
  • 网络Thomas Kwok;Kwok Ping-kwong
  1. 郭炳江一直拒绝发表评论。

    Thomas Kwok has declined to comment .

  2. 郭炳江称:我们的员工没有受到这起事件或者市场谣言的影响。

    Our staff have not been affected by the matter or market rumours , said Thomas Kwok .

  3. 但有郭炳江没有考虑到的一件事是信心,或者说是信心的缺失。

    But one thing Mr Kwok failed to take into account is confidence , or the lack of it .

  4. 今年分别为59岁和60岁的郭炳联和郭炳江两人管理着一个年销售额80亿美元的房地产帝国。他们还是福音派基督徒,对自己的母亲极为孝顺。

    Aged 59 and 60 respectively , the men who oversee a property empire with US $ 8bn of sales a year are also evangelical Christians and extremely devoted to their mother .

  5. 郭氏三兄弟的十个子女中,只有两个在家族企业中工作。两人都只有20来岁,资历尚浅。如果郭炳江和郭炳联被起诉,人们认为这两人无力接管公司。

    Only two of the Kwok brothers ' 10 children work in the company and they are in their 20s and are regarded as too inexperienced to take over the company if Raymond and Thomas are charged .

  6. 郭炳湘表示,董事局还同意根据来自至少另外两位专家的独立医学意见,在3个月内再次举行投票,其中一位专家将由郭炳江和郭炳联指定。

    According to Walter , the board also agreed to vote again in three months ' time based on independent medical opinions from at least two other experts , one of whom was to be nominated by Thomas Kwok and Raymond Kwok .

  7. 该委员会负责制定重大商业决策。上周五,这些非郭氏家族高管中的两人被提拔担任新设立的联合副董事总经理,以协助郭炳江和郭炳联卸任。

    The group is in charge of making key business decisions and on Friday , two of those non-family executives were promoted to the newly created roles of joint deputy managing directors to assist Thomas Kwok and Raymond Kwok in discharging their duties .