
ɡuó jiā zhài wù
  • national debt;public debt
  1. 更糟糕的是,国家债务将占GDP的近85%。

    Worse , national debt will hit nearly 85 per cent of GDP .

  2. 这些措施使国家债务占GDP的比重呈下降趋势,可就算奥巴马只求稳,在2021年债务会占到73%。

    That put the national debt on a downward path as a share of GDP , whereas Mr Obama only stabilises it , at73 % by2021 .

  3. 在1994年,非洲国家债务对GDP的比例是130%,而且他们没有财政空间。

    In 1994 , the debt-to-GDP ratio of African countries was 130 percent , and they didn 't have fiscal space .

  4. 即便自去年5月以来一直在接管银行与国家债务,欧盟自身债务占其国内生产总值(gdp)的比重尚不足1%。

    Even with the buy-outs of bank and national debt since May last year , its own is scarcely 1 per cent of EU gross domestic product .

  5. 对于罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)隶属的共和党来说,国家债务应该被看成是一个敌人,并作为国家安全问题来对待。

    For the Party of Ronald Reagan , national debt should be seen as an enemy and framed as a national security issue .

  6. 诚然,自1990年日本资产价格泡沫破灭以来,该国经济增长缓慢,股市大幅下跌,国家债务在GDP中所占比例攀升至可怕的水平。

    It is true that , since its asset-price bubble burst in 1990 , the country 's economy has grown slowly , the stock market has slumped and national debt has risen to awesome proportions .

  7. 但今年财政赤字与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率依然会保持在6.6%左右,国家债务与GDP的比例将接近90%&这往往被视为危险水平。

    But the fiscal deficit this year remains on track to be about 6.6 per cent of gross domestic product – and the national debt is heading up to 90 per cent , often regarded as the danger level .

  8. 米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)在莫斯科上台的头3年内,国家债务几乎翻了一倍。

    When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in Moscow , he was faced with a national debt that almost doubled in his first three years in office .

  9. 美国的国家债务已升至14万亿美元,社保和美国联邦医疗保险(medicare)的资金缺口目前合计超过100万亿美元。如何能在美元不进一步贬值的情况下为这些债务融资?

    US national debt has risen to $ 14000bn and the unfunded liabilities of social security and Medicare combined are now more than $ 1 00000 BN . How can this be financed without further devaluation ?

  10. 这是因为,随着人口老龄化以及国家债务迅速增加,提供养老金、支付利息以及为国民健康服务(nhs)融资的成本都将大幅上升。

    This is because , thanks to an ageing population and a rapidly growing national debt , the cost of providing pensions , paying interest and funding the national health service will all rise substantially .

  11. 这意味着增加国家债务和扩大货币基础。

    That means increasing national debt and extending the monetary base .

  12. 拉美国家债务危机中的财政因素与启示

    Fiscal Causes and Enlightenment of the Debt Crisis in Latin America

  13. 过高的国家债务可能让债券市场陷入恐慌。

    The bond market could freak out over excessive national debt .

  14. 拉美国家债务问题的发展趋势及其影响

    The trend of Latin america 's external debt issue and its impact

  15. 西方债权者减免非洲国家债务问题研究

    Study on the African Countries Debt Relief by Western Creditor

  16. 第二,减免最不发达国家债务负担。

    Second , reduce and cancel debts of the least developed countries .

  17. 美国国家债务是17.3万亿美元,而且还在增长。

    The United States national debt is $ 17.3 trillion and counting .

  18. 出售所得必须用于削减国家债务。

    Revenues from sales must be used to reduce the national debt .

  19. 目前的国家债务是17.2万亿美元。

    Currently , the national debt is $ 17.2 trillion .

  20. 而美国的国家债务总额是19.88万亿美元,而且债务还在继续增加。

    The U.S. national debt is now $ 19.88 trillion and counting .

  21. 提高财政支出效益化解国家债务风险

    Improve the Benefit of Fiscal Expenditure and Eliminate the Risk of National Debt

  22. 如果没有高于趋势线的增长,美国国家债务负担只会增加。

    Without above-trend growth , the US national debt burden will only grow .

  23. 共和党在今年8月举行的全国大会上设置了一个“国家债务钟”。

    At the Republican convention in August a clock showed the national debt .

  24. 不结盟国家债务和发展问题部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting of Non-Aligned Countries on Debt and Development

  25. 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。

    Foreigners already hold half the national debt .

  26. 诚然,消费不可能通过增加国家债务无止境地维持下去。

    Admittedly , consumption cannot be sustained indefinitely by running up the national debt .

  27. 美国的国家债务超过17万亿美元。

    The U.S. national debt exceeds 17 trillion .

  28. 政府以清偿国家债务力谋稳定经济。

    The government made every effort to staBilize the economy By liquidating the national deBt .

  29. 论国家债务重组的新方法

    On New Approaches to Sovereign Debt Restructuring

  30. 疑点3,失控的国家债务。

    Suspect NO.3 , runaway national debt .