. 当代儿童教育理论的发展与小学校舍人性化设计

    Development of Contemporary Children Education Theory and Humanized Design of Schoolhouses in Primary School

  27. 目的:探讨父母文化程度对儿童教育环境的影响。

    To explore the influence of parents ' literacy on children 's educational environment .

  28. 人力资本视角下的流动儿童教育问题分析

    Analysis of the Migrant Children 's Education Problem from the Perspective of Human Capital

  29. 其相似性和不同点,对今天的儿童教育有着重要的启示。

    The similarities and differences between their thoughts are instructive to current children ' education .

  30. 《颜氏家训》与《儿童教育讲座》的比较研究

    A comparison between admonitions of the Yan Family and the lecture on children 's education