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  • 网络Guo Jiaming;blog;KWOK KA MING;Gavin
  1. 也许是同样的留学经历,郭家铭身上的那种年轻、勇敢、清纯、忧郁和故事中的主人公特别相像,而他出色的演技也征服了制片方。

    Maybe the same experience studying the kind of young , upon GuoGuMing courage , pure , melancholy and the leading role , and his outstanding special alike the acting also conquered the producers .

  2. 郭家铭表示,这是他第一次和日本班底合作,而整部戏全程日本拍摄,戏中也有大量日语对白,这对他又是一次全新的挑战。

    GuoGuMing says , this is the first time he and Japan , and the entire cast cooperation play , play a whole Japan shooting and has a large Japanese dialogue , and it is a new challenge .