
fǎ lǜ tiáo zhěnɡ
  • legal regulation
  1. 论劳动关系法律调整的理性化扩张

    On the Rational Expansion of Legal Regulation of Labor Relationship Fan

  2. 委托行为的性质与法律调整

    The Nature and Legal Regulation of the Behaviors of Delegation

  3. 计算机互联网域名被抢注的成因及其法律调整

    Causes of Internet Domain Name Rush Register and Its Legal Adjustment

  4. 雇佣关系的定位及其法律调整模式

    The Attribution of Employment Relationship and Its Legal Regulatory Mode

  5. 论对我国自然垄断行业的法律调整

    Regulation on the Natural Monopoly Industry in China by Law

  6. 试论名人广告的法律调整和完善

    On the Adjusting and Perfecting of Famous Person 's Advertisement

  7. 明代土地租佃的法律调整

    Law Rectification of the Land Tenancy in the Ming Dynasty

  8. 论域名与商标纠纷的法律调整

    Comments on Legal Adjustment of the Disputes between Domain Names and Trademarks

  9. 论信息产品责任的法律调整

    On the Legal Adjustment of the Liability of Information Product

  10. 论商标商品平行进口的复合法律调整

    Discussion about the Compoundable Legislation Adjustment of Parallel Import of Trademark Goods

  11. 西部民族地区草原生态建设的法律调整

    Rectify the Grassland Environment Construct in the West Minority Region by Law

  12. 旅游合同纠纷的现状及其法律调整

    The Current Situation and the Legal Adjustment of Dispute on Tour Contract

  13. 马克思论市民社会的法律调整

    Marx 's View on Legal Adjustment in a Citizen Society

  14. 社会结构变动下的法理念和法律调整&经济法独立的法理思考

    The legal theory and the legal regulation under the social form change

  15. 网络广告的类型及其法律调整

    Discussing Briefly the Types of Internet Advertisement and It 's Law Modulation

  16. 区域经济法律调整的二元结构解析

    On the Dualistic Structure of Regional Economy Legal Regulation

  17. 论旅游回扣及其法律调整

    On Tourism Kickbacks and the Adjustment of the Law

  18. 外来物种入侵法律调整机制的构建

    On the Construction of the Mechanism of Legal Regulation of Alien Species Invasion

  19. 电子合同格式条款的法律调整

    On Legal Regulation in the Electronic Contract Format Terms

  20. 论府际关系的法律调整

    On the Legal Regulation of Inter - governmental Relations

  21. 医患关系的法律调整原则研究。

    Study on law principal to regulate the relationship between patient and doctor .

  22. 试论买卖抵押物的法律调整

    Legal Regulation of the Treatment of the Mortgaged Property

  23. 转移定价法律调整制度研究

    The Research of the Law System of Transfer Pricing

  24. 道德调整和法律调整的手段和领域不同。

    The means and domain of moral regulation and legal regulation are different .

  25. 警察权的法律调整着力点初探

    Preliminary investigation on the point of the law adjustment of the police right

  26. 商事关系法律调整之研究&类型化路径与法体系分工

    A Study on the Regulation of Commercial Legal Relation

  27. 公共经济视野中政府责任结构性失衡的法律调整

    The legal Adjustment to Structural Unbalance of Governmental Duty in Public Economic Field

  28. 船舶的拟人化处理使得英美法对于船舶所涉及的多种社会关系采取了更进一步的拟人化法律调整&对物诉讼。

    In rem is a further personified treatment on ship in common law .

  29. 用人单位的辨析及其法律调整

    Analysis on the Employment Unit and the Law

  30. 政府采购合同的法律调整

    The Legal Adjustment of the Government Procurement Contract