
  • 网络Domestic price;domestic market price
  1. 这通常标志着国内价格的底部。

    That would usually mark a domestic price floor .

  2. 进口对国内价格的波及效应分析

    Ripple Effect Analysis of Import Impact on Domestic Price

  3. 国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致。

    Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,国际价格规则必然与目前中国的国内价格规则产生冲突,国际市场价格也将对国内市场价格产生直接影响。

    As China joins the WTO , the international pricing rules are likely to conflict with and affect the domestic pricing .

  5. 本文运用向量自回归(VAR)的方法研究了名义汇率和国际市场价格波动对中国国内价格水平的影响。

    Through vector auto-regression ( VAR ), this paper studies the impacts of nominal exchange rate and import price fluctuations on domestic inflation .

  6. 首先,只要固定汇率是可信的&就像1995年至2004年间维持在1美元兑8.28元人民币那样,它就可以有效地充当中国国内价格水平的货币锚(monetaryanchor)。

    First , as long as the fixed rate is credible - as it was between 1995 and 2004 at 8.28 yuan per dollar - it served as an effective monetary anchor for China 's internal price level .

  7. 发达国家石油监督机构国际能源机构(iea)一直向北京施加压力,要求其放开对国内价格的限制以遏制消费。

    The International Energy Agency , the developed countries oil watchdog , has pressed Beijing to liberalise its domestic prices to rein in consumption .

  8. 最后结果就是国内价格可能更不稳定。

    The net result can be greater instability in domestic prices .

  9. 大豆国内价格会随其前期进口量的增加而提高。

    Soybean domestic prices will increase when its preliminary import volume increase .

  10. 它们使国内价格独立于国际价格并高于国际价格。

    They permit domestic prices to be independent of world prices and above them .

  11. 其盈利能力受到国内价格管制和苛刻出口税的限制。

    Its profitability is limited by domestic price regulation and a crippling export tax .

  12. 人民币汇率变动对国内价格的传导效应研究

    Research on the Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Pass-through on Domestic Prices in China

  13. 注:此目录中的定价为国内价格。

    Note : the price listed in this catalogue is for the domestic market .

  14. 国内价格反超国际期货价。

    Domestic price counter-ultra international forward price .

  15. 首要问题是设法防止由于产品过剩而使国内价格下降。

    The chief problem was to find how to prevent surpluses from depressing domestic prices .

  16. 假设在一个国家中,钢的国内价格高于世界价格。

    Assume that the domestic price of steel is higher in a country than the world price .

  17. 影响国内价格的因素;

    Factors affecting domestic prices ;

  18. 名义汇率对进口价格和国内价格水平波动影响力有限,也不是导致国内价格波动的主要原因。

    Nominal exchange rate is neither the main reason nor powerful in causing the domestic price fluctuation .

  19. 为您建设规范完善的工厂,国内价格,国际标准的质量让您免除后顾之忧。

    We can design and construct a perfect factory up to the international standard with a favorable price .

  20. 我们不能容许国内价格上涨,我们也需要保持牲口的数量。

    We cannot allow an increase in domestic prices and we need to maintain the number of cattle .

  21. 然而,这意味着某些农产品的国内价格与国际市场脱钩。

    However , this has meant that domestic prices for certain agricultural products has decoupled from the international market .

  22. 政府同时也在发出正确的呼声:放宽严厉的国内价格控制,从而给现金流松绑。

    The government is also making the right noises about alleviating harsh domestic price controls to liberate cash flows .

  23. 交易商们表示,那可能减轻国内价格的上涨,或可能被用来增加出口。

    That could mitigate the rise of domestic prices or could be used to boost exports , traders said .

  24. 豆油进口也有一定的惯性,会随其国内价格的提高而大幅增加。

    Soybean oil imports have certain inertia ; it will increase significantly with the increase of its domestic price .

  25. 本轮国内价格波动的外部冲击因素考察企业智力型人员外部化配置动因的实证分析

    The analysis of External shocks effect on domestic prices The Empirical Research of Enterprise Externalizing Intelligent Workers ' Motives

  26. 如果国内价格保持固定,而国际价格走高的话,即便政府不采取行动,补贴也将增加。

    If you fix domestic prices and world prices rise , subsidies will increase even if the regime does nothing .

  27. 供应商应尽可能降低其到岸价格,甚至低于其国内价格。

    Suppliers should try their best to reduce their CIF price , even make it lower than their home price .

  28. 由此产生的国内价格与国际价格之间的价差,对目标产品的国内下游加工商构成了隐性补助。

    The resulting gap between domestic prices and world prices constitutes implicit assistance to domestic downstream processors of the targeted products .

  29. 钢材、大蒜、棉花、铁矿石等交易品种的国内价格和交易量都大幅飙升。

    Domestic prices and trading volumes on steel , garlic , cotton , iron ore and other items have all soared .

  30. 此外,国内价格通常至少与出口价格同样易变,在某些情况下,变化更多。

    Moreover , domestic prices were usually at least as variable as export prices , and in some cases more so .