
bù wěi
  • ministries and commissions;all ministries and commissions
部委 [bù wěi]
  • [all ministries and commissions] 中央政府的各部和各委员会

部委[bù wěi]
  1. 即将行文各部委。

    An official communication will soon be sent to all the ministries and commissions .

  2. 部委的精简现在就可以着手。

    Ministries and commissions can start trimming now .

  3. 部委的数量已经减少了1/3。

    The number of Ministries has been pared down by a third

  4. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities .

  5. 这些评论是该部委第一次就此事所作的详细公开声明。

    The comments were the ministry 's first detailed public statement on the subject

  6. 近日,文化和旅游部、国家发展改革委、财政部三部委联合印发意见,着力推动公共文化服务高质量发展。

    Chinese authorities have urged efforts to boost the high-quality development of public cultural services , according to a recent statement .

  7. 中央各部委已派出工作组指导事故处理工作,同时派医疗专家组赶赴十堰。

    Working groups from the central departments have been sent to guide the handling of the accident , while a national medical team has also been dispatched to Shiyan .

  8. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  9. 2001年国家经贸委等五部委又联合发出通知,明确我国加入WTO后仍要努力继续做好这项工作。

    The five authorities including State Economic and Trade Commission issued an announcement in 2001 to clarify the effectiveness of the policy after joining WTO .

  10. 中国政府已禁止各部委和中央政府机关购买苹果(Apple)产品。目前一场由国家主导的针对美国科技公司的运动正在中国形成势头。

    China 's government has banned its ministries and federal agencies from buying Apple products , as a state-led campaign against US technology companies in China gathers momentum .

  11. 正如花旗集团(citigroup)指出的那样,规模更大的部委可能减少监管方面的负担,并提高定价方面的自由度。

    As Citigroup points out , bigger ministries could reduce the regulatory burden and allow greater freedom in price-setting .

  12. 本月早些时候,苹果(Apple)被卷入针对美国高科技公司的更广泛运动,中国政府禁止中央政府各部委和机构购买该公司产品。

    Apple became entangled in the broader campaign against US tech companies earlier this month when China 's government banned its ministries and federal agencies from buying the company 's products .

  13. 11992年国务院批复了国家科委等8个部委上报的《关于大力协同开展“计算机辅助设计(CAD)应用工程”的报告》,标志着我国CAD应用工程的发展进入了一个新的阶段。

    The report of 《 On Unfolding Energetically " Computer aided Applications "》, submitted by 8 Commissions and approved by the State Council in 1992 , marked that our computer-aided design ( CAD ) hag reached to a new stage .

  14. “某些MDG在国际层面或一些国家的某些部委拥有强大的倡导者,但是另外一些MDG没有,”她说。

    " Certain MDGs have powerful advocates at international level or in certain ministries in individual countries , but the other MDGs do not ," she said .

  15. 在借鉴SOX法案的基础上,2008年6月28日,我国财政部等五部委联合发布了《企业内部控制基本规范》,确立了我国企业建立和实施内部控制的基本框架。

    In reference on the basis of the SOX , in June 2008 , the ministry of finance and five ministries of China have jointly issued the enterprise internal control basic standard , which establish the our country enterprise internal control of the basic framework .

  16. 世纪之交部委二级文献信息机构面对的挑战和机遇

    Challenges and Opportunities of Ministerial Libraries at the Turn of the Century

  17. 国家五部委联合发布零售商供应商公平交易管理办法零售业政策向供应商倾斜

    Administrative Measures for Fair Transactions between Retailers and Suppliers Released

  18. 关于原行业部委院校发展应用型本科教育的探索

    Exploring into the Development of Application - oriented Undergraduate Education

  19. 中央有关部委领导参观北京市留学人员创业园。

    Heads of the state ministries visit Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Park .

  20. 中韩就环境合作进行部长级会谈原部委直属高校学科建设探析

    Research on Discipline Building in Colleges and Universities Directly under the Original Ministries

  21. 这个构想就是建立这样一种部委级别的的对话。

    The idea is to establish such a dialogue at the ministerial level .

  22. 概括部分分为地方规定、国家部委规定以及法律规定三个方面进行了总结。

    The former is divided into local regulations , national regulations and law ministries .

  23. 部委过多导致大量协调问题和内部纷争。

    With so many ministries there are lots of coordination problems and interagency disputes .

  24. 出口加工区一期封关验收盛况,国务院有关部委领导、江苏省及苏州市主要领导出席。

    SND-EPZ successfully passed the acceptance examination by the relative state ministries and leaders .

  25. 许多部委已经采取了支持西部发展的新举措。

    Many of them have adopted new measures for supporting the western region development program .

  26. 那么,为什么会将教育纳入一个主管经济发展的部委呢?

    So why bring them into a department whose core remit is Britain 's economic development ?

  27. 六个月前,国防部拒绝了他进入国家部委的申请。

    Six months ago , D.O.D Terminated his contract at the request of the state department .

  28. 我们在联合国的政府间机构、各国部委和大学中发现了这种“孤岛”。

    We see these'silos'in the UN 's intergovernmental bodies , in national ministries and in universities .

  29. 各部门,各部委向会议提交报告并接受军政府领导人的指示。

    All departments and ministries submit reports to the meeting and receive directives from junta leaders .

  30. 在往联合国输送译员方面,国家各部委仍然是“独此一家”的招聘部门。

    The Chinese counterpart ministries continue to be the only recruiters for their respective UN agencies .