
  • 网络Esquel;Esquel Group
  1. 案例正文部分描述了服装制造行业所处市场的竞争环境、介绍了溢达集团及其质量管理体系、生产运作流程和管理信息系统。

    Case section describes the competition conditions of garment manufacturing industry , and introduces Esquel Group and its quality management system , production process , and management information system .

  2. 我们得到杨敏德女士和溢达集团的赞助。溢达集团是领先的纺织及衣物制造商,总部设在香港,在佛山有大型投资。

    We were sponsored by Margie Yang and The Esquel Group , a leading garment and textile manufacturer that is headquartered in Hong Kong and has a large presence in Foshan .

  3. 潘楚颖的青春期是在溢达集团工厂和HarveyNichols百货公司门店中度过。

    Hers was a youth in Esquel factories and Harvey Nichols stores .

  4. 结合溢达集团所面临的问题介绍了供应链管理的基本原理;

    Introduces the basic principle of Supply Chain Management ;

  5. 与裕元工业一样,溢达集团也必须应对一系列不断上涨的成本。

    Like Yue Yuen , Esquel must contend with a range of rising costs .

  6. 这些投资令溢达集团在珠江三角洲的根基更为稳固,这里有丰富的纺织工人劳动力可供该公司使用。

    These investments have rooted Esquel ever deeper in the Pearl River Delta , where it can draw on the region 's pool of textile workers .

  7. 不过,如今这对母女最注重的是可持续性,并即将扩展到溢达集团之外。他们称,可持续性可追溯到杨敏德从事实业的祖父。

    Now , though , this mother-daughter focus on sustainability - which they say dates back to Yang 's industrialist grandfather - is about to ramp up beyond Esquel .

  8. 她20多岁时尝试了很多事情,拍过短片,开过快闪店,后来才回到溢达集团,着手振兴其母创建的衬衫品牌。

    She spent her 20s doing everything from making a short film to opening a pop-up store before returning to Esquel to revitalize the shirt brand her mother founded .