
Led by Guo Guangchang , Fosun last month signed a joint venture deal with British travel company Thomas Cook , selling holidays to Fosun 's Chinese Club Med resorts and a number of Chinese hotels selected by Thomas Cook .
Mr Zhou 's disappearance followed close on the heels of that of Guo Guangchang , chairman of the conglomerate Fosun , one of China 's best known companies internationally because of its ownership of Club Med .
In December , Guo Guangchang , the entrepreneur and chairman of Chinese insurer Fosun , disappeared for a few days to assist authorities with unspecified investigations .
Guo Guangchang , chairman of Fosun Group , parent of Fosun Pharma , said recently that the group might invest in as many as 500 hospitals in China - although people close to the company say this was more an expression of enthusiasm than an exact number .
Mr Guo , chairman and co-founder of Fosun , China 's largest private conglomerate , was the most prominent private sector businessman so far to be caught up in Beijing 's anti-corruption investigation .
The ark Mr Guo has built had better be sturdy .
Mr Guo was subsequently released and allowed to travel overseas .
The list gets longer and longer , he said .
Mr Guo returned to work on December 14 and subsequently travelled to North America on business .
Fosun will be one of the Chinese pioneers in investing in Europe , Mr Guo said .
Sources close to the company said at the time he was not the target of the investigation .
Mr Guo went missing in December and was later reported by his company to be assisting authorities with an investigation .
Fosun said it was not the target of that investigation but did not publicly comment on Mr Guo 's involvement .
Fosun 's chairman , Guo Guangchang , one of China 's wealthiest men , has not reported for work recently .
Fosun , founded by Guo Guangchang , is China 's largest private company and also one of its most acquisitive .
Mr Guo said he hoped these steps , as well as possible joint ventures , would strengthen the group in the development of new drugs .
But Mr Guo , the modest chairman and co-founder of one of China 's most prominent companies , thought he had the secret antidote : right living .
Mr Yim 's disappearance coincided with that of Guo Guangchang , China 's self-styled Warren Buffett , who went missing for four days earlier this month while assisting Chinese judicial authorities with an unspecified investigation .
On the contrary , Fosun requested that the stock exchange suspend its shares on Friday , then much later issued only a brief comment saying the Mr Guo is assisting with " judicial enquiries . "
It was not clear why he was released after only four days - compared with five weeks for Mr Yim - but according to people familiar with the matter , mainland authorities were taken aback by the market backlash over Mr Guo 's disappearance .