
  1. 国家海上搜救部际联席会议第一次会议在国务院召开

    The First National Ministerial Meeting for Maritime Search and Rescue held by the State Council

  2. 反洗钱部际联席会议制度和金融监管部门的反洗钱监管协调制度虽然已经建立,但还没能从中央到地方纵向地形成完整的该项协调机制;

    The monitoring system is already established by anti-laundering-money institution , but not the coordination system from the government to the whole nation and there are many abuse in the financial organizations which provide opportunities for the laundering money criminals .

  3. 冯正霖副部长在全国道路交通安全工作部际联席工作会议上的讲话

    Speech of Vice-minister FENG Zheng-lin on United Symposium of Road Traffic Safety in Our Country