
  • 网络capital base
  1. Knight补充称,虽然其资本基础受损,但仍能达到净资本要求。

    Knight added that although its capital base had been hurt , it was in compliance with net ­ capital requirements .

  2. Knight表示,其在截至6月30日的季度有3.65亿美元现金,并正在研究各种融资选择,以求加强其资本基础。

    Knight said it had $ 365m in cash for the quarter ending June 30 and was looking at financing options to strengthen its capital base .

  3. 第五章,优化我国上市公司融资结构,改善公司治理结构的资本基础。

    Chapter 5 : Improving financing structure and optimizing governance structure .

  4. 但它需要国际多样化和强大的资本基础。

    But it needs international diversification and strong capital base .

  5. 中国建设银行表示,将使用债券发行所得来加强其资本基础。

    CCB said it would use the cash to reinforce its capital base .

  6. 日本银行业同样有许多优先股存在于资本基础里。

    In Japan , too , banks have lots of preferred shares in their capital bases .

  7. 网龙表示,出售91无线将增强其盈利,拓宽其资本基础。

    NetDragon said the disposal of 91 Wireless would enhance its earnings and broaden its capital base .

  8. 这里的基础设施有限、且过于昂贵,人力资本基础也不够雄厚。

    Infrastructure is limited and too expensive , and the human capital base is not deep enough .

  9. 急剧上升的不良贷款,有可能侵蚀本已薄弱的资本基础,尤其是“四大”以外的银行。

    Sharply rising NPLs could erode already thin capital bases , especially outside the big four lenders .

  10. 债券市场正逐渐向银行重新开放,让他们出售债券,帮助为其资本基础融资。

    The market is slowly reopening to banks to sell bonds to help fund their capital base .

  11. 经济的快速增长如果要求资本基础以同样快的速度扩张,对现有股东就不会有什么裨益。

    Rapid growth does not benefit existing shareholders if it requires equally rapid expansion of the capital base .

  12. 当年的利润大部分作为扩充合并资本基础留存。

    As the major part of the year 's profit was retained to expand our consolidated capital base .

  13. 在去年经历了一轮无担保消费信贷危机之后,万泰商业银行发现自己的资本基础受到了侵蚀。

    Cosmos has seen its capital base eroded in the wake of a crisis in unsecured consumer lending last year .

  14. 被迫充实资本基础的银行,可不想让自己购买意大利债券的举动把投资者吓跑。

    Banks forced to raise their capital bases will not want to scare away shareholders by loading up on Italian paper .

  15. 另一方面,支撑发达国家本国人才群的城市人力资本基础,正受到糟糕学校教育的妨碍。

    The bedrock of urban human capital that underpins talent at home , meanwhile , is held back by poor schools .

  16. 我们拥有雄厚的资本基础、宽裕的流动性、无可比拟的广泛国际经验、杰出的人才。

    We have a sound capital base , strong liquidity , unmatched global experience with worldwide reach , and extraordinary people .

  17. 这场危机还沉重打击了日本各金融机构,其股价下挫,侵蚀了它们的资本基础。

    The crisis has also battered Japanese financial institutions , which have seen their capital bases eroded by the plunge in stock prices .

  18. 银行主管们说,他们在利用联邦资金加强银行资本基础的同时,尽了一切努力扩大信贷。

    Executives said that while federal funds were used to improve their capital base , banks have done what they can to expand lending .

  19. 应该对这些要求进行修正最好是在全球范围内,但若有必要也可以单方面进行从而使银行能够在现有资本基础上增加放贷。

    These requirements should be modified ideally globally but if necessary unilaterally so as to allow banks to lend more from their existing capital base .

  20. 把盈利的业务出让之后,花旗就放弃了一份有保障的利润,而这正是该行资本基础的关键组成部分。

    By shedding profitable business lines , Citigroup would be relinquishing a source of retained earnings , an important part of a bank 's capital base .

  21. 以日本为例,它那些一度不稳定的金融机构如今资金需求较低,资本基础稳固,并且几乎不存在对次级贷款的风险敞口。

    Take Japan , a country whose once-precarious financial institutions now have low funding needs , a solid capital base and little exposure to subprime loans .

  22. 林立表示,除了扩充其资本基础外,在香港市场占据一席之地还将有助于光大银行扩张国际业务。

    Along with adding to its capital base , a presence in the Hong Kong market will help Everbright expand its international business , Mr Lin said .

  23. 但随着美国银行向政府申请救助,如果不这么做,可能就意味着美国银行的资本基础仍然不够高。

    But failure to do so , as BofA goes back to the government for aid , could be signal that capital cushions still aren 't high enough .

  24. 国际市场上的许多投行将并购顾问服务与客户贷款结合在一起,而大多数新兴市场竞争对手则缺乏这种做的资本基础。

    Many investment banks in international markets combine M & A advisory services with lending to clients something most emerging market rivals lack the capital base to do .

  25. 银行及保险业集团股价昨日继续大幅下跌,因分析师警告称,抵押担保证券业务方面的损失可能迫使一些机构充实其资本基础。

    Shares in banks and insurance groups continued to tumble yesterday as analysts warned that losses from mortgage securities could force some institutions to shore up their capital bases .

  26. 这是政府支持的交易。中信正准备发行10亿美元的公司债券,以扩大资本基础。

    It 's a government - supported transaction , he said , and Citic was preparing to offer $ 1bn in corporate bonds to shore up its capital base .

  27. 这项工作的重中之重在于进一步夯实商业银行的资本基础,改进流动性调配机制,加强风险管理和监管,完善信息披露以更有效地发挥市场约束的作用。

    The key building blocks to core bank resiliency are strong capital cushions , robust liquidity buffers , strong risk management and supervision , and better market discipline through transparency .

  28. 一方面,相对控股地位仅仅对应着资本基础上的银行控制权的股东明晰控制权部分。

    One side , status of comparatively control on stock equity only corresponding to Shareholders contract control rights , which is a part of bank control rights on capital sense .

  29. 因此,有关方面强烈敦促缺乏足够市场融资途径的银行提升资本基础,也是通过充分利用政府支持措施的方式进行资本重组。

    Therefore , banks that lack sufficient access to market funding are strongly urged to boost their capital bases , also by taking full advantage of government support measures for recapitalisation .

  30. 第四章,研究了中国高新技术产品出口发展的基础,重点分析了中国高新技术产品出口的产业基础、人力资本基础和研究开发与创新的基础。

    In Chapter 4 , it targets at the developing basis of Chinese hi-tech product export , definitely covering the industrial basis , human capital basis and R & D innovation basis .