
dū xué
  • superintendent;supervisor;educational inspector
督学 [dū xué]
  • [supervisor;educational inspector] 旧时主管教育的部门中负责视察、监督学校工作的人,是提督学政或督学使者的简称

  • 音乐督学

督学[dū xué]
  1. 第七条退休人员拟聘国家督学职务的人选在退休前应符合第六条基本条件的相应要求。

    The person selected that the 7th retiree drafts to hire job of national educational inspector should accord with the corresponding requirement of the 6th postulate before retire .

  2. 督学团发表了关于科学教学的报告。

    The schools inspectorate has / have published a report on science teaching .

  3. 督学定期进行检查,发现所有方面都令人满意,教材充足,还有5台计算机终端设备。

    School inspectors visit regularly , finding everything satisfactory , books in plenty and five computer terminals .

  4. 督学阔步高视地走进校园。

    The superintendent swaggered into the schoolyard .

  5. 基于AUTHORWARE的网络课件中督学功能的实现

    Realization Of The Function Of Supervising Learning In The Net Courseware With Author - ware

  6. v.咕哝督学咕哝着表示赞同。

    grunt The inspector gave a grunt of approval .

  7. 外面的门开了,霍恩伯格督学站在那里。

    The outer door opened . There stood Inspector Hornberg .

  8. 我们学校督学对我们的教育负责。

    Theof our school is responsible for our education .

  9. 老师要学生在督学来时迅速回答问题。

    The master told his boys to answer up when the Inspector came .

  10. 三天后学校督学才发现我们。

    Three days before a truant officer found us .

  11. 背诵主祷文,要用俄语,霍恩伯格督学命令道。

    Recite the Lord 's Prayer - in Russian , Inspector Hornberg ordered .

  12. 她用惊奇的眼光望了一眼面前的督学。

    She cast g glance of surprise at the school inspector before her .

  13. 他是这所学校的督学。

    He is the superintendent of this school .

  14. 督学咕哝着表示赞同。

    The inspector gave a grunt of approval .

  15. 督学下周要来视察。

    The school inspector is visiting next week .

  16. 罗伯特真正的父亲,也就是那个“穷爸爸”是夏威夷州教育系统的总督学。

    Robert 's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii .

  17. 督学一来,品行良好问题必在议事之列。

    Good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes .

  18. –督学人员是否被训练成为了教练?

    Are supervisors trained to be coaches ?

  19. 案例导学与任务督学相结合的程序设计课程教学模式探讨

    The Inquiry of Teaching Pattern for Program Design by Leading Examples and Studying with Tasks

  20. 1842年,改革的反对者废除了康涅狄格州学校督学一职。

    In1842 , opponents of reform abolished the position of state superintendent of instruction in Connecticut .

  21. 近来已有一份英国督学所作关于小学外语教学的报告。

    There 's been a recent hmi 's report on foreign language teaching in primary schools .

  22. 废除州学校督学一职的类似企图,在马萨诸塞州和俄亥俄州被以微弱多数挫败。

    Similar attempts to abolish the job of state superintendent failed narrowly in Massachusetts and Ohio .

  23. “那么你刚才给你的学生读了些什么,小姐?”霍恩伯格督学严厉地问道。

    " And what have you been reading to your pupils , Mademoiselle ?" Inspector Hornberg demanded .

  24. 对于利兹&一个来自大不列颠的督学来说,中国的所有的东西都是新鲜和有趣的。

    To Liz Gleave , a school inspector from Britain , everything about China is new and interesting .

  25. 战后,在实行指导、建议教育行政的背景下,督学系统不再直接干预学校的运营,学校评价以自评为主。

    But after the war , the supervisor system no longer directly interfered with the management of the school .

  26. 建国后,中国的教育督导工作经历了建立沉寂重建发展的曲折过程,教育督导室发挥其督政督学本职职能一直是个难题。

    After the founding of the PRC , Chinese educational inspection experienced a tortuous process of establishment-dreariness - reconstruction-development .

  27. 通过对我国现行督学聘任政策的全面细致分析,揭示其在当前督学管理实践中凸显的诸多弊端。

    Various disadvantages were discovered in the current inspector administration by analyzing thoroughly the policy of inspector appointment in China .

  28. 国际教育督导的重点是督学,与之不同,具有中国特色的社会主义督导制度的主要特点是“督政”与“督学”相结合。

    Different from other countries , the Characteristic of our educational supervisory system is the combination of administrative supervision and educational inspection .

  29. 制定和批准执行教育计划的预算,通常,教育委员会要选一位督学,作为地方一级的重要教育行政官员。

    Usually the board of education employs a superintendent of school , who is the chief executive officer at the local level .

  30. 而法国则把教育督导重点放在督学上,从而促进了教学质量的提高。

    While in France the supervision of education puts emphasis on the supervision of teaching , which has improved the quality of teaching .