
  • 网络coaching school;continuation school;a cram school
补习学校 [bǔ xí xué xiào]
  • [continuation school] 专为学生补习知识开设的学校

  1. 放学后,我就像我的朋友那样去补习学校(学习)。

    After school , I go to a cram school like all my friends .

  2. 我上的是补习学校。

    I goa cram school .

  3. 有了这样的口碑,难怪这些补习学校会比Facebook或特斯拉(Tesla)等由创始人领导的公司更加担心“关键人才风险”。

    With testimonials like these , it is no wonder these colleges have to worry about " key person risk " even more than founder-led companies such as Facebook or Tesla Motors .

  4. 许多课外补习学校高薪招聘有经验的教师。

    Many jukus offer high salaries to recruit experienced teachers .

  5. 丹麦之高等补习学校运动

    Danish People 's High School Movement

  6. 学生们甚至要通过竞争进入最好的补习学校,以此来帮助他们获得成功。

    with students even competing to get into the best cramming schools , to help them get ahead .

  7. 尽管印度同样出现了补习学校行业的快速增长,但两国增长背后的推动因素却各不相同。

    While the rapid growth of the crammer or cram school industry mirrors developments in India , the growth drivers are different .

  8. 父母亲把孩子送进华语补习学校,一般的理由是因为它是学校的考试科目。

    The reason that parents are rushing to send their children to Chinese tuition classes is that it is an examination subject .

  9. 他说他青少年的大部分时光都在南阳街度过&有着很多补习学校的台北街道。

    He said he spent a copious amount of his adolescence on Nanyang Street - the Taipei street home to many cram schools .

  10. 过去就曾出现过东亚有人事先取得并分享考试题的报道,尤其是在一些备考的补习学校。

    Reports have surfaced in the past about people in East Asia acquiring and sharing test questions in advance , particularly at test preparation schools .

  11. 他说他青少年的大部分时光都在“南阳街”度过——有着很多补习学校的台北街道。

    He said he spent a copious amount of his adolescence on " Nanyang Street " - the Taipei street home to many cram schools .

  12. 不过,由于中小企业的工资和福利水平较低,吴先生就读的这家首尔补习学校的很多学生不会考虑到中小企业工作。

    However , many of the students at the Seoul cram school where Mr Oh studies would not consider working at SMEs , because of low pay and welfare entitlements .

  13. 资本主义工业化的实现,由于技术进步与劳动分工的加强,普通教育与职业教育相结合的课程在职业补习学校开设。

    Courses of the general education combining with vocational education are offered in the vocational continuation school by realization of capitalist industrialization and the enhancement of technological progress and labor division .

  14. 韩国学生在校读书时大多要在学费高昂的私人补习学校学习到深夜,以便在激烈的高考竞争中取胜,考入名牌大学。

    For most of their school lives , South Korean students study late into the night often at costly , private cram schools to stay ahead in the rat race for admission to top universities .

  15. 女子社会教育模式由平民学校、平民教育促进会、平民教育讲演团、工人补习学校、工人夜校、农村补习教育社、工助互助团、报刊杂志等部件组成。

    The female social education pattern consisted of populace school , populace education promoting committee , populace education lecturing committee , workers ' continuation school , workers ' night school , rural continuation institute , workers'mutual help group , newspapers and magazines etc.

  16. 他没有拿到毕业证书(他告诉艾伦,这是因为把太多的时间花在了象棋和密码上),但很快在伦敦的补习学校补上并通过了认证,然后开始了用艾伦的话说像注册会计师一样冷酷的生活。

    He had failed his School Certificate ( telling Alan that it was because of too much time spent on chess and codes ) but quickly caught up by passing it at a London crammers , and began what Alan called ' his grim life as a chartered accountant ' .

  17. 我第一份工作是在补习班的学校。

    My first job was at a cramming school .

  18. 但是,我们必须明确一点,校外补习是伴随着学校正规教育的发展而存在的。

    However , one point should be clarified , which supplementary tuition functions as a supplement for formal education .