
  • 网络theory of surplus value;surplus value;surplus value theory
  1. 浅论马克思唯物史观与剩余价值理论之间的关系

    On Relationship Between Marxian Historical Materialism and Theory of Surplus Value

  2. 改革开放对剩余价值理论的巨大创新

    Reform and Opening-An Enormous Innovation to the Theory of Surplus Value

  3. 对马克思剩余价值理论的再认识

    Reflection on the Theory of Surplus Value of Karl Marx

  4. 剩余价值理论应当结合实践注入新的内容

    Enrich the Theory of Surplus Value with New Content

  5. 关于深化剩余价值理论的思考

    Ponder on Exploration of the Theory of Labor Value

  6. 剩余价值理论及其在当代的发展

    Theory of Surplus Value Development at Modern Times

  7. 异化劳动理论及其向剩余价值理论转变的必然性

    The Alienated Labor Theory and the Inevitability of Its Transforming into Theory of Surplus Value

  8. 劳动价值理论的深化必然会引发对剩余价值理论的深化。

    The theory of labor value is futher explored that lead to deeply think to surplus value .

  9. 在政治经济学方面,剩余价值理论也体现了人与自然关系的异化。

    As regards Marxist political economics , the Surplus value theories reflect the alienation relationship between man and nature .

  10. 无疑,对这一经济理论的进一步研究有助于我们加深对马克思剩余价值理论的理解和发展。

    Undoubtedly , further research into this economic theory will redound to understanding Marx 's theory about surplus value .

  11. 科学的劳动价值论是马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础,是剩余价值理论和科学社会主义理论的基础。

    Scientific Labor Value Theory is theoretical basis of political economics of Marxism and of surplus value theory and scientific socialism .

  12. 但随着马克思思想的进一步深入,他又告别了异化劳动,转而对剩余价值理论进行探索。

    But with the further deepening of Marx , he bid farewell to the alienation of labor , instead of exploring the theory of surplus value .

  13. 本文运用委托代理理论、人力资本理论、剩余价值理论,对股票期权制度的效率问题进行了深入的研究。

    The thesis analysis the stock option system and the efficiency of this system based on the theories such as commission & surrogate and human resources capital .

  14. 本文从货币资金时间价值谈起,结合马克思的剩余价值理论,认为剩余价值就是货币资金的时间价值。

    This article combines with marks " Surplus Value Theory " and introduce the " Time Value of Money " . It considered the time value of money that was the surplus value .

  15. 本文就是在对西方最优税收理论进行评析的基础上,以马克思的剩余价值理论和再生产理论来研究我国的最优税收理论。

    The main purpose of this essay is to establish a customized Chinese Theory of Optimal Taxation by integrating Marx 's Theories of Surplus Value and Reproduction with the Western Theory of Optimal Taxation .

  16. 本文主要对剩余价值理论、资本积累理论、社会资本再生产理论、利润和平均利润理论的若干观点进行讨论。

    This paper , therefore , mainly discusses the theory of surplus value , the theory of accumulation of capital , the theory of social reproduction and the theory of profit and average profit .

  17. 该理论建立在马克思主义的商品和市场理论、价值和剩余价值理论、资本的生产过程和流通过程的理论,以及竞争和市场价值理论等一系列重要理论基础之上的。

    This theory is based on Marxism commodity and market theory , value and surplus value theory , capital production process and circulation process theory , as well as competition and market value theory and so on .

  18. 从马克思主义形成与发展的动态历史过程看,辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义、科学社会主义、剩余价值理论和自然辩证法是其根本的结构体系。

    Inferred from the dynamic history of the formation and development of Marxism , dialectical materialism , historical materialism , scientific socialism , the theory of surplus value and dialectics of nature are its basic structural system .

  19. 马克思的剩余价值理论是马克思经济理论的基石,但不能完全用它来分析我国现阶段的混合经济形式。

    Marxist theory on surplus value is the cornerstone of Marxist economics , however , we should not completely utilize the theory on surplus value to analyse the form of mixed economy at the current stage in our country .

  20. 本文对人力资源的计量模式进行了介绍和评价,同时根据马克思的剩余价值理论和模糊数学理论对随机价值模型进行了调整,形成新的调整后的随机模型。

    The present article introduces and evaluates the measurement mode of human resources . At the same time , the random value model is adjusted according to Marx 's surplus value theory and fuzzy mathematics theory in order to form random model .

  21. 第二部分,从剩余价值理论和科学技术是第一生产力理论角度,论述建设吉林科教省是振兴吉林老工业基地的必由之路。

    Part ⅱ From the angle of the surplus-value theory and the theory that science and technology constitute the primary productive force , discuss the inevitable way to resuscitate the old industrial bases like the Northeast is to construct a province of science and education .

  22. 世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和剩余价值理论、罗莎?卢森堡的第三市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。

    As a school of western Marxism , world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx 's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value , Rosa Luxemburg 's theory of " the third market ", Lenin and Bukharin 's theory of imperialism ;

  23. 是不是马克思的剩余价值理论过时了,不再适用于社会主义,或者通过实践证明资本、土地和劳动共同创造价值的三要素理论是正确的,现在接受或默认了这个理论。

    Some people think that whether the surplus value of Marx 's theory is out of date and no longer suits socialism or whether the theory of three elements i.e.capital , land and labor prove to be practical , the Party accepts the latter with acquiescence .

  24. 并且从当期价值理论、新的劳动价值一元论、西方人力资本理论以及马克思主义剩余价值理论等多个不同角度详细介绍了人力资源价值可计量的理论基础。

    Through the current theory of value , the new labor value monism , the Western theory of human capital as well as the Marxist theory of surplus value different perspectives and many other details of the value of human resources can be the theoretical basis for measurement .

  25. 当代社会剩余价值分配理论探析

    On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society

  26. 剩余价值分配理论课堂讲授之我见

    On the Teaching of the Theory of Surplus Value Distribution

  27. 地租理论是马克思剩余价值分配理论的重要组成部分,它以科学的劳动价值理论与生产价格理论为基础。

    The Land theory is an important component of surplus value 's distribution of Marx .

  28. 系统方法与相对剩余价值生产理论&《资本论》第一卷第四篇中系统方法的探讨

    System Method and Comparative Surplus Value Theory & A Discussion on the System Method Used in the Fourth Piece of Das Kapital Book One

  29. 笔者通过考察剩余价值的理论基础和社会属性,论证了社会主义市场经济中也存在剩余价值。

    By analyzing the theoretical basis and social attributes of surplus value , the paper states that surplus value also exists in socialist market economy .

  30. 一开始,该企业的员工发现老板在剥削他们,于是开始踏上探寻“剩余价值”理论真谛的道路。

    At first , the workers learn that their boss is exploiting them , setting them on the path to discovering the truth of the theory of surplus value .