
tǔ dì fǎ
  • land law;agrarian law
  1. 在不同地区实施土地法的不同策略

    Different tactics for carrying out the land law in different areas

  2. 土地法的理念更新与制度完善

    Renewal the land law concept and perfecting the system

  3. 这封信只不过重复了一下土地法。

    The letter merely restated the law of the land .

  4. 这一矛盾是与《土地法》的立法理念相关联的。

    This contradiction is related to the legislation conception of the Land law .

  5. 2002年农村土地法禁止“重新调整”,但这种现象依然猖獗。

    The rural land law of2002 prohibits " readjustments " but they remain rampant .

  6. 土地法与中国农村的社会变迁存在着互动的辨证关系。

    The interactive relations between land laws and social transformation in rural China are dialectical .

  7. 历史上中国法曾深受苏联法的影响,其中也包括土地法在内。

    Historically , modern Chinese civil law has been deeply influenced by the Soviet Union .

  8. 另一方面,中国农村社会在土地法的推动下不断迈向现代社会。

    On the other hand , pushed by land laws , rural China is undergoing modernization .

  9. 土地法禁止这么做。

    The land code forbids it .

  10. 缺乏统领全局的《土地法》,法律规范之间冲突严重。

    There is the lack of the overall Land Law and a serious conflict between legal norms .

  11. 加快制订《土地法》的进度,理顺法律规范之间的关系。

    Expedite the formulation of Land Law in progress and straighten out the relationship between legal norms .

  12. 重写劳动法和土地法,大幅调整地方税的计划也在议会里遭遇阻挠。

    Plans to rewrite labor and land laws , and to overhaul state taxes , have stalled in Parliament .

  13. 工业社会的基础经济资源是机器,于是动产法取代了土地法的核心地位。

    Industrial society 's foundational economic resources are machines , whereupon chattel law takes the core position of land law .

  14. 九、对待地主和对待富农必须依照土地法大纲加以区别。

    In dealing with landlords and rich peasants we should distinguish between them in accordance with the Outline Land Law .

  15. 土地法因其具有封建制度的历史渊源,而成为了英美法中最为抽象、最为复杂的法律。

    Land law is the most abstract and complex law in the Anglo-American law system because of its feudal origin .

  16. 油气田钻井废弃泥浆土地法处理沥滤液扩散的环境分析

    The environment analysis in filtrate of waste landfill proliferation of the oil field well drilling mud in land procession handling

  17. 但是按照土地法大纲的规定,对待富农和对待地主一般地应当有所区别。

    However , in accordance with the Outline Land Law , rich peasants should generally be treated differently from landlords .

  18. 《土地法》中的一个矛盾&论《土地法》对农民土地权益保护的缺失

    A Contradiction in the Land Law & On the absence of the protection to peasant 's lands profit by the Land Law

  19. 因此,不应当企图一下实行土地法,而应当分两个阶段实行土地法。

    Therefore , we should not try to enforce the Land Law all at once but should do it in two stages .

  20. 一方面,土地法的演变源于中国社会和农村的深刻变革,各种政治、经济或文化的力量催生中国土地法律制度的变迁;

    On one hand , the reason for land laws change stems from the profound transformation in the country and rural society ;

  21. 其中,均田律开创了中国封建社会土地法的新内容,影响深远;

    The equal-field law added new content to the law of land in China 's feudal society and left a far-reaching influence behind .

  22. 并最后通过经济、技术、环境三方面对土地法处理钻井废弃泥浆进行了可行性分析。

    And finally analyze the feasibility about the oil well drilling mud in land processing handling technology through the economy , technology , and environment .

  23. 〔8〕《中国土地法大纲》所规定的平分土地的办法,在以后的执行过程中有了一些改变。

    Subsequently in the implementation some changes were made in the method of equal distribution of land provided in the Outline Land Law of China .

  24. 必须按照土地法给以不高于农民所得的生产资料和生活资料。

    In accordance with the Land Law we must give them means of production and means of livelihood , but not more than to the peasants .

  25. 土地法大纲规定:废除封建性及半封建性剥削的土地制度,实行耕者有其田的土地制度;

    It stipulated the following : Abolish the land system of feudal and semi-feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers .

  26. 第一部分从两国土地法的发展脉络出发,寻找中蒙两国土地利用制度的发展规律。

    In the first part , starting in the development of land law in the two countries , find discipline of law using in development of the two countries .

  27. 目前国内外的垃圾渗滤液处理工艺,总体上采用以生物处理为主体工艺,物化法作为预处理工艺,土地法作为后处理工艺的系统。

    The landfill leachate treatment at home and abroad , overall with biological treatment as the main process , chemical method as pretreatment process , as the system worked post-treatment technology .

  28. 这也意味着,除非众人一致认为某人违反了《土地法》,否则不得逮捕任何人、令其入狱或是没收其财产。

    This meant people couldn 't be arrested , imprisoned or have their possessions taken away unless they were determined to have violated the law of the land by their peers .

  29. 《大宪章》是第一份正式规定国王也必须遵守《土地法》、并保证个人权利不受国王私欲侵犯的文件。

    It was the first formal document stating that a king had to follow the laws of the land and it guaranteed the rights of individuals against the wishes of the king .

  30. 新课程实施的现状与对策&部分实验区评估结果的分析与思考关于土地法的实施,应当分三种地区,采取不同策略。

    The Implementation Situation and Countermeasure of New Curriculum ; In carrying out the Land Law , it is necessary to distinguish three kinds of areas and to adopt different tactics for each .