
  1. 从理论上说,在如此长的时间内,各个行业的股东资金回报率都会保持稳定并回归均值。

    Theoretically , over such long periods returns on shareholders ' funds are constant and mean reverting across every industry .

  2. 风险投资的显著特点是高风险和高收益,要获得高资金回报率,对项目的选择非常重要。

    The characteristics of venture investment is high risk and high incomes . To acquire the high repay rate , the choice of venture investment item is very important .

  3. 另一方面,基于纯股权投资的风险资本因不需要资产抵押,故而要求较高的资金回报率,以平衡投资风险。

    On the other hand , is based on pure equity investment risk capital asset backed by need not money , so demand higher returns to balance the investment risk .

  4. 内容包括:产品的成本/价格、质量/品种、资金回报率、服务系统的能力和资源/能源强度与效率、物质循环、无害化等。

    The both form a comprehensive target system which includes : product cost / price , quality / kind , fund returning rate , ability and sources for service system / energy intensity and efficient circulation of materials , innocuity , etc.

  5. 同时,甘肃省地处西北内陆,地形地貌复杂多样,收费公路造价高,与东部发达地区相比,融资结构单一,公路车流量相对较小,资金回报率低,成本难以迅速收回。

    At the same time , gansu province is located in the northwest , complicated topography , the turnpike cost is high , compared with the developed areas in east , financing structure , highway traffic a relatively small , capital cost is low returns , rapid recovery .

  6. 但从整个体系的视角来看,当资金名义回报率接近于零、实际回报率为高额负值时,信贷市场的正常功能可能会失灵。

    But from a system-wide perspective , when the return on money becomes close to zero in nominal terms and substantially negative in real terms , then normal functionality may break down .

  7. 美元的疲软导致更多资金流入投资回报率更高的亚洲市场。

    The weakened U.S.dollar has prompted more money to pour into Asian currencies where there is a better return on investment .

  8. 因此,如果其自身融资成本为4%,假定其将缓冲资金投资于回报率为2%的德国债券,那么就会蒙受2%的损失。这部分成本也必须由借款者支付。

    So if its own funding costs are 4 per cent , and if it invests the cash buffer into German bonds at a hypothetical yield of 2 per cent , there is a loss of 2 percentage points . This also has to be paid for by the borrower .

  9. 资金长期锁定,回报率也不足以让投资者获得补偿。

    The money is locked up for a long time and returns have not been high enough to compensate .

  10. 通过有效的库存管理方法降低库存水平,对于大幅度提高企业的资金周转率和回报率以及提升企业的竞争力都具有特别重要的意义。

    By efficient inventory management , lowering the inventory level means a lot to the capital turnover , return of cost and competition of enterprise .

  11. 不过,巴克莱资本迄今尚未证明,在监管收紧的环境下,它能够创造远高于资金成本的股本回报率。

    Still , BarCap has yet to prove that in a tougher regulatory environment it can earn a return on equity much above its cost of capital .

  12. 尽管存在无法弥补的缺陷,但内部回报率仍然盛行的原因在于,它们不要求你明确说明资金成本或另类回报率。

    The reason internal rate of return calculations remain popular , despite their overwhelming disadvantages , is that they do not require you to specify the cost of capital or alternative rate of return .

  13. 军事官员和外交人员说,这种积极的军事反应改变了为索马里海盗提供资金者的风险回报率,他们必须将至多80%的收入用来贿赂索马里官员、地方军阀和其他中间人。

    The aggressive military response changed the risk-reward ratio for Somali piracy financiers , who must pay upward of 80 % of their earnings to corrupt Somali officials , local warlords and other middlemen , military officials and diplomats said .

  14. 文章从利润率和资金周转率两个方面解释了RFID对资金回报率的影响。

    So in this essay , RFID 's impactions on profit and return on investment are discussed .

  15. 为企业提供更多的流动资金,同时使得企业资金流加速,企业的资金回报率得到提升。

    Service value is offering adequate flowing capital to increase the capital flow speed for customers and improve the capital return rate for us .

  16. 证券市场的作用就是使得资金、资源在社会范围内重新配置,使得资金流向其回报率最大的地方。

    The function of securities market is reallocating funds and resources within the community to make capital flow to where maximum rate of return can be obtained .