
  1. 是一家值得信赖的、最资深的人力资源服务公司,是全球领先的高管招聘的咨询服务机构。

    International is a trusted , most experienced human resources services company , is a leading global executive recruitment consulting services .

  2. 目前,很多外资公司均透过诸如北京外企人力资源服务公司及中国国际技术智力合作公司等劳动派遣机构招聘雇员,服务期超过一年。

    Currently , many foreign investment companies recruit their employees through labour dispatch agents such as FESCO and CIIC with a term of more than one year .

  3. 北京外企人力资源服务有限公司为北京奥组委的代理商。

    The city 's recruitment company , FESCO is the agent to BOCOG .