
  • 网络nina wang;Nina;Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum
  1. 因此,他在1990年再度遭绑后,龚如心只支付了勒索赎金的一半&3400万美元。

    So when he was next kidnapped in1990 , Nina paid up only $ 34m , half the requested amount .

  2. 龚如心控告王廷歆,要求知晓帮助他完成旷日持久且花费甚巨的诉讼的资助人。

    Nina sued Wang Din-shin , demanding to know who financed his side of the lengthy and hugely costly litigation .

  3. 龚如心希望风水术能帮她找到丈夫王德辉(TeddyWang)的下落。王德辉1990年被绑架,此后便音讯全无。

    Wang hoped feng shui magic could help locate her husband , Teddy , who was kidnapped in 1990 and never heard from again .

  4. 《福布斯》(Forbes)最后一次对涉案遗产的估值为42亿美元;自龚如心2007年去世后,该杂志就没有再将这笔有争议的财产纳入其财富排行榜。

    At stake was an inheritance Forbes last estimated to be worth $ 4.2bn ; the magazine has not included the disputed fortune in its wealth lists since Wang died in 2007 .

  5. 在历时漫长且备受瞩目的庭审中,法庭驳回了风水师陈振聪(TonyChan)的遗产继承请求。陈自称是龚如心的地下情人,并称龚如心曾希望将财产留给他。

    In a long-running and high-profile case , the court rejected claims by Tony Chan , a feng shui master , who said he was Ms Wang 's secret lover and that she had wanted to leave her estate to him .

  6. 陈振聪今年50岁,比龚如心小20多岁。

    Mr Chan , 50 , was more than 20 years younger than Wang .

  7. 张健利表示,2006年龚如心病得已经很重,根本无法订立一份新遗嘱。

    Mr Chang said she was too ill in 2006 to sign a new will .

  8. 基金会对一份遗嘱的合法性提出质疑,该遗嘱指定风水师陈振聪为龚如心的遗产继承人。

    The foundation contests the legitimacy of a will naming the feng shui master as Ms Wang 's heir .

  9. 这份遗嘱原本只有两位证人,即龚如心本人和王德辉的管家,但后者在王德辉被宣布死亡后不久也故去。

    Only two witnesses existed for this will , Nina and the Wangs'butler , who died shortly after Teddy was declared dead .

  10. 晚上回家无意中看了一段亚洲女首富香港地产商龚如心的生平记述,一个很传奇的人物。

    I saw a TV record program of the Asia 's richest woman , Gong Ruxin 's life , a legendary figure .

  11. 陈振聪表示:我们在一起时,龚如心叫我老公,我每晚都在她那儿(家)过夜。

    Nina called me hubby when we were together and I stayed at her [ home ] nightly , Mr Chan said .

  12. 《福布斯》去年发布全球富豪榜,龚如心排名231,身家共23亿美元。

    Wang was named the231st-richest person in the world by Forbes magazine in2004 , with a net worth of US $ 2.3 billion .

  13. 有关龚如心的遗产问题,有专栏作家说,这位勤奋的亿万富婆从不把亡夫遗下的财富视为当然。说得更确切些,她使他遗下的财富增长。

    The hard-working billionaire never took for granted the wealth left behind by her husband & rather , she grew the fortune he left .

  14. 上月的一次香港庭审,将龚如心的全部财产判给了其家人运营的信托基金华懋基金。

    A Hong Kong court last month awarded the whole of Ms Wang 's fortune to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation , the family-run trust .

  15. 法庭于9年后宣布他在法律上死亡,龚如心与公公长时间的遗产争夺战由此展开。

    A court declared him legally dead nine years later , setting the stage for a long fight over the estate between Wang and her father-in-law .

  16. 龚如心在2007年死于癌症,其标志性的马尾辫、浓重的妆容和迷你裙为她赢得了“小甜甜”的昵称。

    Ms Wang , who died of cancer in 2007 , was known as " little sweetie " , thanks to her trademark pig-tails , heavy make-up and mini-skirts .

  17. 50岁的陈振聪在证人席上表示,龚如心把他作为自己的风水师介绍给周围的人,意在掩饰两人之间的频繁幽会。

    On the stand , the 50-year-old said he was presented as her feng shui master to those around Ms Wang to provide cover for their frequent romantic meetings .

  18. 陈振聪于本周出庭,称自己与龚如心的关系完全是真诚的。龚如心因其标志性的马尾辫和迷你裙赢得了小甜甜的昵称。

    Mr Chan , who took the stand this week , argues that his relationship with Ms Wang , nicknamed Little Sweetie for her trademark pigtails and miniskirts , was entirely genuine .

  19. 龚如心于2005年9月赢得了官司,继承了已故丈夫的华懋房地产帝国。龚如心对马尾辫和迷你裙的喜爱,为她赢得了小甜甜的昵称。

    Wang , whose penchant for pigtails and miniskirts earned her the nickname Little Sweetie , won that legal contest in September 2005 and inherited her late husband 's Chinachem property empire .

  20. 但他表示,目前还没有立即将集团上市的计划。自龚如心及其丈夫50年前创办该集团以来,它一直是一家私人持股公司。

    But he said there were no immediate plans to list Chinachem , which has remained privately held since it was founded by Ms Wang and her husband half a century ago .

  21. 在龚如心于2007年4月因癌症去世后,陈振聪声称,他手上有一份龚如心指定自己为唯一继承人的遗嘱。龚如心标志性的马尾辫与迷你裙为她赢得了小甜甜的昵称。

    After Ms Wang died of cancer in April 2007 , Mr Chan claimed that he had a will from Ms Wang – nicknamed Little Sweetie for her trademark pigtails and mini-skirts – that named him as sole heir .

  22. 华懋慈善基金辩称,陈振聪是在急需用钱的情况下接近龚如心的。他向龚如心提出,可以利用风水帮她找到丈夫,并改善她的健康状况此前她被诊断患上癌症。

    The Chinachem Charitable Foundation argues that Mr Chan needed money as he drew close to Ms Wang by offering to use feng shui to help her find her husband and improve her health after she was diagnosed with cancer .