
  • 网络El Pais;El País;The Nation;the national
  1. 位于加泰罗尼亚自治区(catalonia)的《先锋报》(lavanguardia)销量排名第五,为20万份,差不多是《国家报》的一半。

    Catalonia-based La Vanguardia , the fifth largest-selling title , sells 2 00000 copies , almost half as many as El Pais .

  2. 据西班牙《国家报》报道,这名只知道叫做JeanP的男子,曾在巴塞罗那的折扣连锁超市Lidl工作了12年。

    The man , named only as ' Jean P ' , had worked for the discount supermarket chain Lidl in Barcelona for 12 years , Spanish newspaper El Pais reported .

  3. 上个月,西班牙主要报纸《国家报》(elpais)的出版商prisa集团把去年发行量下降5%归咎于促销的影响力日益减弱。

    Prisa , publisher of leading newspaper El Pais , last month blamed the diminishing impact of promotions for a 5 per cent decline in circulation last year .

  4. 西班牙国内也有类似的反应。西班牙《国家报》(ElPaís)把英国对奥运荣耀的追求描绘为“残酷无情”。该报称:“每块奖牌都出于算计,而不是源自不墨守成规的运动员的精神。”

    There was a similar reaction in Spain , where the El Pa í s daily described Britain 's pursuit of Olympic glory as " brutal and heartless , " stating : " Every medal is the product of calculation , not the spirit of a nonconformist athlete . "

  5. 在西班牙关闭谷歌新闻服务的同时,谷歌还决定从其全球新闻聚合产品中去除所有西班牙出版商的内容,包括《国家报》(ElPaís)。这是谷歌首次因法律原因关闭聚合服务。

    As part of Google 's decision to shut Google News in Spain , which is the first time the company has taken down its aggregator service for legal reasons , it will also remove all Spanish publishers , including El Pa í s , from its global news aggregating products .

  6. 据《国家报》说,海关署报告,菲利普莫里斯公司没有未缴纳的烟税。

    According to The Nation , the Customs Department reported no unpaid taxes by the company .

  7. 而《西班牙国家报》报道称,已经没有多余空间留给电梯或者其它电机设备了。

    And reports seen by Spain 's El Pais newspaper suggest there is no more space for another lift or motor equipment .

  8. 昨天我有幸为西班牙著名报纸《国家报》拍摄了一组镜头。

    Yesterday I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot for El Pais , one of the most important newspapers in Spain .

  9. 肯尼亚最大的报纸《每日国家报》主张,这段时期是自1963年独立以来最黑暗的时期。

    The daily nation , kenya 's biggest newspaper , reckons that it has been the country 's darkest period since independence in1963 .

  10. 西班牙《国家报》发表报道说,在过去的一个世纪里,西班牙共有134人(包括33名斗牛士)被公牛杀死。

    El Pais newspaper said that in the past century , 134 people , including 33 matadors , had been killed by bulls in Spain .

  11. 西班牙《国家报》说,应西班牙国家情报局局长的要求,这两名俄罗斯外交人员在11月初离开。

    The Spanish daily El Pais says the Russian departures took place in early November , based on a request from the director of Spain 's National Intelligence Center .

  12. 据泰国《国家报》报道,成功应聘者包括2007年“蒂芬尼小姐”选美比赛获奖者谭雅娜。

    Among the successful applicants was Thanyarat " Film " Jiraphatpakorn , winner of the Miss Tiffany beauty pageant in2007 , according to a report in Thailand 's Nation newspaper .

  13. 西班牙国家报表示列车进入转弯段时时速达190千米,而该段双轨道的限速是80千米每小时。

    El Pais newspaper said the train entered the bend at 190 kilometres per hour while the speed limit on that stretch of twin tracks was 80 kilometres per hour .

  14. 当地报纸《国家报》称,食品店外围设有高栅栏和铁丝网,袭击者很可能是翻过栅栏进入店铺的。

    The premises of the shop was secured with high fences and razor wire , and the attacker or attackers were thought to have jumped over the fence into the premises , local newspaper The National reported .

  15. 我为国家塔特勒报工作。

    I work for the national tattler .

  16. 之前她曾向《国家询问报》详细描述了二人第一次约会、一同观看巴尔的摩乌鸦队比赛的经过(小编注:巴尔的摩乌鸦队是美国职业橄榄球联盟的美国联合会北区球队)。

    She had previously detailed their first date , to a Baltimore Ravens games , to the National Enquirer .

  17. 据《国家询问报》报道,好莱坞最红的年轻偶像,21岁的扎克·埃夫隆同他的女友凡妮莎·哈金斯已经秘密订婚了。

    According to the National Enquirer , teen heartthrobs Zac Efron , 21 , and Vanessa Hudgens are secretly engaged .

  18. 我知道这一点,因为当我的父亲去世时,他们也拍摄了《国家询问报》封面照片。

    I know this , because when my dad passed away , they ran his picture on the cover of the Enquirer . Turn back how I was there for the apology .

  19. 《国家询问报》得到消息称,由于这起性丑闻成为夜间电视节目的笑话,还传遍网络,托德感觉自己成了众人的笑柄。

    The source told the Enquirer that Todd feels like he 's been made a laughing stock as the hook up had become a joke on late night TV and was all over the internet .

  20. 杜克大学灵长类动物学家ElwynSimons在电话采访中说:“我们很惊讶它的大脑竟然如此之小。”由他负责的本次研究被刊登在美国国家科学院报中。

    " What was astonishing is how small this brain is ," Duke University primatologist Elwyn Simons , who led the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , said in a telephone interview .

  21. 美国在本世纪初率先曝出安然(Enron)和世通(WorldCom)的丑闻,许多国家的公司低报亏损,虚报合同金额并夸大收入。

    The US was a pioneer with Enron and WorldCom in the early 2000s , and companies in many countries understate losses , misprice contracts and overstate revenues .

  22. 这项研究的学术论文将在本周的《美国国家科学院院报》上发表。

    The paper presenting this initial research appears online this week in the proceedings of the National Academy of sciences .

  23. 该研究结果于本周二在美国美国国家科学院院报上发表。

    The results of the were published Tuesday in the US scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS ) .

  24. 这种亲密的共生关系--第一次在藻类植物和脊椎动物中发现--被报道在美国国家科学院院报上。

    This intimate co-habitation - the first ever seen between algae and a vertebrate - is revealed in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  25. 《中国体育报》是新中国最早的专业体育报纸,作为国家体委的机关报,曾经长时间占据体育报纸的领先地位。

    China Sports Daily was the first professional sports newspaper in China . As the official newspaper of the National Sports Commission , it has long been occupied the leading position in sports newspaper .

  26. 詹姆斯•汉森与他的同事试图在《美国国家科学院院报》上发表的一篇新文章中回答这一问题。

    ARE heatwaves more common than they used to be ? That is the question addressed by James Hansen and his colleagues in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  27. 研究者刚刚在《美国国家科学院院报》上发表了这项研究,称该系统能为像印尼这样的国家提供13%的所需能源。

    The researchers have just published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . They say these systems could provide as much as thirteen percent of the energy needs of a country like Indonesia . Other countries with large crops of coconuts , mangoes and similar fruit could benefit , as well .

  28. 国家统计调查计划中新的、重大的统计调查项目,由国家统计局报国务院审批;

    The new and important planned projects for national statistical investigations shall be reported by the National Bureau of Statistics to the State Council for its examination and approval .