
xiàn jīn jià zhí
  • cash value
  1. 新兴市场首次公开发行(IPO)的现金价值一直是发达市场IPO的两倍,尽管市场规模逊色得多。

    Emerging market IPOs have been running at double the cash value of developed market IPOs , in spite of the much smaller market scale .

  2. 其一,奖项的现金价值是著名的诺贝尔奖的两倍。

    For one , the cash value is twice that of the famed Nobel .

  3. 保单的保险金额有别于保单的现金价值。

    The policy 's face amount is different from the policy 's cash value .

  4. 通常在第一年之后,保险单就会开始增加现金价值。

    Generally after the first year , the policy begins to increase cash value .

  5. 现金价值条款引发的保险合同纠纷很多。

    The provisions on cash value in the insurance contract trig - gered many disputes .

  6. 目前,与伦敦相比,格拉斯哥能够带给雇主的是现金价值。

    At the moment , what Glasgow offers to employers over London is value for money .

  7. 优质旅游服务计划小册子并无现金价值,不能兑换现金。

    The QTS scheme consumer leaflet has no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash .

  8. 因此,保险实务中要注意:现金价值条款应尽量通俗化;

    Therefore , it is necessary to pay attention to substantive insurance : cash value provisions should be accessible ;

  9. 他们付出了死亡抚恤金给你,不管发生什么事情,在帐户现金价值。

    They are paying a death benefit to you no matter what happens to the cash value in the account .

  10. 银行一般比较乐意接受保单为抵押品,因为它们有现金价值,比房产等流动性强。

    Banks are willing to lend cheaply against insurance policies , which have cash value and are more liquid than properties .

  11. 书籍出版行业目前仍在运转,因为它增加了编辑、加工、销售和现金价值。

    The book publishing industry still works for now because it adds value with editing , promotion , sales , and cash .

  12. 现金价值作为企业价值的重要组成部分,企业所处的外部制度环境因素会对其产生影响。

    External system environment of the enterprises have an effect on the cash , which as an important part of enterprise value .

  13. 而原先的基金持有人必须共同来补齐这些差额。保单的保险金额有别于保单的现金价值。

    And the original fund holders have to cover the difference . The policy 's face amount is different from the policy 's cash value .

  14. 首先是整个寿险累积的现金价值,可以支付时死亡,或在一定的年龄。

    The first is that whole life insurance accrues a cash value , which can be paid out upon death , or at a certain age .

  15. 美联储一位官员曾对我说,他估计实际存储的成本介于现金价值的1%至2%之间。

    A US central banker once told me his estimate for the actual storage cost was somewhere between 1 and 2 per cent of the cash value .

  16. 全能寿险具有保费随机缴纳、现金价值确定方式不同,死亡给付方式具有可选性等鲜明特征。

    The distinguished features of the universal life include randomly paying for premium , variable determining manners for cash values and the optional ways of death benefits .

  17. 尽管绝大多数财产险种的保单都有一具体的最大数量的赔偿额,它们是否赔偿重置费用或实际的现金价值取决于保险单的条款。

    While most property insurance policies specity a maximum dollar limit , whether they pay replacement costs or actual cash value depends on the terms of the policy .

  18. 参加展销会的农民将得到具有现金价值的购物券,他们可以在种子、肥料、工具和提供的耕作服务中选择购买对象。

    Attending farmers receive vouchers with cash values , so that they can choose what to purchase among the seeds , fertilizers , tools and tillage services on offer .

  19. 根据“提前消费思想”,给出新型养老保险模型&对具有一定年龄的老人可以抵押财产提前消费,文中引进了马尔可夫过程,现金价值理论来优化模型。

    According to advance consumption , this paper presents a new estate mortgage model to solve it , applying the Markovian process , the cash value to optimize it .

  20. 对现金价值条款理解有争议,人民法院或者仲裁机关应当作有利于被保险人和受益人的解释。

    The people 's court or arbitral bodies should be conducive to the applicant and beneficiaries if there is is - puted understanding of the provisions on the cash value .

  21. 投保人已交足二年以上保险费的,保险人应当按照保险单退还其现金价值。

    If , however , the applicant has paid premiums for two ( 2 ) years or more , the insurer shall return the cash value of the policy to the insured in accordance with the contract .

  22. 同时,本着公平的原则,《保险法》中还规定,对投保人已支付的保险费,保险人应当按照保险单退还其现金价值。

    In the meantime , act on fair principle ," insurance law " in return a regulation , to policy-holder prepaid insurance premium , the underwriter ought to return its cost of money according to insurance policy .

  23. 研究发现,企业的现金价值与现金持有量呈负相关关系,说明现金存量越多的企业,越有可能产生过度投资,造成现金价值减损。

    In terms of the relation between the value of cash and cash holdings , as the cash levels increases , the value of cash decreases which shows that companies with sufficient cash are more likely to have excessive investment .

  24. 而人身保险单(主要是人寿保险单)在投保人交付一定期限的保险费后,开始享有现金价值,此时的保险单不丧失价值,因此在担保债权的实现上具有可靠性。

    When the applicant has consigned the insurance premium of certain term , life insurance policy has begun enjoying the cash value , and has the non-forfeiture value . Therefore , the realization of the warranted obligation has become reliable .

  25. 那些全款买保险的人,也可以把保单做抵押,再借出钱来,买一些高息产品。银行一般比较乐意接受保单为抵押品,因为它们有现金价值,比房产等流动性强。

    For those who want to pay in full , they can also borrow against their policy and invest in higher-yielding products . Banks are willing to lend cheaply against insurance policies , which have cash value and are more liquid than properties .

  26. 但是由于人身保险的保险费带有储蓄因素,投保人长期支付保险费基础上积累起来的现金价值应当归属于其他享有权利的受益人。

    But the insurance premium that is sure as a result of person contains deposit element , policy-holder pays insurance premium for a long time the cost of money that rise is gathered on the foundation ought to vest in is other the beneficiary beneficiary that enjoys the right .

  27. 如果这项并购因未获监管机构批准而终止,Facebook将向WhatsApp支付10亿美元现金加价值10亿美元的Facebook股票作为分手费。

    In the event the merger is terminated if regulatory approval isn 't achieved , Facebook would pay WhatsApp a $ 1 billion cash breakup fee and issue $ 1 billion in Facebook shares .

  28. 他指出,周一早间一位分析师上调了Tesla的目标价,他在计算中使用了10年现金流价值,而该公司2020年以前产生的现金流非常少,只是这个预期值的一小部分。

    He pointed to an analyst who raised a price target for Tesla on Monday morning using 10 years ' worth of cash flow in the calculation , with just a fraction of the projected cash flow coming before 2020 .

  29. 供应链的现金流价值工程分析;

    Cash flow analysis of SCM with value engineering ;

  30. 上市公司持有现金边际价值的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Marginal Value of Cash Holdings for the Listed Firms in China