
  1. 与古驰可转换双肩包一样,路易威登的MichaelNM双肩包(售价2030英镑/3600美元)也是非常畅销。

    Like the Gucci bag , Louis Vuitton 's Michael NM rucksack ( £ 2030 / $ 3600 ) drew a crowd .

  2. 汤姆·福特(TomFord)在2000年到2004年间同时掌管古驰和伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent);

    Tom Ford , who had both Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent from 2000-2004 ;

  3. 如今,时尚界正沿着自己开创的滑坡下滑。这始于2003年汤姆·福特(TomFord)离开古驰集团(GucciGroup)。他们关系的破裂源于对福特权限范围的不同意见。

    Fashion is now on a slippery slope of its own making that began with Tom Ford 's departure from Gucci Group in 2003 .

  4. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的钻石广告和古驰(Gucci)手表的照片赢得了首肯。

    Tiffany ad for diamonds and a photo of Gucci watches won approval .

  5. 今年的最有品味圣诞毛衣奖(TastefulChristmasJumper)得主是古驰(Gucci)的费尔岛杂色图纹高档毛衣(FairIslesweater)。

    The winner of the Tasteful Christmas Jumper award this year is Gucci 's sumptuous Fair Isle sweater .

  6. 2015年,他出任古驰(Gucci)创意总监后推出的首个作品就是一款带有巨大G字母相扣标识的皮带。

    His first look for the house on becoming creative director in January 2015 featured a belt fastened with giant interlocking Gs .

  7. 这个显示社会地位的标识由汤姆福特(TomFord)上世纪90年代担任古驰创意总监时首推,但它当时是土豪的标志。

    The logo was first made a status symbol under Tom Ford in the early 1990s . Back then , it was a symbol of raw materialism .

  8. 我决定先从最吸引眼球的背包————售价2430英镑的古驰(Gucci)黑色可转换双肩包入手。

    Beginning with the most attention-getting rucksack , Gucci 's black convertible number ( £ 2430 ) .

  9. 另外,意大利品牌古驰(Gucci)也推出了一款性感魅惑、鳞状结构,名为Jackie的水桶包。

    Italian brand Gucci also demonstrates the sexy allure of a scaly texture with its Jackie Bucket Bag .

  10. 在主要购物街上,古驰(Gucci)门店已被低成本时装公司XXIForever的店铺所取代。

    On the main street , a Gucci store has been replaced by low-cost fashion outlet XXI Forever .

  11. 亚历山德罗米歇尔(AlessandroMichele)对于重振古驰标识可谓居功至伟。

    Alessandro Michele has been instrumental in reviving the logo at Gucci .

  12. 消费者经历了贝恩咨询公司(BainCompany)所说的标识疲倦,因此古驰(Gucci)、普拉达(Prada)和路易威登等品牌的增长都放缓了。

    As consumers have experienced what Bain Company calls logo fatigue , growth for brands including Gucci , Prada and Vuitton has slowed .

  13. 其他的赢家包括蔻驰(Coach),爱马仕(Hermès)和古驰(Gucci),而迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)的市场份额下降了。

    Other winners include Coach , Herm è s and Gucci , while Dior and Armani lost share .

  14. 在中国,看到山寨货并不稀奇,从山寨苹果专卖店、假冒记者到高仿古驰(Gucci)包袋,不胜枚举。

    China has seen its share of counterfeits , from fake Apple stores to fake reporters to fake Gucci .

  15. 也就是说,它会打击那些试图将仿冒古驰(Gucci)手袋和假药运往他国的罪犯。

    So it also targeted people trying to move knockoff gucci handbags and fake pharmaceuticals from one country to another .

  16. SammiNg在脸书说上,“或许,古驰自己应该开一家仿真祭品店。”

    Sammi Ng said on Facebook : " Maybe Gucci should launch their own paper offering products . "

  17. 过去在eBay上,从古驰(Gucci)手包到汽车,几乎什么都能买到。但是由于面临来自亚马逊公司(Amazon)的激烈竞争,eBay的增长也陷入了停滞。

    Growth in eBay 's marketplace , where users sell everything from Gucci handbags to cars , had stalled amid intense competition from Amazon.com .

