
yì hónɡ dào
  • spillway
溢洪道 [yì hóng dào]
  • [spillway;flood diversion channel] 水坝一侧的泻水道。水库里的水位过高时,水从这里流出

  1. MARC软件在溢洪道预应力闸墩结构分析中的运用

    Application of MARC Software in Structure Analysis of Spillway Pre-stressed Gate Piers

  2. 台阶式溢洪道是结合RCC技术提出的一种具有高消能率的溢洪道新形式。

    Stepped spillway is one of the new kinds of the spillways with high rate of energy loss , which is based on RCC technique .

  3. 介绍了SPC聚合物水泥砂浆和PT胶泥在岳城水库溢洪道面板混凝土修补处理中应用情况。

    This paper introduces the utilization of SPC polymer modifying mortar and PT colloid paste for the repair of the spillway concrete pavement of Yuecheng Reservoir .

  4. 拦河大坝为粘土心墙堆石坝,最大坝高40m,其泄水建筑物由泄洪洞和溢洪道组成。

    The clay core rockfill dam is 40m high with its release works consisting of a spillway and a release outlet .

  5. 前置掺气坎式阶梯溢洪道掺气水深及消能率的计算CNG混空气掺混弛放气作为调峰气源的应用

    Calculation of aerated water depth and energy dissipation rate of a pre-aerator stepped spillway The application of CNG-air mixture adding purge gas used as gas source for peak load adjustment

  6. 溢洪道平均宽42m,戽流消能,消力戽后接20m长的护坦;

    The spillway is 42m in width in average with bucket to dissipate energy . Behind the bucket is a 20m long apron .

  7. 用BASIC语言编程的坝系规划设计通用软件已被研制。它能用于坝高小于50m的淤地坝和小型水库的坝体、放水设施和溢洪道设计。

    The universal software for a dam system planning and designing is programmed with BASIC language , it can be used to design a dam body , drainage works and spillway for silt arrester of less than 50m high and small reservoir .

  8. 溢洪道工程设计开挖量为277.9万m3,坝料可利用量为213.5万m3,溢洪道开挖料是供应大坝填筑料的主要料源。

    The excavation quantity for spillway is 2.799 million cubic meters , of which 2.135 million cubic meters can be used for dam placement . The dam construction material mainly comes from the spillway excavation .

  9. 2.2、建立了溢洪道边坡的地质概念模型,利用FLAC有限差分方法进行二维分析,得出天然状态坡体应力场。

    Established the geological conceptual model of the spillway slope , FLAC finite difference method was used two-dimensional analysis of the natural state of the slope obtained stress field . 3 .

  10. 大坝总填筑方量约248万m3,旁侧式溢洪道,开挖石方近60万m3,大部分可用于上坝;

    The total filling volume of the dam is about 2.48 million m 3 . Its side spillway has about 600 thousand m 3 of excavated rock volume that can be used as the filling material of the dam .

  11. 溢洪道天然边坡FLAC三维模型分析结果表明:溢洪道边坡整体是稳定的;但在古风化壳、断层带分布的溢洪道开挖边坡中部和开挖平台部位为应变增量高值带,存在局部失稳。

    The result of FLAC Three-dimensional model of spillway slope indicated : the whole spillway slope is stable , but there are high value of shear strain increment at the area which is distributed the paleo-weathering crust and the faultage of spillway slope .

  12. 用石灰土或水泥土修筑淤地坝溢洪道的试验研究

    Experiments on Soil-lime and Soil-cement Lining of Spillway of Check Dam

  13. 溢洪道下游河段平面二维冲刷的计算方法

    Discussion of Plane Two-dimensional Scouring Calculation at Lower Reaches of Spillway

  14. 锦江水库溢洪道消能工的设计特点

    Design features for the energy dissipator of spillway of Jinjiang Reservoir

  15. 横锦水库除险加固工程溢洪道优化布置研究

    Research on spillway optimization layout for improvement engineering of Hengjin Reservoir

  16. 马河水库溢洪道干喷纤维混凝土加固工程研究

    Strengthening of spillway for Mahe Reservoir with dry-sprayed polypropylene fiber concrete

  17. 水电站溢洪道排水孔析出物分析

    Separation Material Analyzing of Spillway Drainage Hole in Hydroelectric Power Station

  18. 碾压混凝土坝采用台阶式溢洪道消能初探

    A Preliminary Study on Stepped Spillway on RCC Dam for Dissipation

  19. 从而验证了柔性溢洪道的可行性。

    The calculation results verified the feasibility of the flexible spillway .

  20. 用微型计算机设计淤地坝的溢洪道

    Design of spillways for sand - trap dams by using microcomputers

  21. 台阶式溢洪道各流况的消能特性

    The characters of energy dissipation under different flows on stepped spillways

  22. 河岸式溢洪道体型布置分析与优化研究

    Analysis of Pattern Layout and Research of Optimization for Chute Spillway

  23. 缓坡度陡槽溢洪道阶梯消能研究与应用

    Research and application of stepped energy dissipater spillway with gentle slope

  24. 小型水库溢洪道混合堰的计算与应用

    Calculation and Application of the Mixed Weir of Small Reservoir Spillway

  25. 落实大坝安全策略防范溢洪道风险

    Title : Implementing dam safety strategies to reduce spillway risk factors

  26. 天生桥一级水电站大坝和溢洪道工程合同管理

    Contract Management for the Dam and Spillway of TSQ-1 Hydropower Project

  27. 某溢洪道闸墩爆破拆除工程施工方案

    Construction Scheme of Blast Engineering of a Flood Spillway Gate Urge

  28. 燕山水库溢洪道尾水渠膨胀土试验研究

    Experimental Study on Expansive Soil of Spillway Tailrace in Yanshan Reservoir

  29. 台阶式溢洪道的消能及其应用价值的探讨

    Research on Energy Dissipation and Applying Value of Stepped Spillway

  30. 预应力管桩在溢洪道闸室基础处理中的应用

    Application of Prestressed Piles in Foundation Treatment of Spillway Gate-Bay