
  • 网络Guo Degang;wutaocoo;Guoguo
  1. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  2. 郭德纲现象的意义与缺失

    The Significance and Loss of the GUO De - gang Phenomenon

  3. 相声演员郭德纲也在片中客串了一个片段。

    Crosstalk comedian Guo Degang makes a cameo appearance in the movie .

  4. 郭德纲及其传统相声的真与善

    GUO De-gang and the Truth and Goodness in His Traditional So Called Chinese Crosstalk

  5. 而该记者在采访过程中多次遭受郭德纲徒弟李鹤彪的殴打。

    The reporter was punched several times by one of Guo 's associates , Li Hebiao .

  6. 尽管事后李鹤彪致歉,但是北京电视台仍然抵制郭德纲,封杀他的相声节目。

    Li later apologized , but BTV still blacklisted Guo and refused to broadcast his cross-talk .

  7. 比起郭德纲的相声,他们更喜欢周立波的脱口秀。李强说道。

    They prefer the talk show of Zhou Libo to the cross talk of Guo Degang , Li says .

  8. 首先,本文以郭德纲诽谤案等相关案件为切入点,对案例中所反映的问题进行归纳。

    Firstly , the article will begin with Guo Degang libel and summarise the problems that exist in the cases .

  9. 当天开庭后不久,王立堂就拿出申请,撤销对郭德纲的诉讼。

    After same day holds court soon , Wang Litang puts out the application , abolishes to the Guo Degang lawsuit .

  10. 对于王立堂的撤诉申请,郭德纲的代理人听到后却有些吃惊。

    Withdraws a suit the application regarding Wang Litang , the Guo Degangagent hears to after actually somewhat to be startled .

  11. 而且郭德纲更倾向于通过否决原始预设的方式制造幽默效果,语料中这个比例达到了66.30%。

    And in 66.30 % of the data , Guo Degang is inclined to denying the original presupposition to create humor .

  12. 他的理想是成为像朱军一样的主持人或像郭德纲一样的相声演员。

    He is aspired to be a talk show host , like Zhu Jun , or a Chinese standup comedian , like Guo Degang .

  13. 新浪娱乐讯郭德纲于谦十周年专场演出今晚(14日)在京开场,现场座无虚席。

    Sina entertainment news Guo Degang ( 14th ) begins tonight in the modest tenth anniversary show in Beijing , the scene is full house .

  14. 此举被指是在影射因病去世的王晓东。尽管大约4小时后,郭德纲删除了这条颇具争议性的微博。但此事还是引起了他微博上5500多万粉丝们的热议。

    The comedian deleted the controversial post about four hours later , but not before it sparked much discussion among his more than 55 million followers .

  15. 澳大利亚国家博物馆馆长马修·特林卡表示,他在郭德纲对中国传统艺术的热爱,以及澳大利亚国家博物馆致力于推广澳大利亚传统艺术的热情中找到了共同点。

    NWA Director Mathew Trinca said he found common ground in Guo 's love of traditional Chinese art and his museum 's enthusiasm in promoting Australia 's traditional art .

  16. 中国传统相声的领军人物、家喻户晓的郭德纲在社交媒体网站新浪微博上拥有超过6800万名粉丝。

    Guo , a leading character in China 's traditional crosstalk comedy and a household name in China , enjoys more than 68 million followers on social media site Weibo .

  17. 近日,中国广播电视协会公开谴责著名相声演员郭德纲在北京电视台台长王晓东因病去世时,在微博上发布的不当言论。

    The Radio and Television Association of China has condemned a popular comedian after comments he made online about the death of a former head of television station Beijing TV .

  18. 声明中还称,社会大众有权抵制郭德纲的现场表演及电视节目,并呼吁百家电视台将发表这样过分言行的艺人列入黑名单。

    The statement said the public had every right to boycott Guo ` s live performances and popular TV show , and even suggested TV stations blacklist celebrities that make such comments .

  19. 北京大学新闻与传播学院教授程曼丽表示,尽管尊重逝者是“最基本的要求”,但同时她也指出,广电协会不能强迫郭德纲道歉。

    Cheng Manli , a media professor at Peking University , said respecting the dead " is a basic requirement " but explained that the association cannot compel Guo to provide an apology .

  20. 北京&夜幕降临,郭德纲带着墨镜,大摇大摆地走进剧院,几名衣着光鲜的男随从紧随其后,他被请到了后台一间高雅考究的私人餐厅。

    Guo Degang , wearing sunglasses at night , strutted into the club followed by an entourage of sharply dressed men and was shown to an elegant private dining room in the back .

  21. 根据该协议,郭德纲将推动澳大利亚国家博物馆在中国的节目,其中第一项是将于今年7月开始在中国巡回演出的大型树皮画展。

    Under the agreement , Guo will promote the NMA 's programs in China , the first of which will be a major exhibition of bark paintings on tour in China starting from July this year .

  22. 据相关媒体报道称,北京电视台于12月2日致信中国广播电视协会,谴责郭德纲的“打油诗事件”,并指责其为“社会道德带来不良影响”。

    According to media reports , the station wrote to the Radio and Television Association on Dec 2 to complain that Guo 's post was aimed at Wang and had " negative effects on social morality . "

  23. 据相关媒体报道称,北京电视台于12月2日致信中国广播电视协会,谴责郭德纲的打油诗事件,并指责其为社会道德带来不良影响。

    According to media reports , the station wrote to the Radio and Television Association on Dec 2 to complain that Guo ` s post was aimed at Wang and had " negative effects on social morality " .

  24. 今年3月,相声演员郭德纲身陷假广告风波,他代言的一种减肥茶被证明毫无功效。相声表演有两个演员参与,他们开很多玩笑,有许多有趣的对话。

    In March , crosstalk performer Guo Degang was involved in a scandal when a weight-loss tea he promoted was found to be ineffective . A cross talk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations .

  25. 郭德纲新浪微博的粉丝唐宇(音译)表示,尽管这次的“封杀门”事件改变了他对郭德纲的看法,但他“仍然会去观看郭德纲的相声表演。”

    Tang Yu , one of Guo 's followers on Sina Weibo , said his impression of the comedian had been affected by the latest row , but added , " I 'll still go on watching his cross-talk . "

  26. 郭德纲与北京电视台的恩怨可以追溯到2010年8月,当时北京电视台记者为查证郭德纲别墅是否非法侵占公共绿地一事,前往其位于北京大兴区的住所进行采访。

    The feud between the comedian and BTV dates back to August 2010 , when a BTV reporter visited Guo 's home in Beijing 's Daxing district to verify reports the comedian had illegally extended his property onto a public space .