
ɡuó huì fǎ
  • Congressional Law;parliamentary law
  1. 基于国会图书馆分类法的等级浏览界面(HILCC)研究及其启示

    Research on a Hierarchical Interface to Library of Congress Classification ( HILCC ) and Its Enlightenment

  2. 《中国图书馆分类法》;《美国国会图书馆分类法》;对比研究。

    Chinese Library Classification ; Library of Congress Classification ; Comparative study .

  3. 今日国会时刻儿童劳动法:一百多年前,随着工业革命到来,制造业的发展步伐加快,商人们要寻求更加廉价的劳动力。

    Child labor laws-today on congressional moment : over a hundred years ago the industrial revolution quickened the pace of manufacturing , and businessmen sought cheaper labor .

  4. 1773年的今天,英国国会通过了茶叶法,以达到垄断北美茶叶贸易从而拯救英属东印度公司的目的。

    1773-The British Parliament passes the Tea Act , designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on the North American tea trade .