
  • 网络Residual income;residual earnings;residual return
  1. 剩余收益模型在上市公司价值评估中的应用

    Application of Residual Income ( RI ) to Evaluation of Listed Company

  2. EVA与剩余收益互有增量信息解释能力。

    EVA has incremental information content beyond residual income , and vice versa .

  3. 然而,根据剩余收益来决策,B投资中心将采纳新投资项目。

    However , center B will accept the new investment opportunity by means of RI .

  4. 经济增加值(EVA)源于剩余收益(RI)模型。

    Economic Value Added originated from Residual Income Model .

  5. EVA并不能完全代替投资报酬率和剩余收益指标,但更加完善了管理者业绩评价指标体系。

    EVA perfects present manager performance measures system , but can 't completely replace IRR and RI .

  6. 企业选择剩余收益作为ROI的替代方法。

    As an alternative to ROI measure , organizations adopt the residual income concept .

  7. EVA是一种业绩评价方法,剩余收益估价模型是一种权益估价方法。

    EVA is a method of performance evaluation , and residual income valuation model is a method of equity valuation .

  8. 因此便无法以ROI公式或剩余收益来衡量其绩效。

    Thus , evaluation by the ROI formula or by the residual income approach will not be possible .

  9. 基于此,本文在分析目前盛行的三大模型的基础上,推导出基于EVA的剩余收益估价方法。

    Based on this point , this dissertation has educed a Residual Income model based on EVA after analyzed three existed models at present .

  10. 首先,运用剩余收益折现模型(RIM)计算样本公司的股权融资成本。

    First of all , applied the discounted residual income model ( RIM ) to calculate the cost of equity financing of sample companies .

  11. 第二步,在人力资本获取工资性收入的基础上,利用调整后的经济增加值(EVA′)方法使高层次人力资本获得企业剩余收益。

    The second step , allocate the economic added value after adjustment ( EVA ' ) to high-level human capital on basis of human capital getting wage .

  12. 经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,EVA)是一种剩余收益型的业绩评价指标,在企业管理实践中有广泛的用途。

    The paper gives a general review of the theoretical and empirical study on economic value added ( EVA ) . EVA is a managerial performance measure based upon the residual income concept and has been widely used in corporate managerial practice .

  13. EVA业绩指标的理论基础是剩余收益,它通过对GAAP进行调整,试图克服剩余收益的缺陷,使调整后的剩余收益尽可能趋近于经济收益。

    EVA founded on the theory of surplus income ; it passes to adjust the GAAP , trying to overcome the shortcoming of the surplus income .

  14. 经理股票期权(ESO)作为从企业所有者的剩余收益中拿出来让渡给经理人的部分剩余利润的索取权,它是有成本的。

    Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) incentive has cost because it is a demand on the part of executives for surplus value from the owner of the enterprises .

  15. 因此,Ohlson模型在我国电力行业应用上确实比传统的股权自由现金流折现模型和剩余收益模型更优越。

    Therefore , it is the conclusion that Ohlson Model has advantages over traditional FCFE Model and RIV Model in power industry in our country .

  16. 使用Feltham和Ohlson阐述的剩余收益评估模型对国内银行类上市公司的商誉与会计科目之间的关系进行评估,实证检验结果表明:银行商誉价值主要源于存款、贷款以及销售有偿服务。

    The valuation , on the relation between the goodwill of domestic banks and its fiscal subjects , has been made with RIV model .

  17. 两者都要考虑资本成本,使用剩余收益概念,因而可以统一在经济价值创造(EVC)这一框架中。

    Both of them need to take into account the cost of capital and use the concept of residual income , so they can integrate with the framework of Economic Value Created ( EVC ) .

  18. 他关注的是使剩余收益最大化而不是投资报酬率。

    He is concerned about maximizing RI other than roi .

  19. 剩余收益定价模型在深圳A股市场的应用研究

    The applied research of residual income valuation model on Shenzhen Stock Market

  20. 鉴于此,作者对剩余收益评估模型进行了改进。

    The author hence upgraded the Residual Income Evaluation Model .

  21. 创新企业剩余收益分配的博弈分析

    On Innovative Enterprises ' Surplus Revenue Allocation With Game Theory

  22. 推行剩余收益制促进节能降耗

    Introduction the system of surplus profit and promoting energy saving and consumption reduction

  23. 剩余收益分享制与现代企业制度

    System of sharing surplus income and modern enterprise system

  24. 是否有任何限制的限制剩余收益?

    Is there any capping limit on Residual Income ?

  25. 人力资本参与物流企业剩余收益分配的量化模型

    The Quantification Model on Human Capital Participating in Income Distribution of Logistics Enterprises

  26. 剩余收益价值评估模型及应用

    Application of the Residual Income Valuation Model

  27. 本文的研究从最基础的概念出发,通过引入剩余收益模型,解决对内在价值的估计这一难题。

    I solve the difficult problem of computing intrinsic value through introducing RIM from the basic concepts .

  28. 会计价值分配的内容是企业新创造的价值,即剩余收益。

    The content of accounting value allocation is new value created by corporations , namely remaining proceeds .

  29. 净资产、剩余收益与市场定价:会计信息的价值相关性

    Book Value , Residual Income and Market Valuation : An Empirical Research on Value-Relevance of Accounting Information

  30. 最大限度的降低代理成本其实就是最大化企业的剩余收益。

    The reduction of agency cost to minimum is to maximize the residual income of the firm .