
  • 网络cascading effect
  1. 这会给其它债务负担沉重的小国以及本国的投资者带来连带效应,从而让冰岛在这场席卷全球的金融风暴中具有了超乎其规模的重要意义。

    That could have a cascading effect on other small , debt-ridden countries and on the country 's investors giving the island outsized importance amid the financial pain circling the globe .

  2. 例句万幸的是,通货膨胀并没有对平均收入产生连带效应。

    Luckily , the inflation did not have a knock-on effect on average incomes .

  3. su表示,一个连带效应就是船运量的增长放缓。

    Mr Su said a knock-on effect was a slowdown in shipping volumes .

  4. ShoppingMall作为商业地产最热门的业态,在欧美的成功及其高附加值的连带效应使之成为新的投资风向,备受投资者的追捧。

    As the hottest type of business in commercial property , Shopping mall has become the new trend of investment and extremely popular with the investors because of success in Europe and the US as well as the related effect of high added value .

  5. 当双子楼倒塌的时候,连带效应波及到了Cortlandt街地铁站,近430米的隧道遭到破坏;

    When the twin towers fell , the collateral damage took out the Cortlandt Street subway station , almost 430 meters of tunnel destroyed ;

  6. 建立了一种用于模拟外部连带效应市场的元胞自动机模型。

    A model of cellular automata to describe markets with network externalities was developed .

  7. 产品销售的连带效应;

    Related effect of the products selling ;

  8. 类似提高名誉的正面连带效应是不是比“此时此刻”的现金补偿更具长期价值?

    Are positive derivative effects like reputation enhancement much more valuable in the long run than here-and-now cash compensation ?

  9. 苏格兰皇家银行一直在为混合型证券派息或许是为了避免养老基金和保险公司投资组合中的连带效应。

    RBS has continued payments on hybrid securities perhaps to avoid knock-on effects in the portfolios of pension funds and insurance companies .

  10. 房地产市场的大幅放缓,助长了更为悲观的情绪,这种放缓已开始对其它行业产生连带效应。

    The more pessimistic mood has been prompted by a sharp slowdown in the property market , which is beginning to have a knock-on effect on other industries .

  11. 双边信任的蒸发,已产生超出比例的连带效应,冲击了亚洲的战略稳定,影响了气候变化谈判,还加大了各方的担忧,即自由贸易得到的支持越来越小。

    The evaporating bilateral trust has an outsize knock-on effect , upsetting strategic stability in Asia , derailing climate change talks and amplifying worries over diminishing support for free trade .

  12. 斯特林表示,通过特别强调排名最靠前的结果,这一变化将对任何靠所谓搜索引擎优化而获得更高搜索结果排名的公司,产生重要的连带效应。

    By putting greater emphasis on the top results , the change could have important implications for any business that uses so-called search engine optimisation to try to gain prominence in search results , Mr Sterling said .

  13. 关于产业投资战略需要特别关注的是:产业投资优化的价值标准与基本目标的确立;产业投资连带效应的最优实现。

    The setup of the value standard and basic target of perfecting industrial investment and the perfect materialization of the related effect of industrial investment are the two issues that deserve special attention in drawing up the industrial investment strategy .

  14. 航天及国防咨询公司蒂尔集团航天研究总监马可o卡塞雷斯称:请牢记,无论什么时候开始发射更多卫星,只要能大幅降低发射服务的价格,带来更多新入行的企业,就会产生大量连带效应。

    Keep in mind that whenever you start launching more satellites , when you make launch services cheaper and bring new players into the market , you have a lot of spinoff effects , Marco Caceres , director of space studies at aerospace and defense consultancy Teal Group .