
xiàn huò jià ɡé
  • cash price, spot price
  1. 中国大型电力公司华润电力(chinaresourcespower)两周前表示,预计现货价格将继续下跌。

    One big generator , China Resources Power , said two weeks ago it expected further falls in spot prices .

  2. 油价资讯服务公司(oilpriceinformationservice)表示,墨西哥湾汽油现货价格较10月交割的汽油期货价格高出约28美分/加仑。

    Gulf Coast spot gasoline fetched about 28 cents per gallon more than futures for October delivery , the oil price information service said .

  3. 中部阿巴拉契亚煤炭现货价格是在CAPP的期货价格的基础上形成,并且收到CAPP期货价格波动的影响。

    The central Appalachia coal prices are in stock of CAPP based on the futures price formation , and received CAPP futures price fluctuations .

  4. ECM模型则考虑了现货价格和期货价格的非平稳性、长期均衡关系和短期动态关系。

    ECM model considers the the spot prices and futures prices ' non-stationary , long-term equilibrium relationship and short-term dynamic relationship .

  5. 基于IRF和VD的连豆期货与现货价格动态关系的研究

    Based on IRF and VD about the Dynamic Relationship between Soybean Futures and Spot Price

  6. 在VAR模型下的格兰杰因果检验中发现股指期货和现货价格互为格兰杰原因,表明价格发现是两个市场相互作用的过程。

    The pair wise granger causality test suggests that the stock index futures price and spot market price are mutual granger reasons . Both the derivative and cash market have effect on the price process .

  7. 并对CAPP煤炭期货价格和现货价格作了一个实证分析,结果表明美国纽约商业期货交易所的CAPP期货价格和现货价格之间确实存在长期稳定的协整关系。

    And the futures price of CAPP coal and spot price made an empirical analysis , the results showed that the American nymex futures price of CAPP and spot price exists between the long-term stability of co-integration relationship .

  8. 澳大利亚银行麦格理(macquarie)称价格有可能上涨30%,并预计现货价格也有可能“在未来几个月继续上涨”。

    Macquarie , the Australian bank , said prices would rise 30 per cent and anticipated that spot prices would also " move higher in the coming months " .

  9. 相比之下,eiger的系列基金故意只对现货价格进行跟踪。

    The Eiger family of funds , by contrast , deliberately only track the spot price .

  10. 澳大利亚麦格理银行(MacquarieBank)大宗商品研究主管吉姆•列农(JimLennon)表示,根据当前的铁矿石现货价格、中国钢铁产量明年又将强劲增长的预期判断,铁矿石价格将继续上扬。

    Jim Lennon , executive director commodities research at Macquarie Bank , said current spot prices for iron ore , and another strong increase in Chinese steel production next year , suggested iron ore prices would rise again .

  11. 最后在借鉴CME成功经验的基础上,对我国生猪期货交割制度进行了初步设计,创新地提出采用实物交割和以生猪现货价格指数为结算价的现金结算两种交割方式并存的交割制度。

    Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .

  12. 此外,加拿大钾肥出口卡特尔canpotex在亚洲和巴西提高了现货价格。

    In addition , canpotex , the Canadian potash Export Cartel , has raised spot prices in Asia and Brazil .

  13. 上星期现货价格上升至美元800-840/吨CFR东北亚(到岸价),这与上月同期比较上升了美元80/吨。

    Spot prices were assessed at $ 800-840 / tonne CFR ( cost and freight ) Northeast Asia last week , a rise of $ 80 / tonne over the last month .

  14. 与大多数学者选取WTI原油现货价格作为国际油价的代表不同,本文选取的是IMF发布的Brent原油现货价格。

    In this article , Brent crude oil spot prices the IMF released is selected as a representative of the international oil prices , from which is different that most scholars selected WTI crude oil spot prices .

  15. 从市场数据可见一斑:从密切跟踪1至8月份现货价格的人民币不可交割远期(NDF)目前的价格看,市场预期两年内人民币兑美元将升值4%。

    Markets are pointing the way : non-deliverable forwards , having tracked spot prices closely from January to August , are now pricing in a 4 per cent appreciation against the dollar within two years .

  16. 中国钢铁业受到铁矿石现货价格大幅上涨的打击。目前各钢厂竞相争夺进口铁矿石,它们预期,一项涉及英澳矿商力拓(RioTinto)涉嫌从事间谍活动的调查,会导致进口限制。

    China 's steel industry has been hit with sharply higher spot prices for iron ore as mills scramble for imports ahead of expected import curbs linked to an inquiry involving spying charges against Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner .

  17. 3月中旬,即便是在现货价格下跌之际,VIX指数现货价与投资者预测的6个月后水平的差值仍然创下了历史新高。

    In mid-March , even as the spot price was falling , the difference between where the VIX was and how much higher investors thought it would be in six months hit an all-time high .

  18. 我们可以报现货价格。

    We are in a position to offer from ready goods .

  19. 原油期货价格对现货价格的预测准确性分析

    Accuracy analysis of forecasting crude oil spot prices using futures prices

  20. 而黄埔现货价格对其影响较小;

    And , to a less extent , by Huangpu spot prices .

  21. 确实,震后天然气现货价格已经上涨。

    And indeed , spot prices have risen higher since the earthquake .

  22. 目前的现货价格是每公斤13美元。

    spot prices now run at $ 13 per kilogramme .

  23. 现货价格中包含了把铁矿石运送到中国的成本。

    Spot prices include the cost of shipping to China .

  24. 通常,年度合约价格会低于现货价格。

    Traditionally , annual contracts are settled below spot prices .

  25. 这导致了铀现货价格的大幅上涨。

    That has contributed to the sharp rally in spot uranium prices .

  26. 1-3月期间,平均现货价格是每吨131美元。

    The January-March average is $ 131 a tonne .

  27. 在过去6个月中,长期石油期货价格涨势一直强于现货价格。

    Long-dated oil futures have outperformed spot prices during the past six months .

  28. 多名中国交易员表示,铁矿石现货价格本周可能突破每吨200美元。

    Several Chinese traders said the price might surpass $ 200 this week .

  29. 不同粮食品种期现货价格关系的表现有所差异。

    The relationship of future and spot price for certain grains are different .

  30. 期货市场期货价格与现货价格关系的协整分析&以上海期货市场的期铜为例

    Cointegration Analysis of Future and Present Prices of Commodity