
léi yǔ
  • thunderstorm
雷雨 [léi yǔ]
  • [thunderstorm] 雷电交作而降雨

雷雨[léi yǔ]
  1. 她遇上了雷雨。

    She got caught in a thunderstorm .

  2. 大雷雨惊了牛群。

    The thunderstorm stampeded the cattle .

  3. 天气预报说会有雷雨。

    Thundery weather is forecast

  4. 侦察兵们在一个雷雨之夜出发去执行任务。

    The scouts started off on their mission on a stormy night .

  5. 我们出发不久就雷雨大作。

    We had no sooner set out than a thunder storm broke .

  6. 孩子听到雷雨声响,就在床上缩成了一团。

    The child huddles down in the bed , listening to the sound of the storm .

  7. 根据美国国家气象局的数据,地球上每年发生的闪电次数可达近2000万次,雷雨过程中闪电可行进10到12英里(16到19公里),瞬间让空气升温华氏5万度。

    The Earth is struck by lightning nearly 20 million times each year , and bolts of lightning can travel as much as 10 to 12 miles from a thunderstorm , instantly heating the air to 50000 degrees Fahrenheit6 , according to the National Weather Service .

  8. v.妨碍;阻止;使不可能大雷雨阻止我们去海滨。

    preclude The heavy thunderstorm precluded our going to the beach .

  9. 风指数WI用于华南地区雷雨大风预报比其它指数更有效。

    Wind Index is more available in forecasting thunderstorm wind gusts than other indexes in South China .

  10. 通过两个雷雨季节的观察,发现110kV双含线没有再发生雷击跳闸故障,表明了线路型避雷器能明显改善山区输电线路的防雷性能,降低输电线路的雷击跳闸率。

    The result indicates line-surge arrester can improve lightning - proof property evidently and reduce the lightning tripping outage .

  11. 雷雨大风发生在对流层中下层不稳定的环境中,上千冷、下暖湿,θse随着气压的减小而减小。

    Thunderstorm wind usually occurs at the unstable environment in the lower troposphere , where the upper air is dry and cold and the lower air is warm and humid , and θ se decreases with the decrease of air pressure .

  12. 虎门大桥辅航道桥为主跨270m的预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,位于珠江出海口,桥址处经常出现台风及雷雨大风。

    The Humen Bridge auxiliary channel bridge is a continuous rigid frame bridge with the main span of 270 m.

  13. 最后基于数学形态学的改进TITAN算法对风暴单体的识别、跟踪技术,通过分析京津冀地区冰雹云和雷雨云的雷达回波统计特征,研究了冰雹天气提前识别和预警方法。

    At last , a earlier identifying approach of hail cloud is studied through the statistical analysis of the radar echo characteristics of hail cloud using improved TITAN algorithm based on mathematical morphology .

  14. 2007年夏季咸阳机场雷雨预报技术

    Techniques for Forecasting Summer Thunderstorms at Xianyang International Airport in 2007

  15. 4点左右出现雷雨,房子遭到雷击。

    A big lightning storm came around4am and hit the house .

  16. 你真太傻,下这么大的雷雨你还往外走!

    You 're mad to go out in this thunder storm !

  17. 首都剧院下星期六上演《雷雨》。

    Thunderstorm is coming on at the capital theatre next saturday .

  18. 另外,就《雷雨》语言的研究情况进行了综述,同时指明本论文的研究角度和创新性。

    Meanwhile it reviews the studies on the language of Thunderstorm .

  19. 看起来一场雷雨即将来临了。

    It looks as if a thunder rain be come up .

  20. 汉英感叹词语用对比研究&以《雷雨》、《茶花女》双向翻译语料为中心

    A contrastive study of the use of Chinese and English interjections

  21. 弱雹暴与强雷雨的某些异同分析

    An analysis of the differences between strong THUNDER-STORMS and weak HAILSTORMS

  22. 《雷雨》中疑问句的语用目的分析

    The pragmatic analysis of the interrogative sentence with the communicative goal

  23. 爱尔兰的雷雨远较英格兰为少。

    Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in england .

  24. 试析《雷雨》第三幕环境描写

    Experimental Analysis of Environmental Description in Act 3 , Thunderstorm

  25. 雷雨中水象瀑布一样从屋顶泻下。

    The water cascaded off the roof in the thunderstorm .

  26. 这种形式的对流活动就是大雷雨形成的原因。

    This form of convectional activity is responsible for thunderstorms .

  27. 在雷雨时,关上电视机。

    Turn off the TV set in case of thunderstorm .

  28. 我不喜欢在下雷雨时独自一个人呆着。

    I don 't like being by myself during a thunder storm .

  29. 你要的那本书在《雷雨》的上面。

    The book you wanted is on top of Thunderstorm .

  30. 江西冰雹与雷雨大风气候变化特征的对比分析

    Comparison of Climatic Characteristics between Hailstorm and intense gust in Jiangxi province