
  • 网络terrazzo
  1. 利用K2OAl2O3SiO2相图进行云南煤系高岭土陶瓷砖坯料配制研究

    Study on Yunnan coal kaoline ceramic tile blank with K_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 phase graph

  2. 利用K2OAl2O3SiO2相图确定了云南煤系高岭土陶瓷砖坯体配方,其最终成分为:预烧峨山煤系高岭土21.57%,瓷土23.20%,峨山粘土55.15%。

    The ingredient of Yunnan coal kaoline ceramic tile blank was determined by using K_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 phase graph . The final ingredient was Eshan pre-calcined coal kaoline 21.57 % , porcelain clay 23.20 % , Eshan clay 55.15 % .

  3. 心与手的舞蹈&土陶艺术

    Pottery : Dances of Heart and Hand

  4. 用不透明的颜色装饰的光滑的土陶。

    Glazed earthenware decorated with opaque colors .

  5. 当他再次醒来时,发现土陶碗里盛着更多的食物,他的衣服整齐的叠放在身边。

    When he awoke there was more food in earthenware bowls and his clothes were beside him in a neat pile .

  6. 以九十年代作为时间节点,关注此时间节点前后的土陶业状况,可以看见随着生活方式的变迁,原有行业制度的丧失对一个手工行业带来的影响。

    1990s can be used as a node in time when earthenware production before or after that is influenced by changes in ways of living and the loss of former business regulation .

  7. 就如何保护这一面临失传的珍贵文化遗产、如何培养新一代土陶工艺传承人,使其能够继续传承和发展,提出一定的对策。

    On how to protect the facing lost precious cultural heritage , how to train a new generation of earthenware craft heritage people to enable them to continue the heritage and development of proposed countermeasures .

  8. 此外,在文章的篇末,笔者根据现如今在宜都地区看到的零星土陶,试着分析了其所包含的文化内涵及审美特征。

    In addition , in the end of this article , the author , based on the region in the Yidu folk pottery , have also tried to analyze its cultural connotation and aesthetic characteristics .