  18. 消费者经历了贝恩咨询公司(Bain&Company)所说的“标识疲倦”,因此古驰(Gucci)、普拉达(Prada)和路易威登等品牌的增长都放缓了。

    As consumers have experienced what Bain & Company calls " logo fatigue , " growth for brands including Gucci , Prada and Vuitton has slowed .

  19. 只需花9美元就能买到一块仿制的劳力士(Rolex)手表,而36美元即能购入一款假冒的古驰(Gucci)手袋。

    An imitation Rolex can be had for $ 9 . A fake Gucci bag goes for $ 36 .

  20. 乔治娜于2016年6月在马德里市中心的古驰店与C罗相遇,当时C罗在乔治娜工作的店里购买夏装。后来乔治娜在世界杯期间亮出了她价值61.5万英镑的钻戒,订婚传闻就此传开。

    Georgina , who met Cristiano in June 2016 at the Gucci store in central Madrid she worked at when he was shopping for summer clothes , sparked engagement rumours at the World Cup by showing off a stunning 615000 pounds diamond ring .

  21. 标有古驰(Gucci)商标的礼物不仅有助于顺利地打通关系,而且与装在信封里的现金相比,也显得颇具品味。

    A gift with a Gucci label builds guanxi , or relationships , and is considered more tasteful than an envelope of money .

  22. 米歇尔是狂热的陶瓷藏家,在他担任理查德•基诺里公司(RichardGinori)创意总监时,他就沉溺于此。理查德•基诺里是历史悠久的意大利瓷器品牌,正是古驰2013年出手相救,才使它免于破产。

    Michele is an avid ceramics collector , a passion he indulges as the creative director of Richard Ginori , the historic Italian porcelain brand that Gucci saved from bankruptcy in 2013 .

  23. 今年夏天,包括伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)和古驰在内的几家奢侈品牌对阿里巴巴提起诉讼,指责阿里巴巴在助长售假现象。

    This summer a group of luxury brands including Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci sued Alibaba , contending the company was enabling counterfeiters .

  24. 古驰(Gucci)重现辉煌,手工打造功不可没,而米歇尔的一头蓬发与兼容并蓄的理念,使他俨然成了现代版的威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)。

    Hand processes have been at the heart of his Gucci renaissance , and his wild hair and eclectic vision lend him the air of a modern-day William Morris .

  25. 香奈儿(Chanel)、古驰(Gucci)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)等品牌都曾将产品植入韩国电视剧,以提升其对于中国年轻消费者的吸引力。

    The likes of Chanel , Gucci and Louis Vuitton have used product placements on Korean TV dramas to broaden their appeal to young Chinese consumers .

  26. 上世纪70年代的流行风格再度成为时尚宠儿,圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)与古驰(Gucci)是这股复古之风的引领者。

    The 1970s is achingly cool once again . In the world of fashion , Saint Laurent and Gucci are riding the crest of the 70s-inspired look .

  27. 该组织迄今为止的最大爆点莫过于“古驰古驰”的演唱者、说唱歌手克蕾肖恩的半裸照。这些照片是从克蕾肖恩的手机上盗取的,在她参加MTV颁奖礼时被上传到她的Twitter账户上。

    Its biggest exposure to date is toplessphotos of Gucci Gucci rapper Kreayshawn , stolen from her phone and posted on her Twitter account as she attended the MTV awards .

  28. 一名顾客在萨克斯百货佛罗里达店购买了一只价值1850美元的古驰(Gucci)手袋送给住在华盛顿州的女儿。

    A customer at a Saks Fifth Avenue store in Florida had bought a $ 1,850 Gucci bag to be shipped to her daughter in Washington state .

  29. 古驰(Gucci)得到的评价数量最多,但评价基调最低,只有67%是正面的。

    While Gucci had the largest number of comments , it also had the lowest tone -- only 67 % were positive , according to Zeta Interactive .

  30. Net-a-Porter网店上架的1000件此类古驰T恤在短短10周内就售罄(面向全球客户)。

    Net-a-Porter ordered 1000 T-shirts and it sold out globally in just 10 weeks .