
  • 网络Resource Price;Resource rates
  1. 矿产资源价格确定与绿色GDP核算

    Pricing of Mineral Resources and Green GDP Accounts

  2. 所有这些都可以在EC2资源价格上涨的时候停止工作,当价格回落的时候重启。

    All these can stop processing when the price of EC2 resources rise , and can restart when the price goes back down .

  3. 基于水资源价格的PRED综合论证研究&以陕西关中地区为例

    The Research of PRED Synthetic Analysis Based on the Price of Water Resources & A Case of Guanzhong Region in Shaanxi Province

  4. 渣打(standardchartered)的杰拉德莱昂斯(gerardlyons)也警告称,“很有可能出现的情况是,资源价格(而非利率)将再次迫使全球经济刹车”。

    Gerard Lyons , of Standard Chartered , also warned that " it may well be that resource prices , rather than interest rates , serve as the brake for the global economy once again " .

  5. 研究了资源价格自主浮动机制。

    A mechanism of autonomous resource price fluctuation is put forward .

  6. 关中地区水资源价格研究

    A Study on the Price of Water resource in GuanZhong Region

  7. 而现在,资源价格高了,工资也在不断上涨。

    Now , resource prices are high and wages are rising .

  8. 论自然资源价格的构成和量定

    On the Component and Measurement for the Price of Natural Resources

  9. 多阶段制造系统调度模型与资源价格研究

    Scheduling Model and Resource Pricing in Multi Stage Manufacturing Systems

  10. 资源价格改革路线图即将成形

    Road Map of Reform in Resource Prices Is About to Take Shape

  11. 其实现形式为地租,地租资本化即为土地资源价格-生地价。

    Land rent capitalization is land resource cost-raw land cost .

  12. 税收对中国不可再生资源价格的影响

    The Impact of Taxation on the Prices of Nonrenewable Resources in China

  13. 以前的补贴是低工资和低资源价格。

    Low wages and resource prices were the subsidies before .

  14. 文章利用投入占用产出模型结合韶山灌区情况分析了水资源价格调整对灌区农业的影响,为灌区水资源的合理利用及区域经济规划提供了理论依据

    In the paper , the influences of water price adjustment on agriculture have

  15. 建立合理的水资源价格体系;

    Establishment of reasonable price system of water resource ;

  16. 济南市水资源价格研究

    A study of water resources price in Jinan City

  17. 自然资源价格的理论及其实施

    A Theory of Natural Resource Price Its Implementation

  18. 持续利用的自然资源价格论

    The Price of Natural Resource for Sustainable Utilization

  19. 论述了农地资源价格特征和构成。

    The paper expounds the price feature and price component of the agricultural land resources .

  20. 我国城市水资源价格刍议

    On the price of urban water resources

  21. 水资源价格理论研究综述

    Introduction on Theory of Water Resources Price

  22. 农地资源价格研究

    Study on the price of agricultural land

  23. 现阶段农用土地资源价格评估研究

    Study on Farming Land Resources Evaluation Nowadays

  24. 矿产资源价格成因及市场比较法估价模型

    The price formation of mineral resources and a valuation model by relative market price method

  25. 本文开篇就提出了能源资源价格在未来市场化改革中的重要性,进而点明进行电价水平国际比较的研究意义。

    On the very beginning of this article raised the significance of international price comparison .

  26. 理顺能源资源价格需要留出一定空间;

    We need to leave some room for adjusting the prices of energy and resources .

  27. 建立反映环境成本和可持续发展的资源价格体系

    Establishing a Pricing System that Reflects the Cost of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Resources

  28. 而上游资源价格的上升,必然会推动下游消费品价格的上升。

    And the rising of prices of the resources will promote the prices of consumer goods .

  29. 水资源价格制定问题研究

    Study on Determination of Water Price

  30. 制定水资源价格是实现水资源优化配置,维持持续发展的关键。

    Make water resource price is linchpin of water resource optimize distribution and keep continuable development .