
  • 网络Victor Koo
  1. 阿里巴巴表示,该计划已得到包括古永锵(VictorKoo)、成为基金(ChengweiCapital)及其关联方在内的优酷创始股东的支持。

    Alibaba said it had made the proposal with the support of the founding shareholders of Youku , including Victor Koo , Chengwei Capital and their affiliates .

  2. 不过,优酷网首席执行长古永锵(VictorKoo)说,中国视频网站的广告费只有电视广告价格的十分之一,更加划算。

    But Victor Koo , Youku . com 's CEO , says that advertising fees for Chinese video sites are a tenth of a TV ad 's price and more cost-effective .

  3. 视频门户优酷的首席执行官victorkoo(古永锵)称,平均每个用户每天在其网站上花一个小时。

    Victor Koo , chief executive of Youku , a video portal , says the average user spends an hour each day on his website .

  4. 优酷土豆首席执行官古永锵(VictorKoo)表示,这个名为合一影业(HeyiFilm)的新电影公司将每年制作八部大屏幕电影,还会制作九部首发于互联网的影片。

    Victor Koo , chairman and chief executive of the company , said the film division , Heyi Film , would produce eight films per year destined for the big screen and a further nine aimed to premiere on the internet .

  5. 古永锵:未来10年是娱乐行业的黄金时代

    Victor Koo : The next decade is the golden age of entertainment industry

  6. 古永锵表示,互联网公司的分化和融合有时是不可避免的。

    He said disputes and mergence among internet companies are inevitable for some time .

  7. 同时在阿里巴巴的提议下,优酷创始人古永锵将继续担任优酷土豆集团董事会主席和首席执行官,领导业务发展。

    Alibaba is proposing that Youku 's founder , Victor Koo , would continue to lead the business as chairman and chief executive officer .

  8. 古永锵:从阿里巴巴的角度看,随着中国向消费拉动的经济转变,整个视频及娱乐媒体行业显然是一个增长领域。

    Koo : From their perspective , clearly the whole area of video as well as entertainment media is a growth sector as China moves to a consumer-led economy .

  9. 古永锵:我们除了在网络原创内容方面很有优势之外,全球整合动作也比竞争对手们先行一步,而且在这方面拥有最广泛的视频库。

    Koo : Besides our strength in web-based original content , syndication is also an area where we started global syndication earlier than any of our competitors and have the broadest library here .

  10. 古永锵:在我们第一次真正考虑引入战略投资时,我们就与所有的潜在合作伙伴都进行了磋商,并表明优酷土豆是一家独立经营的公司,所以我们正在寻找战略投资以便使公司进入下一个阶段。

    Koo : When we first really considered a strategic investment , we talked to all potential partners and indicated Youku Tudou is an independently operated company so we were looking for strategic investments to take us to the next step .

  11. 古永锵:我最近一直在讲中国互联网的20年发展史。在我看来,这20年来有好几次重大拐点,2013年、2014年毫无疑问就是其中之一。

    Koo : I 've recently talked about the 20 years of the Chinese Internet -- in my view there are a couple of inflection points in these 20 years and 2013 and 2014 is definitely one of those inflection points .

  12. 而且阿里巴巴及其支持者持有优酷近60%的股份,批准合并已如探囊取物。支持者就包括优酷创始人古永锵,他将会收到条款未对外公布的补偿,以换取其留任董事长。

    And approval is more than likely a given , since almost 60 percent of the shares are held by Alibaba and its supporters , such as Victor Koo , a Youku founder , who will also receive an undisclosed package for staying on as chairman .

  13. 古永锵谈到了优酷土豆将如何使用这笔资金、中国互联网行业最近的一系列交易以及政府最近禁播四部美剧的问题。

    Koo spoke about how his company will make use of the funds , the rash of recent deals in China 's Internet sector , and the government 's recent crackdown on four American TV shows . The following is an edited excerpt of the interview .

  14. 阿里巴巴大文娱战略与投资委员会主席古永锵在第三届世界互联网大会记者招待会上对媒体表示,未来的十年是文娱产业的黄金时代,内容制作以及用户方面都会产生翻天覆地的革命性变化。

    Victor Koo , chairman of Alibaba Digital Media and Entertainment Strategy and Investment Committee , said to media at the sideline of the third WIC that the next decade is the golden age of entertainment industry , in which content and users will see revolutionary changes .

  15. 古永锵:优酷土豆拥有开放的合作策略,并且将继续贯彻下去。有鉴于此,许多屏幕制造商都是我们的合作对象,无论是智能电视还是机顶盒,因为我们在视频行业拥有领先的内容软件服务和庞大的用户基础。

    Koo : Youku Tudou has an open cooperation strategy and that will continue to be the case , so we work with a wide variety of screen manufacturers , whether it 's smart TVs or set-top boxes because we have the leading content software service and user base in terms of video .