
  1. 7月27日,国际黄金价格一度冲高至每盎司1944.68美元,刷新了2011年9月份创造的每盎司1921.15美元的最高纪录。

    Gold hit $ 1944.68 per ounce on Monday , breaking its previous record high of $ 1921.15 in September 2011 .

  2. 国际黄金价格的小波变换FAR预测模型

    FAR Forecast Model of International Gold Prices Based on Wavelet Analysis

  3. 随着国际黄金价格屡创新高,中国以美元为主的外汇储备不断增长,加上国内CPI持续高位,黄金作为一种重要的资产保值、增值工具,重新成为研究的热门话题。

    As the international gold price break high record repeatedly , foreign exchange based on dollars continuously increases and CPI in China remain high , gold regarded as a major hedge means become a hot topic again .

  4. 国际黄金价格只有在相对平稳上涨时才能为投资者带来预期高回报。

    Only when the international gold prices rose steadily , can the expected higher returns be achieved .

  5. 随着国际黄金价格的上涨,各国政府对黄金市场的关注提高。

    As the international price of gold rose , governments of the gold market to pay attention to improve .

  6. 第六章运用第五章的理论工具并结合黄金市场的具体情况来研究国际黄金价格的走势。

    Chapter 6 uses the theoretical tools of Chapter 5 and combined with the specific circumstances of the gold market to study the international gold price .

  7. 埃尔拉多称,合并后的公司将是所有在华国际黄金生产商中无可争辩的领袖,中国是全球最大的黄金生产国。

    The combined company would be the unequivocal leader among international gold producers in China , the world 's largest gold producing country , Eldorado said .

  8. 受传统习俗及国际黄金市场影响,金银珠宝类投资保值商品销售保持高速增长。

    Affected by traditional customs and international gold market , sales of commodities as a store of value like gold , silver and jewelry has increased markedly .

  9. 在国家政策的扶持以及国际黄金市场价格持续走高的形势下,海丰矿业公司迎来了难得的发展机遇。

    In support of national policy as well as the international gold market prices continued to rising situation , Haifeng mining company obtains a rare development opportunity .

  10. 国际黄金以美元标价,黄金作为现代信用货币对立的货币形态,其价格涨落无不与美元国际货币地位的强弱转变息息相关。

    Gold is opposite to modern credit currency . Thus , the fluctuation of gold price is closely related to the status change of US dollar in international currency .

  11. 最后在前文基础上得出结论并对国际黄金市场走势进行展望,并建议投资者在综合分析各方面因素的基础上,保持理性投资。

    At last we get the conclusion and outlook the international gold market trends . We suggest that investors should maintain a rational investment , on the basis of comprehensive analysis of various factors .

  12. 黄经理解释,每件作品是依照国际黄金价格计算,以黄金的重量计价,再加上设计费和2%佣金。

    Mr. Wong explained that the price of each piece is calculated from the international gold price , based on the gold 's weight , plus the store 's 2 percent commission and a design fee .

  13. 为把丝绸之路建成21世纪的国际旅游黄金线路而努力&从甘肃旅游业的发展说开去

    Building the Silk Road into an International Golden Tourist Route

  14. 上海国际田联黄金大奖赛将在5月15日,作为联赛的第二站庆祝它连续第六年在上海举行。

    The Shanghai Golden Grand Prix will celebrate its sixth straight year as the League's2nd stop May15th .

  15. 中国媒体纷纷认为刘翔将在今年9月在上海举办的国际田联黄金大奖赛回归赛场。

    Chinese media have set their sights on the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix in September for Liu 's return .

  16. 中国跨栏选手、前奥运会和世界冠军刘翔在周日的上海国际田径黄金大奖赛上完美复出,获得了亚军。

    Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang , former Olympic and world champion , returned to competition in style by finishing second at the ShanghaiGolden Grand Prix here on Sunday .

  17. 一年之后,刘翔复出,在上海国际田联黄金大奖赛和第十一届全运会都获得了冠军,表现出色。

    A year later , Liu Xiang back in the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix and the Eleventh National Games has won the championship , doing so well .

  18. 一个助你走向国际市场的黄金机会&国际咨询科技博览会

    International Information and Communication Technology Expo : a Golden Chance for Accession to the Global Market

  19. 星期四,国际业余田联黄金联赛首站比赛在挪威奥斯陆举行。

    The first meeting of the IAAF Golden League series begun in oslo , Norway on thursday .

  20. 国际业余田联黄金联赛第6站的比赛于一个凉爽的夜晚在德国柏林举行。

    The sixth meeting of the IAAF Golden League took place on a cool evening in berlin , Germany .

  21. 我国需要增加黄金储备作为保障,还需要加强和国际间主要黄金市场之间的合作。

    China should increase the gold reserves as a safeguard and strengthen the international co-operation between the main gold markets .

  22. 因为实行金本位制的国家将自身的货币与黄金挂钩,所以官方国际储备是黄金。

    Under these arrangements , a gold standard , like a reserve currency system , results in fixed exchange rates between all currencies .

  23. 以后,各国政府必须遵守国际合作的黄金法则:先达成协议,再安排庆祝活动和合影机会。

    In future , governments must observe the golden rule of international co-operation : agree first , arrange celebrations and photo opportunities later .

  24. 中国昨日采取行动,进一步放开本国黄金市场,包括允许更多银行在国际上交易黄金,并宣布了鼓励黄金投资产品发展的各项措施。

    China moved yesterday to further liberalise its gold market , increasing the number of banks allowed to trade bullion internationally and announcing measures that will encourage development of gold-linked investment products .

  25. 但自上海黄金交易所成立以来,国内黄金价格形成机制逐步向国际接轨,黄金价格的波动愈发市场化,与其他金融资产的联动性也逐步增强。

    Since the establishment of the Shanghai Gold Exchange , domestic gold price formation mechanism gradually accepts international standards , volatility of the gold is increasingly market-oriented , and the correlation of gold and other financial assets is increased .

  26. 为此国际市场推出了黄金期货,让投资者可以借这一衍生产品来规避黄金价格波动的风险。

    To hedge the fluctuation of gold price , the gold futures came to the market .

  27. 怀特决心让美元成为唯一的国际货币,即黄金的合法替代品。

    White was determined to make the dollar the sole international currency ; legally a surrogate for gold itself .

  28. 易纲指出,中国若大量购买黄金,会迅速推高国际市场上的黄金价格。

    He pointed out that any large gold purchases by China would quickly push up the price of metal in international markets .

  29. 在需要支付国际贸易时.黄金也可以作为一种支付工具,换取所需要的物品。

    On the expenditure need international trade , gold can also be used as a means of payment , exchange of needed goods .

  30. 几年来,无论是国际还是国内,黄金市场需求量一直保持平稳态势,并且多种因素促使黄金价格一路飚升。

    Over the past few years , No matter what domestic or international , the gold market requirement keep steady situation all along , and many factor cause the price ascent .