
léi fēnɡ jīnɡ shen
  • Lei Feng Spirit;the spirit of Lei Feng;spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly
  1. 是的,我们应该把雷锋精神发扬光大。

    Bob : Yeah , we should emulate the spirit of Lei Feng .

  2. 对于大多数西方人来说,雷锋精神就是一种利他精神

    For most Westerners , the spirit of Lei Feng is a spirit of altruism

  3. 出席。:唇吻派对。:在…之中流传。比如:雷锋精神一直为中国人民广泛传颂。lipservice口惠,空口的应酬话,口头上说得好听的话。

    make an appearance kiss on the lips party on the lips of Lei Feng 's spirit has always been on the lips of the Chinese people .

  4. 论雷锋精神的结构、特点和意义

    About the structure , features and meaning of Lei Feng Spirit

  5. 雷锋精神鲜明的时代价值

    Distinctive Value of the Day of the Spirit of Lei Feng

  6. 论弘扬雷锋精神的时代内涵

    On the Epoch Connotation of Carrying Forward the Spirit of Lei Feng

  7. 雷锋精神与当代革命军人核心价值观

    Lei Feng Spirit and Contemporary Revolutionary Soldiers ' Core Values

  8. 弘扬雷锋精神与践行社会主义荣辱观浅谈

    Carrying forward Lei Feng Spirit , Fulfilling Socialistic Outlook of Glories and Disgraces

  9. 首先,组织学习重温雷锋精神。

    First of all , the organizational learning from Lei Feng spirit back .

  10. 有些人认为雷锋精神已经过时。

    Some think it no longer rings a bell .

  11. 其次,组织活动,学习雷锋精神。

    Secondly , the Organization 's activities , learning from Lei Feng spirit .

  12. 论雷锋精神的当代价值

    Value of LeiFeng 's Spirit in this Epoch

  13. 雷锋精神与新时期德育教育

    Leifeng Spirit and moral education in new days

  14. 雷锋精神扎根于群众沃土&纪念向雷锋同志学习题词发表40周年

    Lei Feng 's spirit roots in the mass

  15. 雷锋精神垂世远久,值得我们学习。

    The Leifeng Spirit will be handed down forever and we should all learn from it .

  16. 雷锋精神对中华民族的发展具有强大的凝聚力,是中华民族发展的精神支撑。

    It has very strong cohesion and spiritual support for the development of the Chinese nation .

  17. 可以这么说,雷锋精神就是一种全心全意为人民服务的精神

    It can be said that Lei Feng spirit is a spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly

  18. 雷锋精神与时代同行

    Leifengs spirit advance with age

  19. 雷锋精神以超越时空的力量成为人类最宝贵的精神财富。

    Lei Feng spirit to go beyond the power of time and space to become the most precious spiritual wealth .

  20. 而评论人士则指出,那些认为雷锋精神过时的人其实是误解了其真正的意义。

    Commentators , however , point out those who regarded Lei 's spirit as being outdated have misinterpreted its meaning .

  21. 雷锋精神是半个世纪以来对中国人影响最深刻的一种道德范式。

    Lei Feng Spirit is a moral paradigm that has the most profound impact on Chinese people during the half century lately .

  22. 第四部分主要阐述了当前我国高校大学生雷锋精神建设的依据、原则和目标。

    The fourth part mainly elaborates the basis , principle and object of constructing Lei Feng spirit of university students in China .

  23. 在一个物欲横流却缺乏道德品行的社会里,我们似乎很难去珍视雷锋精神。

    In a society with material abundance but a lack of moral fiber , it seems hard to cherish the Lei Feng spirit .

  24. 雷锋精神对于大学生德育而言,是一种不可忽视、不容遗忘的德育资源。

    As to moral education of college students , Lei Feng Spirit is a moral resource that should never be ignored or forgotten .

  25. 分析了雷锋精神的内涵及其特征,指出了如何在新时期德育教育中大力弘扬雷锋精神。

    Analyzes the connotation and characteristic of Leifeng Spirit , presents that how to develop energetically Leifeng Spirit in new days ' moral education .

  26. 一个美国商人如此说道:雷锋精神是人类应该有的,应把雷锋精神弘扬到全世界。

    So an American businessman said : Lei Feng spirit is human should have , should the Lei Feng spirit carry forward to the world .

  27. 雷锋精神作为一种在我国传统道德文化土壤中产生、成长起来的道义精神无疑是精神贫血现象产生的防腐剂。

    Lei Feng spirit which produce and grow up in the traditional moral culture soil in our country is a spirit of " anemia " phenomenon .

  28. 例如,浙江海洋学院英语专业大一新生、19岁的单海萍(音译)就坚信雷锋精神就是坚守自己的行事原则。

    For instance , Shan Haiping , 19 , a freshman English major from Zhejiang Ocean University , believes the spirit means guarding one 's principles .

  29. 雷锋精神的形成离不开特殊的时代背景和特定的历史文化基础以及雷锋自身的优秀品质。

    The formation of Lei Feng spirit inseparable from the special historical background , also has its specific historical and cultural foundation , and Lei Feng excellent quality .

  30. 于是,那个所谓的“雷锋精神”,就在现在这个时候,成为了一种形式主义的符号,虽然它已经不是过去的那个雷锋精神了。

    Therefore , the so-called Leifeng Spirit which is not what it used to be , at the right time and right place , becomes the symbol of pharisaism .