
  • 网络residual maturity;Remaining maturity
  1. 信用利差从定义上可以表述为企业债券收益率与相同剩余期限国债收益率的差值。

    Credit spread can be defined as the difference between enterprise bond yield and government bond yield that have the same remaining maturity .

  2. 2008年底,韩国按剩余期限计算的短期外债(包括长期债务的当期部分)总额为1940亿美元,而外汇储备为2000亿美元,使其成为亚洲经济体中偿债能力比最差的一个。

    Short-term external debts on a remaining maturity basis , which includes the current portion of long-term debt , stood at $ 194bn at the end of 2008 . That compares with $ 200bn of foreign exchange reserves , giving Korea one of Asia 's skimpiest coverage ratios .

  3. 同时,剩余期限、持有时间也是影响债券风险的重要因素。

    At the same time , surplus time limit and keeping time are also important elements which influent the bond adventure .

  4. 期末发行在外的股份期权或其他权益工具行权价格的范围和合同剩余期限。

    The range of the vesting prices for the share options or other equity instruments issued outward at the end of period , and the remainder of the contractual period ;

  5. 本文研究的对象是利率期限结构,利率期限结构是指不同期限的利率与该期限之间的关系,它需要用债券的即期利率与其剩余到期期限之间的关系来表示。

    The object of this study is the term structure of interest rates . The term structure of interest rates is the relationship between the interest rates with different terms and the corresponding deadline , and the interest rate is usually the spot rate of bonds with different remaining maturities .

  6. 桥式起重机金属结构剩余安全使用期限估算

    How to estimate the residual safe life of metal structure of overhead traveling crane